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Meeting Minutes: 8-21-2012

August 21st, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

San Diego Table Tennis Association            

Board Meeting

August 21, 2012

Balboa Park Activity Center

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order 7:24 pm by Ron.

SDTTA Board Members Present:  Ron Spencer, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, and Frederick Cheung

SDTTA Board Members Absent:  James Kahn, Bill Chang and Shariq Ansari

SDTTA Members Present:  Daryl

The approval of July 2012 minutes was made by Ron and seconded by Frederick.

Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.

Action Items:

Frederick brought up an idea of the club starting tier memberships.  This idea was not favored by the majority of the SDTTA board and was tabled.

Frederick explained that our club can use the Square Up system to accept membership dues by using credit cards through the smart phone.  Bill Chang will be in charge of designating board members/financial team who have the smart phones and want to sign up members through this system.

New t-shirts are being looked into.  Juic is a possibility.  Borko presented the cost and availability for each shirt model.  Frederick recommended a possible new logo for SDTTA.  The company, 99 design works with us and our ideas and their artists compete for our own logo.  The cost is $500 which includes logo and digital rights.  A motion was made and passed to go with this company to get a new logo by the board.  The board will discuss what type of logo we would like at the next Board Meeting.

The SDTTA picnic is scheduled for Sept. 15th (it will be rescheduled due to BPAC closed to table tennis).

Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report.

Juic Team Report- no report.

Treasurer’s Report.  Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s report that is reconciled through July 31, 2012.

Membership Report:  Borko stated that as of today the total membership is 263.

Equipment Report:  There are 30 tables (2 are at a San Diego Senior Center, 28 are at BPAC).  There are 13 blue and 19 green tables.  The club needs new nets especially because of the upcoming USTTA sanctioned tournament we are having in November.  It is believed that the Europa nets hold up better than the Butterfly National League model.  It has been voted on to order one dozen new nets.  We will discuss ordering more at the next Board Meeting for a total of 25.

Tournament Update:

The Neil Smythe Memorial Tournament will be a 2 star sanctioned tournament.

The head referee hired is Mike Myer who just moved to San Diego and he is USTTA certified.

Fund raising was brought and some people to ask if they will donate are Mark Gleicher and Stell/Angie Bengsston.

Kevin Ross and Ali Mahroun have been chosen/volunteered to run and schedule the tournament.

Ron has committed himself to attend the BPAC October meeting to represent SDTTA.

The motion to adjourn was made by Shelley and seconded by Frederick.

The next meeting is September 18, 2012.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary


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