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Meeting Minutes: 10-19-2010

October 19th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting, 2010 October 19, 2010

7:05 PM Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order by Mark at 7:07 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present: Bill Chang, James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Shelley Hardy, and Scott Robert The approval of August 17, 2010 minutes was made by James and seconded by Scott. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s Report that has reconciled us through September 30, 2010. Action Items: 1. Club Shirt Report and Discussion and selection of Logo presented by Scott Roberts. Scott brought in an original past club t-shirt with a logo that included the skyline of San Diego with a table tennis net and paddle. All of the board members liked the design. Scott proposed that the club could buy this quality t-shirt with different colors and the graphics company would give us a good price of $9.80/shirt for 24-47 shirts, 48-71 for $7.30. The sizes went from small to 3XL. Fifty shirts would cost us around $365. A youth shirt needs a new screen sitting at a fee of $35. Many felt that the small would fit most of our smallest players. Some the board members felt that it was a good idea but we needed to wait until the San Diego Power Pong Event was over and that we had sold our present order of club shirts. 2. The Butterfly shirts have been ordered by Bill Cooper. Bill is recovering from gall bladder surgery and was not able to attend meeting. Mark will call Bill to see when they will arrive. The board as a whole wants to meet as a whole group to decide the name and logo. The decision to buy the logo t-shirts will be made at this meeting. 3. Report on San Diego Power Pong tournament. Mark will e-mail Attila. 4. Discuss rising city fees for BPAC rental space was tabled until more information comes from the Recreation Council. 5. Procedure for next year’s Board Member positions election. The deadline for submitting candidates is November 30. Daryl will post the election positions. The election date is December 14th. The election committee: Suresh, John Tentor, Steve Carr, Mischa (Brana’s father). Borko will talk with these people serving on the Committee. 6. Sign & stand for posting fees at the club was tabled for now. 7. Posting the sign “Please Do Not Sit/or Put Weight on Table Tennis Tables at the club was approved and Shelley stated that she would take care of this. 8. Executive Director’s report. We have Jerry Harris who is on the BPAC committee to represent us. 9. Webmaster’s report. No special topic brought up at this meeting. 10. Equipment Report. The club has 22 tables present for the SD Power Pong tournament. We need two more. There are two new tables that need to be put together. There are two tables loaned out to a Senior Center that we can bring back for this tournament. Arrangements for transporting the tables. Because of Christmas being so close to our Board Meeting date, we as a Board voted to have our next meeting on December 14th. The next meeting of the SDTTA Board will be November 16, 2010. James made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Borko. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary
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