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Meeting Minutes: 02-17-2009

February 17th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

San Diego Table Tennis Association

February Board Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2009 / 6:30p.m. / Balboa Park Activity Center – Board Meeting Room

SDTTA BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Priscilla Umel, Neil Smyth, Bill Cooper, Jerry Harris, Scott Roberts, James Kahng & Angie Bengtsson. SDTTA MEMBERS PRESENT: Lon Jones, Brana Vlasic, Mark Adelman, Benham Kazemi, Jay Miller, Tran Bang, Javid, Mustafa, Michael Gift, Michael Jaynes, Kami, Norm McCorman, Daryl Sterling, Jr., Borko. CALL TO ORDER: By Jerry Harris at 6:33p.m. AGENDA: Provided by Jerry Harris ACTION ITEMS: Approval of Minutes: The approval of the January 2009 Minutes will be put on hold until the next board meeting. Treasurers Report: Bill motions to approve the Treasurers report. James 2nd’s the motion. All in favor – Yes. League Play: For the second league this year, Earl Alto, Brana Vlasic and DJ Alto will be in charge of putting it together. Leagues will be on Monday night. Ron Spencer spoke on how he felt about the membership fee increase. All the members that attended the board meeting had an opportunity to voice their opinions; the discussion lasted for nearly an hour. Decrease membership: Priscilla motions to keep the membership at $50. No one 2nd’s the motion. Motion fails. Treasurer’s Assistant position: James motions to spend $250 each month to Brana Vlasic and Earl Alto to collect membership fees for a trial period of 30 to 60 days, starting on February 19, 2009. Angie 2nd’s the motion. All in favor – Yes. Junior program: Angie motions to move the junior program to the front row of the playing hall, using a total of 6 tables. And on Saturdays the first two rows will be reserved for the junior program, as well. James 2nd’s the motion. All in favor – Yes. Member of the month: Angie motions Mark Taylor for March’s member of the month. Bill 2nd’s the motion. All in favor – Yes. REPORTS: Treasurer’s Report: Revenue Dues & Fees:   $4,945.00 Miscellaneous Income:  $     30.00 Total Revenue:   $4,975.00 Expense Rental:    $   120.00 Printing & Postage:  $   151.00 Miscellaneous:   $     34.00 Member Benefits:  $2,850.00 12/31/2008 Beginning Balance:  $ 3,453.00 Revenues:   $ 4,975.00 Expenses:   $-3,155.00 01/31/2009 Ending Balance:  $  5,273.00 Cash on hand:   $         0.00 Cash in brokers:  $     843.00 Investments:   $20,981.00 Total Current Assets Equipment:   $13,500.00 Unrecognized Gains:  $  1,694.00 MEETING AJOURNED: Jock motions to adjourn the meeting. Neil 2nd’s the motion. All in favor – Yes At 8:30 p.m. Minutes taken by Priscilla Umel
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