Meeting Minutes: 09-21-2021
Meeting called to order by Chairperson at 6:10 p.m.
Members present: Steve McGrew, Phil Van De Wiele Dennis Seisun, Ruben Guilloty. and Jean Shi. Perry Schwartzberg and Jeff Ruiz join later.
New News:
Steve informs the board that the ‘kitchen’ where the meeting comfortably takes place monthly has been reserved for rest of 2021 at no charge to the club.
Concerning elections, there will be three positions open for new candidates.
Dennis will make certain to issue an announcement on the website to alert members.
Jaxon Farris will create the ballots with input from board member Jeff Ruiz.
The Thursday Night Tournament will resume on September 30, 2021 with much thanks for Jaxon Farris for his continued support. Anyone interested in assisting Jaxon on Thursday nights should get in touch with him to contribute.
The large annual tournament is discussed and Memorial Day in May seems to be a good date for it.
Jeff Ruiz as director of the Team League is requested by Dennis Suisen the treasurer to make sure to itemize expenses and provide receipts. Jeff mentions that he has these and will be glad to submit them to Dennis.
Jeff also says that he is ready to go with the team league and suggests that it will get started in mid October. Jeff also would like to have a page on the club website to post league results and news. All think that this is a very good idea and approve.
Sponsorship for league of $2500 is decided upon and a vote of 7-0 approves it.
Steve suggests that we inquire with the park about having our bi-annual picnic and what if any new measures would be required. It may be necessary to get a food truck in the future due to covid or other park limitations. All agree that this might be a good solution if needed.
Phil has revised the by-laws as had previously been discussed and approved by the board and will distribute them when they are available.
In order to stay on the good side of the park & recreation staff, all members will be required to wear a mask when not playing. This is a city rule and must be adhered to. Our club could lose days/hours and there could be other potential ramifications if we do not follow these simple rules.
Meeting closes at 7:20.