Tijuana Tournament
January 25th, 2016

Tijuana TT, Updated Member List, Club Closure
January 13th, 2016
We have an invite to play in TJ Ping Pong Fit Info 2016
132 signed up and paid for 2016 Member List 1-13-2016 no email
Club open 9-noon on Sunday Jan 17 and closed Jan 18
Member Lists
January 12th, 2016
Below a link to the Excel spreadsheet with members paid for 2016 as of January 11, 2016
Also the list of 2015 members who have not yet renewed for 2016. Hope they do 🙂
Member List 1-12-2016 108 members no email
The list will be updated periodically.
Let any board member know of any errors or omissions.
League Finalists
January 11th, 2016
We had the league finals for A teams yesterday. There were lots of close and exciting matches. The first place winner of $400 was Balboa team of Javid, Kim, Koji, and Sumnik. The second place winner of $250 from WCTTA were Lei, Jia, Xie and Kiet. I like to thank all the League players for participating in our Fall season. The Spring season League will start soon.
Behnam Kazemi

2015 U.S. Nationals Results
December 28th, 2015