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Meeting Minutes: 02-13-2018

February 13th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

February 13, 2018

Meeting called to order by Chairperson at 7 p.m.

Members present: Behnam Kazemi, Steve McGrew, Perry Schwartzberg Bob Koch, Jaxon Faris, Phil Van De Wiele, and Dennis Seisun

Kelly Byrne, San Diego Senior Games Commissioner present.

Motion made to approve last month’s minutes, motion carried.

Kelly Byrne informs the board about the San Diego Senior Games and the need for Volleyball to utilize the entire facility on the day that table tennis competes.

Issues include a cost for the facility if table tennis is moved to another day and who would and should pay for such costs. All agree that this should be the volleyball group since they are asking for the change. The best date found is September 15 but needs to be confirmed by checking the Balboa Park schedule.

The board thanks her for her work and that we will get back to her on the dates. She will contact volleyball to tell them that they must pay any excess costs for the table tennis tournament.

Kelly Byrne exits the meeting.

Old Business:

Bob: Need to check minutes before approval. Inquires if corrections are made prior to approval. Perry says that he will check on it.

Steve: Talks about tables. There are 27 made and in the storage room at Balboa Park, 5 still unmade and in our storage unit. We need 31 tables for the tournament in May to run properly. Steve suggests that at this point, we do not sell any more tables. All members agree.

Behnam: Inquires if the tables are still in storage.

Bob: Suggests that we get them out as the storage contract ends at the end of March.

Steve: Inquires if we have room for 5 more tables in our storage at Balboa.

Perry: Suggest we get rid of the desk to make more room

General agreement that we need to see how many tables we can comfortably get into the room.

Steve: We may be needing short barriers. A count needs to be made to make certain we have enough for the tournament.
Phil: Shows a diagram of the tournament layout for May showing tables and barriers needed.
Further study needs to be done to confirm that we have substantial barriers for the tournament.

Steve: Mentions the new ball machine and that we need a committee for set up and set down and also to show members how to use it.
Perry: More balls are needed for the machine
Vote on getting more balls for the machine unanimous 7-0.

Steve: Talks about the BPAC meeting that he and Phil attended. “Not much to say”
Steve and Phil will show up regularly so that they get a voice to vote on matters.
It appears that after June, it will be more difficult to get things done as dealing with the City of San Diego will be more difficult than our previous contact, the Balboa Park Athletic Council.

Steve: Talks about lighting, and wish that we could improve dark areas including the front row and corners.
Phil: Mentions that we need a certain brightness in order to hold a 4 star tourney.

Steve: We sold 2 tables, those will be the last that we are currently going to sell.

Steve: We may need trophies for the tournament and don’t want cheap little trophies.
Bob: Have books with trophy options and will look into it.
Steve: Kids should get trophies at our tournament.
Board consensus agrees.
Dennis: $350 should go to trophies for 8 events, 1st and 2nd places.
Agreed by all.

Steve: Subsidized coaching thoughts?
Dennis: Good idea. Many people liked it, club money spent well for the members.
Phil: Great idea.
Board: Two coaches, six weeks, same thing as last time. Perry and Pisa coaches.

Steve: Half price entry costs to our big tournament for kids? Baja kids and other kids?
Do we need to change the entry fees for kids? Need to ask Attila how this affects him.

Phil: Second Sunday tournament went well.
Jaxon: Really enjoyed playing.
Phil Second Sunday scrubbed in March due to closure at Balboa.
Steve: Let’s continue it. Next events: u-700, u-1100, u-1550, and Open.
Phil: Let’s give a Balboa rating bonus for winners and runner-ups.
Also, we should go ahead and get a larger number of trophies to cut the costs, maybe 50 trophies.
Board agrees.

Steve: Is Bob continuing streaming video at the Thursday night tournament?
Bob: Since the level has gone down on the first table, I have not done it lately.
Dennis: Let Bob decide when to do it.
Steve: Maybe give prizes to boost the top table? Maybe equipment?
Jaxon: Participation is going down somewhat, and the top level is low currently.
Dennis: Does a stronger player bring in more top players?
Jaxon: Yes
Board agrees to discuss further means to build participation and level on Thursday tournament.

Behnam: The Laguna Hills club wants to do an inner-club event for competition. Can we get a bus? Players eligible are to be over 55 years old and up to 1900 level.
Board agrees that this is a great event and Benham agrees to organize it.

Behnam: Let’s subsidize shirts for the club.
Board wants nice shirts but Steve suggests that they are not easily found at a decent price.
More work will be done to locate something that will work for all.

Dennis: Let’s have our meeting in March at Simon Lee’s restaurant in Mira Mesa.
Board agrees.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.

Submitted by:
Perry Schwartzberg

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