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The Mission of SDTTA is to foster a community of table tennis enthusiasts; a place where players of all levels can discover their passion for the sport, develop their skills and health, and compete regularly in a friendly atmosphere.

Meeting Minutes: 07-11-2022

July 15th, 2022

Meeting Minutes, 7-11-2022, 7p.m. ~ 8:25p.m.
Attendees; Ruben,Thu, Behnam, Javid, Danny, also Maurizio and Mark two of our club members.
(Amir not present)


1-Financial Reports
Statement Financials Summary as of July 11,2022 for the San Diego Table Tennis Association completed and reported by Ruben.

2-Sunday Weekend RR from 11am until about 1pm.
You need to create an account at (Click on login/register then under New User click Register, fill the form. For club, type the letters SAN and SDTTA will pop up. For USATT rating

3-Thursday tournament RR you must register before 6:30 same procedure as above. I don’t think you need to confirm with the organizer (Jaxon) if you have registered online.
Note the account is NOT the same as your account.

4-25 New Barriers and 15 New Scoreboards delivered and added to our inventory for upcoming tournaments and replacement with the old damaged one to keep our club professional look and beautiful for our visitors!
Special thanks to Thu, Amir and few of our members for spending lots of time and effort for putting new barriers together.
Javid could fixed all the old damaged Scoreboards as well except one which wasn’t fixable, Now we have 28 scoreboards in our inventory!

5-Thu sent Appreciation letter to Friendly Car Wash for continue supporting Sundays weekend RR.

6-Amir is going to be out of country from July 7th-September 10th.

7-Our members are able to see the results of Sundays and Thursdays Tournaments very soon.
The site should be linking to SDTTA’s part of, since that’s where the results live.
Proposed by Daryl.

8-Member master list-FY22

9-Message from Patty Martinez!
Please let all my friends know at the Balboa Park club that I won 3 Gold medals and 2 Silver medals. I owe it to so many there at the club. Including Behnam practice was so valuable! I am pleased to represent San Diego at such a large tournament.

10-Mark to check with his contacts to initiate a draft proposal for a New or Revised SDTTA website including a cost estimate and timing for the Board to evaluate.

11-Javid Introduced Maurizio to Daryl so they can discuss options or ways to make improvements to the website as it relates to Round Robin and Teams Rankins.

12-Senior tournament September scheduled on 25th and run by Steve McGrew.


13-Purchasing SDTTA with the new design Shirts.
Proposed by Thu.
Yes 5 NO 0

14-It’s a great idea to give SDTTA shirts to few young players of our club as a gift to encourage them to improve their games for our club’s future hope!
Proposed by Behnam.
Yes 5 No 0

15-Picnic on September for our members scheduled on Sep 24th, 2022.
Yes 5 No 0

Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors

Did you know (July)?

June 21st, 2022

Sunday Round Robin Results – 6/19/22

June 21st, 2022

Although it was Fathers Day, we had even a better turnout. 33 players battled for balls and a car wash.

Group 1:  First place – Kiet Tran Second place – Eon Sea Chang

Group 2: First Place – Saher Jirjees Second Place – Ling Xu

Group 3: First place – Kevin Wang  and James Kahn

Group 4: First place – Mark LeSage  Second place – Thu Tran

Group 5: First place – Saurabh Mishra  Second place – Rever Oraha

Group 6: First place – Tony Ordas  Second place – Michael Strauss

Group 7: First place – Huong Luu   Second place – Marisela Hernandez

Group 8: First place – Ryan Acton Second place – Fritz Kalaw

Meeting Minutes: 06-13-2022

June 20th, 2022


Attendees; Danny, Thu, Behnam, Javid, Amir* Dennis (Ruben not present) and Matt one of our club members.

1-Donations’s funds received from Patty Wasserman,& Simon Lee and Yuman Young and Appreciation Letters mailed from SDTTA board by Thu!

2-Mini Olympic League VOL 2 is back and scheduled on August 20-21. Tournament director Javid!

Yes-5       No-0

3-BORKO CUP Team Tournament October 15th & 16th.

Our yearly tournament this time called “BORKO CUP” scheduled on October 15-16 and will be posted on Omni-Pong to register online! Tournament director Javid!

Yes-5       No-0

4-Member Relation Director position selection* 

Amir Hamdy was selected .

Yes-5      No-0

5-Purchasing new Barriers, Scoreboards,

25 Barriers and 15 Scoreboards purchased for upcoming tournaments and replacement with the old damaged one to keep our club professional look and beautiful for our visitors!

Special thanks to Thu for spending lots of time and effort for finding a good deal and being a excellent shopper!

6- Thu mentioned the lighting upgrade for our club, Behnam said there is a schedule for technicians to come for inspection, most likely this week.

7-We need to get more active on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to promote our club to get more members! Proposed by Javid

Board going to ask Daryl for help and advise.

8-Financial Reports/

Renewal Policy Transmittal Client Code: SANDIE10  Named Insured: San Diego Table Tennis Association Coverage: Directors & Officers Liab Payee Company: United States 06/14/2022 to 06/14/2023 9-Member master list-FY22


10-Fire Department Group Tournament on Tuesday June 21st 3:30pm – 8:30pm.

Danny & Amir together running it.

 Yes-5     No-0

11-Weekend RR tournament on Sundays

Good results turnout and It is getting stronger each week.  A lot of players would like to continue Sunday tournaments. Proposed by Behnam.

Yes-5    No-0

12-Background Check & SafeSport for all Coaches and Tournament Directors!

Javid and Behnam already passed and received the certificate! Amir and Salam are required to pass Background Check & SafeSport as well!

Yes-5     No-0

13-2 Hours a week Volunteering coaching proposed by Behnam,

We give privileges to be a Coach for our club and exercise their coaching with our members.

In return they need to spend at least 2 hours a week Volunteering Coaching for Our members! 

Yes-3     No-2

14-Did you know?

Originally Proposed by June in past,

Javid going to post it every month to appreciate and respect June for the great things he did while he was Chairman of the board! Proposed by Javid!

Yes-5      No-0


Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors 

Did you know (June)?

June 12th, 2022

Sunday Round Robin Results – 6/5/22

June 6th, 2022

The results of the Round Robin tournament for June 5th are as follows:

Group 1: 1st place Jessica Cuellar 2nd place Jeff Ruiz

Group 2: 1st place Miguel Alcantar  2nd place Loung Nguyen

Group 3: 1st place Angel Villasenor  2nd place Miguel Best

Group 4: 1st place Laura Moran  2nd pace Minh Mai

Group 5: 1st place  Alfred Hess  2nd place Fernanda Del Toro

Group 6: 1st place  jointly  Salam Semaan, Akio Muraoka and Carlos Armando

Group 7: 1st place  Sunil Bulla and Huong Luu

Group 8: 1st place Nancy Huynh  2nd place Patrik Kilian

Sunday Round Robin Results – 5/29/22

May 30th, 2022

The results of the Round Robin tournament for May29th are as follows:

Group 1: 1st place Dodger Wang 2nd place Ling Xu

Group 2: 1st place James Kahn  2nd place Kevin Wang

Group 3: 1st place David Nguyen  2nd place Alfred Hess

Group 4: 1st place Salam Semaan  2nd pace Michael Strauss

Group 5: 1st place  Nancy Huynh  2nd place Huong Luu