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Meeting Minutes: 11-16-2010

November 16th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

November 16, 2010

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order by Mark at 7:07 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present: James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Shelley Hardy, and Scott Roberts SDTTA Member Present: Jerry Harris The approval of October 19, 2010 minutes was made by James and seconded by Scott. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang was not able to attend meeting because of a family emergency. Action Items: Discussion about upcoming possible changes to BPAC hours. Jerry Harris came to the meeting to give us current information on changes to BPAC hours. The bottom line is that the City of San Diego is requesting a 30% cut in all budgets which includes Balboa Park Activity Center. One rumor circulating is that this center may close Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. There will most likely be City Council hearings concerning the activity centers. No one knows for sure what is going to happen only changes will come. Jerry explained to us that a decision made by the BPAC Board has to be acted on at that meeting. Jerry needed to know if the club was willing to pay more money for the clubs hours and if he had our approval. The SDTTA Board voted to give Jerry permission to make decisions for our club. Club shirt report. Bill Cooper stated that we have 40 shirts to sell. Scott wanted to talk with his design company about the cost of putting the SDTTA logo on most of the shirts because they have done the logo before. The decision on when the shirts with logos will be sold has not been finalized. The shirts are available for members to place an order and this information is on our website. Future San Diego Power Pong Tournaments. The SDTTA board believes that it is best for our club to make Attila Malek who is in charge of the San Diego Power Pong Tournaments a member. We as a club can have two tournaments a year and possibly a third one. We will know more next year. It is important to reserve the next tournament date as soon as possible. We will contact Attila and see what date looks good to have the tournament. California State Open needs a replacement to run the event. Ron Spencer needs someone to replace him running the Cal State Open. Mark will email Ron to get the format for this event and the date. Discussion for next year’s Board Member elections coming up. The election committee includes Suresh Kanekar, John Tentor, and Steve Carr. The motion was made and passed by the SDTTA Board to have these people supervise the elections. Equipment report Bill Cooper. The Club’s equipment is in good shape. We have two new tables that still need to be put together. Two tables are on loan. Discussion Club Picnic. Tabled until next year. Executive Director’s report. James Kahn recommended that volunteer s needed for events be posted on a signup sheet. He recommended that a SDTTA Board Member should be one who frequently comes and is available to help wherever possible. Because of Christmas being so close to our Board Meeting date, we as a Board voted to have our next meeting on December 14th. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary
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