The Mission of SDTTA is to foster a community of table tennis enthusiasts; a place where players of all levels can discover their passion for the sport, develop their skills and health, and compete regularly in a friendly atmosphere.
We start collecting membership fees on Thursday Jan 2nd 2025. You can renew your membership on line or pay in person before you are allowed to play in the tournament. We are going to give away a free pack of Nittaku balls (worth $9), if you renew your membership in January. SDTTA
Vietnamese national team will be at our club on December 14th From 10-12AM for an exhibition/friendly match with our select players. We encourage you to come and enjoy table tennis at a high level.
On December 15th we will have a member appreciation tournament. This tournment is for members in good standing only. The tournament registration opens up on Friday the 13th and closes on Sunday. We will have a maximum of 42 players. Groups will be 6 instaead of 4 for a total of 7 groups. Due to holidays we will strart at 36 players. 1st prize is $100, 2nd prize is $80 and 3rd prize $60 for each group. Thanks for membership and good luck.
Club will be closed on Dec. 6th Friday and 7th Saturday for December lights at Balboa park. December 24th to Jan 2nd club will be closed for floor resurfacing. The first 150 people that renew their 2025 mebership in January will receive one pack of Nittaku 3 star balls. Please pay on line and get your cards at the club.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our club election. The results are in! Congratulations to Javid, Ruben, George, and Patty, your newly elected board members.