New BPAC Hours of Operation
Listed below are the new hours of operation for BPAC. This will go into effect October 1st.
Meeting Minutes: 09/12/23
Meeting started at 6:34PM in the ( Meeting Room).
Board Members Present:
1. Pejman Adhami, Board
2. Behnam Kazami – Board
3. Danny Williams – Board
4. Patty Wasserman – Board
5. Ruben Guilloty – Board
Board Member not present: Salam and Sunil.
Other Attendees: Steve and Maurizio (Members)
1. Meeting Called to Order at 6:34 PM – Behnam – Chairman
2. Review/Approval of Previous Minutes – Behnam confirmed that board members read and approved previous meeting minutes and these were posted @ the SDTTA website.
3. First Item – SDTTA Trainer License Draft Agreement:
The Board agreed for the Board Members to take one more look at the Agreement (attached below) and send any comments back to the Chairman. If no changes are required, then the final draft will be sent to the Board for approval and implementation. Two documents are required to be completed by the Trainers and the Board:
1st – Trainers must complete an SDTTA Trainer Application Request to be approved by the Board (Draft Pending)
2nd – The SDTTA Board and the Trainers must sign the – SDTTA Trainer License Agreement
4. Reports of Officers:
– Financial Report – the financial report for 09/2023 was reviewed – Treasurer – Ruben
– Certificate of Deposit Update – The CD was re-newed at a 4.00% for 6 more months. New Maturity date is 1/15/2024 – Ruben
5. Unfinished Business
–2024 San Diego Open Update – member tournament will be on 10/01/2023 and prizes are $100 for 1th Place and $80.00 for 2th place and $60.00 for 3th place.
6: Other notes: Club will be closed on 09/24/2023 for 2023 San Diego Senior tournament.
7. Discussion Period – All Members
Upcoming Board Elections. There are three (3) positions up for election. We were fortunate that Jackson is willing to help with the understanding that we will identify volunteers to help him and to learn to do it for the future elections. Dennis will initiate a posting at the website for the elections.
Adjournment – 7:31 P.M.
Pedjam Adhami (PJ) – Secretary
Meeting Minutes: 08/15/23
Meeting started at 6:30PM in the SDTTA Storage Room (later moved to Meeting Room)
Board Members Present:
1. Salam Semaan – Board
2. Behnam Kazami – Board
3. Danny Williams – Board
4. Sunil B – Board
5. Patty Wasserman – Board
6. Ruben Guilloty – Board
Board Member not present
Pejman Adhami
Other Attendees
Jerry Harris – Member
James Kahn – Member
1. Meeting Called to Order at 6:30 PM – Behnam – Chairman
2. Review/Approval of Previous Minutes – Behnam confirmed that board members read and approved previous meeting minutes and these were posted @ the SDTTA website.
3. First Item – SDTTA Trainer License Draft Agreement. Jerry Harris explained the details of the draft agreement. There was extensive discussion surounding the logistics of the Trainers and their approvals as well as the compendation the Board could potentially require from the Trainers. However, in summary, the Board agreed that the License Agreement Draft Jerry presented seems adequate for the remainder of the current year 2023, but it will be reviewed again once the New 2024 Board is in place. At this time we will not be requiring payment from the Trainers, but this will be re-considered by the new Board in 2024.
The Board also agreed for the Board Members to take one more look at the Agreement (attached below) and send any comments back to the Chairman. If no changes are required, then the final draft will be sent to the Board for approval and implementation. Two documents are required to be completed by the Trainers and the Board:
1st – Trainers must complete an SDTTA Trainer Application Request to be approved by the Board (Draft Pending)
2nd – The SDTTA Board and the Trainers must sign the – SDTTA Trainer License Agreement
4. Reports of Officers:
– Financial Report – the financial report for August was reviewed – Treasurer – Ruben
– Certificate of Deposit Update – The CD was re-newed at a 4.00% for 6 more months. New Maturity date is 1/15/2024 – Ruben
– Zelle Membership Payments – New and renewing members can now pay their dues by using the Zelle system by paying at “San Diego Table Tennis Association – using phone # 787 934 4294. This will minimize the need to pay in cash. Therefore we now have three options:
1. Personal check
2. Zelle (No cost to SDTTA)
3. Paypal (Paypal charges us 2.29% of the transaction).
5. Unfinished Business
– Repair A32W Robot – Tripod assembly was purchased and installed. Robot is back in operation- Ruben
– 2024 San Diego Open Update – Behnam/Danny/Salam – Due to time limitations this was not fully discussed. This will be placed again in every Board Meeting Agenda moving forward.
6. New Business
– New Robot Demonstration by Vendor was made to the Board. The Robot seems to have many capabilities, but the instructions seem more complex that what we need at this time. We were offered a used Robot at a very reasonable price by Mark Taylor (Club member) that we voted on and decided to purchase, so now we have two robots available for the Club. – Behnam
– Extractor Fans @ Actvity Center – Luis Ignacio is in conversations with maintenance & contractors trying to fix the extractors.
7. Discussion Period – All Members
Upcoming Board Elections. There are three (3) positions up for elections. Behnam asked Phil to see if he could help us with the elections, but he is not available. We were fortunate that Dennis Seisun is willing to help with the understanding that we will identify volunteers to help him and to learn to do it for the future elections. Dennis will initiate a posting at the website for the elections.
Adjournment – 8:00PM
Ruben Guilloty, Treasurer
Meeting Minutes: 07/11/23
1. Meeting was called to Order by Behnam at 7:00 p.m .presents were ; Behnam, Pj, Sunil, Salam, Ruben, Daniel and Patricia.
2. Past Minutes – Reading and approval of previous meeting Minutes- Behnam
Behnam indicated that those Minutes had been approved by the previous Board and already posted on the website.
3. Officers Reports – Ruben presented financial report through 06/2023 and Salam did financial audit for Chase Bank as well. Also , Ruben presented financial report for San Diego Open tournament.
4. Unfinished Business: Sunday Tournament – Decided to continue to support the Sunday Tournament and the prizes.
5. SDTTA OPEN – Initiate discussions regarding the OPEN – A Committee was selected to lead the effort to organize the Open composed by (Behnam, Danny, Salam ) They will update the Board in every Board meeting to ensure continuity of their efforts.
6: Members Tournament: tournament for members is scheduled for 10/2023 and another local tournament is planned for 12/2023. Prizes $100 for 1th place, $80 for 2th place and $60 for 3th place.
7: Other Notes: couching guidelines was brought by Ruben and discussion will be made on the next board meeting. Yearly picnic on 10/22/23. Also Salam and Behnam will be in charge for recruiting high school students to play ping pong at our activity center. Also, we need to plan for our next ping pong Tournament for 05/2024.
Adjourned the meeting at 7:56 pm.
Pedjam Adhami (PJ) – Secretary
Monday Night Training
Meeting Minutes: 06/06/23
Attendees: Behnam, Danny, PJ, Ruben, Salam, Sunil and Patricia
1. Meeting was called to Order by Behnam at 7:00 p.m.
2. Past Minutes – Reading and approval of previous meeting Minutes- Behnam
Behnam indicated that those Minutes had been approved by the previous Board and already posted on the website.
3. Officers Reports – Ruben presented financial report through 05/2023 and Salam did financial audit for Chase Bank as well.
4. Unfinished Business: Sunday Tournament – Decided to continue to support the Sunday Tournament and the prizes.
5. SDTTA OPEN – Initiate discussions regarding the OPEN – A Committee was selected to lead the effort to organize the Open composed by (Behnam, Danny, Salam ) They will update the Board in every Board meeting to ensure continuity of their efforts.
6: San Diego Open tournament The Mexico- San Diego tournament will be tentatively scheduled for 09/2023 and another local tournament is planned for 12/2023.
7: Other Notes : we need to plan for May 2024 tournament. Javid needs practice balls. Daniel will follow up with that. Also, robot machine needs to get fixed. Price is $79. Need to replace the base of the robot machine and Sunil will take care of it. Salam and Ruben will prepare proposal for coaching and prices and how many coaches and which days we need coaching. Also, prizes for Members tournament in 09/2023 are $100 for 1th place, $80 for second place and $60 for 3th place. Barriers needs to be 3 feet away from the wall for all the club. Very important. Also, top players agreed to play 15 minutes per request for players who like to play.
Adjourned the meeting at 8:03pm.
Pedjam Adhami (PJ) – Secretary
Meeting Minutes: 05/09/2023
Attendees: Behnam, Danny, PJ, Ruben, Salam , Sunil and Patricia
1. Meeting was called to Order by Behnam at 7:00 p.m.
2. Past Minutes – Reading and approval of previous meeting Minutes- Behnam
Behnam indicated that those Minutes had been approved by the previous Board and already posted on the website.
3. Officers Reports – Ruben presented financial report through 04/ 2023 and Salam did financial audit for Chase Bank as well.
4. Unfinished Business: Sunday Tournament – Decided to continue to support the Sunday Tournament and the prizes.
5. SDTTA OPEN – Initiate discussions regarding the OPEN – A Committee was selected to lead the effort to organize the Open composed by (Behnam, Danny, Salam ) They will update the Board in every Board meeting to ensure continuity of their efforts.
6: San Diego Open tournament will take place in May 2023, The Mexico- San Diego tournament will be tentatively scheduled for 09/2023 and another local tournament is planned for 12/2023.
7: Other Notes : Donation from Patricia received for $5k in check. Sunil is volunteering to inspect the tables. Daniel will purchase high chairs. Ruben will check score boards inspection and follow up on equipment. Video will be done by Jiaqi Wu. Salam is in charge of Batch and picture for both sides of batches.We voted yes for shirt prices for $20 . Ruben renewed director insurance. Also we agreed on the different things to buy for food/ drinks and the quantities..Pizza – 40 per day, Water- 12 cases per day / Gatorade – 6 cases, Gloves for food, Paper Towels, Napkins, Tape (scotch and non residue), Ice bags, wipes to clean tables.
Adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm
Pedjam Adhami (PJ) – Secretary