Meeting Minutes August 10, 2015
August 25th, 2015
SDTTA Board Meeting Minutes 8-10-2015
Meeting called to order at 7:04pm.
Members present: Behnam Kazemi, Mario Lopez, Borko Dragojlovic, James Khan, Jenny Hoang, Dennis Seisun and Jorge “George” Calderon. Also present Emilian Mihet.
The minutes of the July Meeting were reviewed and approved without changes.
Treasurer’s report was presented; ongoing expenses related to the upcoming tournament and revenue from membership dues. Registration fees for the tournament paid by check and online using Paypal, will be kept separate.
Emilian asked the Board to approve the set up of an online Paypal account linked to the SDTTA bank account using the Omnipong. (?)
The Board members approved the request, Daryl Sterling and Emilian will work on this.
Board approved the purchase of 5 rackets for the use of visiting players; a check for $200 was issued to Emilian.
Emilian indicated that the October tournament was sanctioned as a 3-star by the USTT Federation.
Regarding the referee for the tournament, Borko suggested to contact Linda ______, she would need a two-night hotel accommodation.
Update on the Senior Olympics to take place September 19th, James indicated that there are 3-4 events listed, singles, doubles & age groups.
Behnam and Dennis reported on the League as very successful and fun. Three clubs and 13 teams participated, it will be completed on Saturday August 15th. The registration fees and the prizes money were almost a break even deal. Congratulations Behnam and Dennis.
A League prize ceremony to be held during the SDTTA potluck on September 12th.
Behnam informed about his meeting with a representative of the Chinese TT Federation with Mr. Yao and the possibility of inviting them to our tournament. A nice brochure was passed aound.
The need to maintain up to date the SDTTA webpage was addressed. A letter to the webmaster (Daryl) was recommended, regarding this issue.
An instance of a player that refused to pay his membership was brought up, discussed at length
without a consensus, he paid half and may be considered as a hardship case.
Printing of the club’s business cards was approved, Borko will help with this issue.
With no further items, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11pm
Respectfully by
Jorge “George” Calderon
Acting Secretary
Round Robin Videos
August 25th, 2015
Thank you Bob for taking the time and trouble to make these videos available: – SDTTA Thursday RR 07/30/2015 – SDTTA Thursday RR 08/06/2015 – SDTTA Thursday RR 08/13/2015
Daryl was not available to post these the usual way. I’m not sure how he does it so you will have to cut and paste the above Youtube links into your browser to see them.
Summer League Results so Far
August 19th, 2015