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Meeting Minutes: 07-20-2010

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting, 2010

July 20, 2010

7:03 PM

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to order by Mark. SDTTA Board Members Present: Bill Cooper, Bill Chang, James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Shelley Hardy, and Scott Roberts The approval of May 18, 2010 minutes was made by Bill Cooper and seconded by Borko Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s Report that has reconciled us through June 30, 2010. Bill Chang brought up a recommendation to close our open Union Bank account because he felt that it was no longer necessary and more work for the Treasurer.  A motion was made to close the account by Shelley Hardy and seconded by James Cooper.  The motion was approved by all board members. Action Items:
  1. August 7 – 8 San Diego Closed Tournament report.  Phil Van De Weil passed out to board members copies of how, when, where and what was needed for the tournament to take place.  It was recommended that we ask the junior players to help monitor the entrance to the tournament due to no food or drink be allowed in the tournament area.  Set up for the tournament will be the night before which has been reserved.  Volunteer board members to help set up are:  Mark, Shelley, Scott, James, Robert, Bill Cooper, and Bill Chang.  Volunteer board members to help clean up are:  Mark, Shelley and James.
  2. Membership Renewal Report.  James stated that it was easier to get the membership fee of $50 which includes people who come for the summer and short timers.
    A suggestion was made to post a sign in front so that new people can read the sign stating our daily fee or membership fee.  A portable sign was a possible solution and we asked Phil to ask John Trentor if he could put one together for us.
  1. League result report.  The board discussed that the league play event was not a good event.  The problems were that people who signed up did not play or quit.  The board is not sure that people want to have this event in the future.
  2. Club Shirt Report.  Mark began discussing that the interest in a SDTTA club shirt is to be pursued.  Mark will talk with Stellan and other people with Scott to bring ideas to the club about a club shirt.  James knows some people who might be able to help the club with shirts at a good price.  A club shirt committee was suggested and Mark, Scot and Daryl are to present ideas to the SDTTA Board.
  3. Pee Wee coaching.  The idea of charging a low monthly fee to coaching the Pee Wee participant was put forth by Angie.  Angie also stated that the juniors’ group under Stellan and Angie will help coach the pee wees.  Further discussion was tabled until Angie can come.
Equipment report by Bill Cooper:  One table was assembled out of four.  Discussion was brought up to assemble another one on Thursday.  There are new nets available to replace damaged ones. Executive Director’s Report:  Same as the Membership renewal notes. Web masters’ Report: Daryl stated that the Senior Olympics information is on our SDTTA website.  The recent tournaments where our SDTTA members won will be posted as soon as we get pictures.  Scott Roberts recommended the one click side area be set up on the SDTTA website for easier use. Next meeting is August 27, 2010. Bill Cooper made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by James. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary
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