Summer League Kick-off
July 29th, 2015
The first summer league games are scheduled to start at SDTTA this Saturday August 1 at 9:30am. If are a team leader and have not already done so, please send in your completed team registration form and payment ($45 per team) to Behnam , Tel 619 889 4922. SDTTA teams will be introduced to opposing teams from the other club. Three players per team will play official matches. Extra players can play friendly games. Future games can be scheduled independently between teams with results sent in to League organizers. SDTTA will make available two rows of tables for league games on Friday afternoon (opens at 3pm) and Saturday morning (opens at 9am).
The following have been decided as prizes:
Division A 1st prize = $300, 2nd prize $200
Division B & C 1st prize = $100, 2nd prize $50
Bay Area Tournament
July 26th, 2015
We have received the following info about a Bay Area tournament starting saturday august 29, 2015:
Hi James Kahn and San Diego TTA,
Please share this with all of your club members and we appreciate your support for this tournament. Let me know if you have any questions.
We are excited about the Teams West tournament coming to the Bay area and hope that it is successful. This is will be a preparatory tournament to the JOOLA Teams tournament in Washington D.C. during Thanksgiving weekend. We are depending on all clubs in the area to bring players so that we can continue to grow the game.
The tournament starts on Saturday Aug 29th at NB Courts in Livermore, CA. See attached entry form for more details and we hope you can make it there!
Jonathan Messervy
JOOLA North America, LLC
15800 Crabbs Branch Way Suite 250
Rockville, MD 20855
Direct (301) 850-4525
Fax (301) 881-2038
JOOLA – For the Champion in You!
Official Table and Apparel of USA Table Tennis
San Diego Summer League
July 19th, 2015
SDTTA and West Coast TTA (at Golden Dragon Sports Center) are organizing a team-based table tennis league for players throughout the San Diego area. There are two regular seasons (around a 10 week schedule, double round robin format) per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Also we have two special league events: Summer Invitation Team Cup series (4-6 week schedule) and Spring Festival/Chinese New Year Open Team Championship (1-2 week schedule).
To find out more about how the league works, read the flyer by clicking here.
To register for the tournament, check out the flyer by clicking here.
SDTTA Performance at the U.S. Open 2015
July 18th, 2015
The San Diego contingency, that travelled to Las Vegas for the U.S. Open, had a great showing and should be proud of their results. There were around 1,100 participants and San Diego was represented very well. Below is the list of the top results.
Congratulations to all!!
Para 8-10 Open RR 1st Place Tahl Leibovitz // 2nd Place Vinh Vuong
Under 1800 sandpaper RR 1st Place Sean House
Under 1250 O18 Super RR 1st Place Bob Koch
Full results: 2015 U.S. Open Results
Member List 7-18-2015
July 18th, 2015
Click on the link below for the latest paid membership list.
If you have paid and are not on the list please contact a board member.
If you are on the list BUT are not receiving regular emails, let us know. We probably need to update your email address.
Club Closed
July 17th, 2015