SDTTA Closure
November 2nd, 2014
The ART Show will occupy our space starting this Sunday November 2, 2014 and we won’t reopen until Thursday November 13, 2014. Sorry for this inconvenience, but the art show is a good revenue generator for BPAC. Hope all of you can find some other opportunities to play.
Best Regards,
James Kahn, President SDTTA
Best Regards,
James Kahn, President SDTTA
US Nationals – Need a Hotel?
November 2nd, 2014

Saturday Friendship Tournament
October 11th, 2014
We had a great and very successful tournament on Saturday. Our team included David Flores, Ragu, Chip, Behnam, Bob, Kia, James, Vladimir, Danny, John, Kasra, Suzan, Sahil. We played against Baja and Sorrento teams. All players showed their skills and sportsmanship in these games. These games will help create new friendships and momentum for better Table Tennis.
I’d like to thank the Sorrento club and Baja team for bringing their players to our club to play. I hope we can arrange for more tournaments in the future. I also like to thank all the people who came early to help set up the tables and barriers. My special thanks goes to Baja coaches Roberto and Juan for running our tournament. Without all the volunteer’s help we would not have been able to make it. If you like to play in future tournaments please let me know.
Behnam Kazemi
Hunstman 2014’s Best Match!
October 10th, 2014
Meeting Minutes: 10-10-2014
October 10th, 2014
San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting
October 10th, 2014
Balboa Park Activity Center
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order 7:04pm by James. SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, Behnam Kazemi, John Anderson, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman and James Kahn. SDTTA Board Member(s) absent: Simon Lee. SDTTA Member(s) Present: D.J. Alto, Jene, Lyndelle and Michele(BPAC rep) Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. The motion was made to approve the SDTTA Board Member minutes for August 2014 by Mark and seconded by James. The Board carried the motion. Treasurer’s Report: None. Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling: No report. Membership Report: Our current paid membership count is. Equipment Report: Our current table count is 30. Action Items:- Jene discussed having a women’s training group with D.J. Alto. It was brought up by the Board that having D.J. Alto being the trainer would be overkill and maybe an intermediate-skilled player would suffice. Jene will spearhead the project and see how much interest there is.
- D.J. Alto discussed the progress of the Juniors program and has a good core of 7 kids and as many as 10 have shown up.
- D.J. Alto was requesting $100 per student for the Juniors group participation. Bob suggested that a flat group fee would work better than a per student rate. After much debate, the Board came up with a monthly compensational fee of $250, with the balance to be paid by the parents. Mark made a motion to set the monthly payment to D.J. Alto at $250 and James seconded the motion. It was passed by the Board with Borko and Behnam abstaining.
- Michele addressed the Board on the future closing (2015) of the gym for 3 weeks in order for the floor to be resurfaced. We suggested that the December holiday season would probably work the best for us. She agreed and will suggest this when the time comes to schedule the work.
- Michele talked to the Board about the requirements and insurance responsibilities of anyone wanting to become an independent contractor. She gave all Board members a handout on the BPAC requirements for independent contractors.
- The Board will submit to BPAC our proposal to have the Club hours change, so that the start time will be the same for all days, which will be 4:00pm. This will only affect Mondays and Fridays. The closing time will remain unchanged.
- Borko requested that the Board meeting agenda be submitted at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled meeting. This will give members time to research any topic that will be brought up for discussion.
Friendly Club Match with the Baja Team
October 8th, 2014
The Baja team is going to be in San Diego on Saturday, the 11th of October to have a friendly match with San Diego team. This is going to start around 9am. If you are interested in competing, please text me at (619) 889-4922. It is a free event and will not affect your rating.
Behnam Kazemi
Table Tennis Barriers
September 30th, 2014