Attendees; Danny, Thu, Behnam, Javid, Amir* Dennis (Ruben not present) and Matt one of our club members.
1-Donations’s funds received from Patty Wasserman,& Simon Lee and Yuman Young and Appreciation Letters mailed from SDTTA board by Thu!
2-Mini Olympic League VOL 2 is back and scheduled on August 20-21. Tournament director Javid!
Yes-5 No-0
3-BORKO CUP Team Tournament October 15th & 16th.
Our yearly tournament this time called “BORKO CUP” scheduled on October 15-16 and will be posted on Omni-Pong to register online! Tournament director Javid!
Yes-5 No-0
4-Member Relation Director position selection*
Amir Hamdy was selected .
Yes-5 No-0
5-Purchasing new Barriers, Scoreboards,
25 Barriers and 15 Scoreboards purchased for upcoming tournaments and replacement with the old damaged one to keep our club professional look and beautiful for our visitors!
Special thanks to Thu for spending lots of time and effort for finding a good deal and being a excellent shopper!
6- Thu mentioned the lighting upgrade for our club, Behnam said there is a schedule for technicians to come for inspection, most likely this week.
7-We need to get more active on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to promote our club to get more members! Proposed by Javid
Board going to ask Daryl for help and advise.
8-Financial Reports/
Renewal Policy Transmittal Client Code: SANDIE10 Named Insured: San Diego Table Tennis Association Coverage: Directors & Officers Liab Payee Company: United States 06/14/2022 to 06/14/2023 9-Member master list-FY22
10-Fire Department Group Tournament on Tuesday June 21st 3:30pm – 8:30pm.
Danny & Amir together running it.
Yes-5 No-0
11-Weekend RR tournament on Sundays
Good results turnout and It is getting stronger each week. A lot of players would like to continue Sunday tournaments. Proposed by Behnam.
Yes-5 No-0
12-Background Check & SafeSport for all Coaches and Tournament Directors!
Javid and Behnam already passed and received the certificate! Amir and Salam are required to pass Background Check & SafeSport as well!
Yes-5 No-0
13-2 Hours a week Volunteering coaching proposed by Behnam,
We give privileges to be a Coach for our club and exercise their coaching with our members.
In return they need to spend at least 2 hours a week Volunteering Coaching for Our members!
Yes-3 No-2
14-Did you know?
Originally Proposed by June in past,
Javid going to post it every month to appreciate and respect June for the great things he did while he was Chairman of the board! Proposed by Javid!
Yes-5 No-0
Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors