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Meeting Minutes: 10-18-2021

October 19th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

Meeting called to order by Chairperson at 6:36 p.m.

All current board members present along with Behnam Kazemi for initial 15 minutes.

New News:

Steve begins the meeting with the need to try to get the next election in gear and the need to find as many potential candidates as possible. Suresh Kanekar who has been indispensable in running the elections for many terms has volunteered to assist in this election but no longer wants to be the point man. Both Dennis Seisun and Phil Van De Wiele, who will not be running, volunteer to coordinate the election. Phil mentions that he will contact prospective candidates to confirm their intention to run. Dennis will e-mail members to alert them of the election.

The board votes to extend the terms of Jeff Ruiz, Jean Shi, and Ruben Guilloty for another year due to the covid stoppage. Perry Schwartzberg will take over for Phil Van De Wiele in the final year of his term. All four will be up for election next year.

As of now, coaching availability is still on hold due to difficulties with the city administration. Perry volunteers to try to deal with the difficulties in getting the coaches the proper credentials to do so.

The big annual tournament is brought up as a point of concern and the initial ideas of sponsorship are mentioned. Much needs to be done to get ready for it including deciding who will run it and when and if the city is still allowing us the facility. Work is facilitated.

It is mentioned that the club should run more tournaments. This is an ongoing discussion and perhaps in the coming year an extra tournament can be organized to benefit the members.

The league has already started but needs more exposure as many on the board are unaware of it’s resumption and wondering why there is not a bigger push to advertise it. It has started but players can join until the end of October according to Jeff.

Dennis give the monthly financial report.

Meeting closes at 7:20.

After the meeting, business occurs when Jeff Ruiz mentions that our top junior player, 15 year old Keenan Zhou, would like to attend the North American Team Championships in Baltimore on Thanksgiving weekend but does not have the funds to do so. As the board has done similarly in previous years, the board extends a $500 maximum payment for airfare for Keenan to attend. This is passed 6-0-1. Perry abstains as one of his coaches.

Meeting closes for a second time at 7:30

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