SDTTA Thursday RR – 01/29/2015

February 2nd, 2015

Thursday Night RR Videos

January 29th, 2015
SDTTA member, Bob Koch, has started recording the top table of the SDTTA Thursday Night Round Robin! Here are the latest ones: Thursday RR – 01/22/2015: Click here to watch Thursday RR – 01/15/2015: Click here to watch Thursday RR – 01/08/2015: Part 1Part 2 More to come!

USATT Para Athlete of the Month – Daryl Sterling Jr.

January 19th, 2015
2014 December AOMDaryl Sterling, Jr. (San Diego, California), finished No. 1 in his singles group at the Copa Costa Rica 2014 Championships in San Jose, Costa Rica after upsetting No. 10 world-ranked Thorsten Schwinn of Germany, 3-1 (8,-9,6). Sterling reached the quarterfinals of the tournament before falling to Canada’s Masoud Mojtahed.

Baja Team Challenge – Dec. 26th and 27th

December 23rd, 2014
The Baja team is going to be in San Diego Friday night (the 26th) to offer a free training session to players who are interested and on Saturday, the 27th for a friendly match with San Diego players. If you are interested please contact me @ (619) 889-4922. Space is limited.  Behnam 

SDTTA Election Results

December 23rd, 2014
Congratulations to our three newly elected Board of Directors:  James Kahn, Jenny Hoang, and Dennis Seisun. They will join our current Board of Directors:  John Anderson, Behnam Kazemi, and Borko Dragojlovic.  We look forward to our sport growing and prospering with the leadership and talents of our club’s elected Board of Directors. I want to thank all the candidates especially those not elected this time for their enthusiasm and willingness to give back to the club.  I encourage you to stay involved and participate in making our club the best it can be.   Respectfully, Philip Van De Wiele Nominating Committee

Meeting Minutes: 12-09-2014

December 9th, 2014

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

December 9th, 2014

Balboa Park Activity Center

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order 7:00pm by James. SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, Behnam Kazemi, John Anderson, Mark Adelman, James Kahn and Borko Dragojlovic. SDTTA Board Member(s) absent: Simon Lee. SDTTA Member(s) Present: None. Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. The motion was made to approve the SDTTA Board Member minutes for November 2014 by Mark and seconded by James. The Board carried the motion. Treasurer’s Report:  John Anderson passed out the Treasurer’s Report which has been reconciled through November 2014. The Club has a net income for the year of $5,530.11. Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling: No report. Membership Report: Our current paid membership count is. Equipment Report: Our current table count is 26 (1 broken) and 8 tables offsite with 36 nets. Action Items:
  1. John ordered 500 2015 membership stickers(red). Borko also made 400 membership cards.
  2. John brought up the possibility of accepting donations before December 31st, so that way the donors could write it off on the current tax year. We’ll look into more to see if this is feasible and legal.
  3. D.J. Alto unable to have the Juniors program meet on Fridays due to work obligations. He’ll talk with the parents to come up with another day that will work for everyone. We also need to get an invoice from D.J. for services rendered so far. Bob will try to get in touch with him and have him submit an invoice to the Club.
  4. Tabled the discussion of the 2015 Neal Smythe Tournament until the next Board meeting.
  5. Discussed the possibility of absentee ballots for the upcoming Board election to be held on the 18th, 19th, 20th and 22nd of December. The Board will talk to Phil about having absentee ballots.
  6. Behnam has scheduled the Baja team to come to the Club on December 27th..
  7. We would like to have a “Board Appreciation” dinner in the near future. No date has been set as of this time.
  8. Borko and Bob took inventory on the Club’s shirts and here is the breakdown….. Stiga: 11 xs/s and 7 large. Joola: 9 x-small, 9 medium, 13 large and 8 x-large.
The motion to adjourn was made by Mark and seconded by James at 7:51pm.   The next meeting is January 13th at 7:00pm.   Respectfully Submitted,   Bob Koch, SDTTA Secretary

Remembrance for Jock Oubichon

November 19th, 2014
Copy of Vegas 010The SDTTA has been gracious enough to host a gathering of all of Jock friends from different parts of his life. Where: The Balboa Park Activity Center (hosted by the SDTTA) When: Nov 22nd 2014, from 12pm – 1pm Remembrance Contacts Thomas Hill – Priscilla Umel – Special thanks from me and Jock’s family to Thomas Hill and Priscilla Umel for putting the effort in to organize this event. I know personally that Jock held them in high regard and considered them very good friends. I am sure they will have a nice setting.