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The Mission of SDTTA is to foster a community of table tennis enthusiasts; a place where players of all levels can discover their passion for the sport, develop their skills and health, and compete regularly in a friendly atmosphere.

Special Board Meeting Postponed

February 16th, 2015
The board meeting initially scheduled for Tuesday Feb 17 has had to be postponed. It will now be held Monday February 23 at 7PM. Issues to be discussed will be the annual tournament and a replacement for the board secretary that recently resigned. All paid members in good standing are welcome. Dennis

Special Board Meeting

February 14th, 2015
A special meeting of the board will be held on Tuesday February 17 at 6:30. Issues to be discussed will be the annual tournament and a replacement for the board secretary that recently resigned. All paid members in good standing are welcome. Dennis

Thursday Night RR – 02/05/2015

February 9th, 2015

Club Open Again after Tuesday Closure

February 4th, 2015
If you were at the club on Tuesday Feb 3rd you know that we had to leave around 5pm because of a water main break that made restrooms unusable. We have been informed that all is back to normal and Table Tennis will be open as usual tomorrow Thursday Feb 4 2015. The disappointment we all felt on Tuesday at the early closure shows how much we value our sport and this facility. Dennis Seisun

SDTTA Thursday RR – 01/29/2015

February 2nd, 2015

Thursday Night RR Videos

January 29th, 2015
SDTTA member, Bob Koch, has started recording the top table of the SDTTA Thursday Night Round Robin! Here are the latest ones: Thursday RR – 01/22/2015: Click here to watch Thursday RR – 01/15/2015: Click here to watch Thursday RR – 01/08/2015: Part 1Part 2 More to come!

USATT Para Athlete of the Month – Daryl Sterling Jr.

January 19th, 2015
2014 December AOMDaryl Sterling, Jr. (San Diego, California), finished No. 1 in his singles group at the Copa Costa Rica 2014 Championships in San Jose, Costa Rica after upsetting No. 10 world-ranked Thorsten Schwinn of Germany, 3-1 (8,-9,6). Sterling reached the quarterfinals of the tournament before falling to Canada’s Masoud Mojtahed.