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The Mission of SDTTA is to foster a community of table tennis enthusiasts; a place where players of all levels can discover their passion for the sport, develop their skills and health, and compete regularly in a friendly atmosphere.

The Passing of John Tentor

January 11th, 2019

John’s Memorial Reception will be on Thursday, February 7th at 4-6pm in Balboa Park in the Alhambra room above The Prado restaurant.  Everyone is invited to stop by, have some food and share a story.  This will be a chance to celebrate John and a life well lived.  I was sort of hoping we could bring over a table and hit some… 🙂  Again, all are welcome, please stop by. 
Warmly, John’s daughters Jennifer & Judi and his sons Michael & John Jr.

Player Sponsorship Program

January 9th, 2019
SDTTA is looking to sponsor club members to attend and represent our club at sanctioned table tennis tournaments. Yearly sponsorship amounts for each individual will be limited to the voted Board maximum.
SDTTA Board reserves the right to determine how many and the criteria used to award sponsorships.
Sponsorship would cover entry fee cost for events entered. Does not include USATT’s required membership or tournament pass fees.
In return for sponsorship, we encourage the recipient to represent the SDTTA at the tournament by wearing club logo shirts. When at our club, sponsored players should assist other club members by offering advice, encouragement, and to greet new and visiting players when appropriate.
The Player Sponsorship form can be found  here.

Meeting Minutes: 01-08-2019

January 8th, 2019


Meeting called to order at 7:15PM, all board members present.

  • Team League
    • The board is joined by club members Jeff Ruiz, Morgan Jimenez, David Flores, and George Pisa who present proposal to organize and facilitate a team league with the help of the club.
    • Proposed league would include:
      • 6 or more teams of 4-6 players.
      • Team individuals ratings ranging from under 1600 to 2200+
        • Rules dictate number of high level players per team.
      • League matches counting towards SDTTA club ratings
      • Matches occuring on weekends.
      • Matches reserving 1 row of tables.
        • 2 tables set up in reserved row for doubles spacing.
      • $20 entry fee
      • Entry fee collections to be used as prize money for winning teams.
      • Pay top 10 players $200 each to participate
      • Medals or trophies for winners
    • On the motion to approve the league with use of the facility and reserved row during team league match session the board votes 7-0 in favor.
    • On the motion to fund league organizers lead by Jeff Ruiz with $2500 to pay for league expenses, the board votes 6-1 in favor.
  • December minute: board votes 6-0-1 in favor of approving.
  • Smaller tournament organized by Perry and Jaxon still possibly to occur in September. Details to be more thoroughly considered after SD open.
  • Equipment:
    • Many short barriers are damaged.
    • Need more barriers before SD open tournament.
    • On the motion to purchase 30 new short barriers (Butterfly) the board votes 7-0 in favor.
    • Need balls for robot
    • On the motion to purchase 1 box of training balls for the robot the board votes 7-0 in favor
  • San Diego Open Tournament.
    • Post on Omnipong lists juniors for free. Board will not revise entry fees at this point.
    • Balboa park rental agreement for tournament dates is signed.
  • Thursday night round robin
    • Issues with call in players coming too late.
    • Jaxon to write notice to be included in next email.
  • BPAC disbanded
  • Subsidized coaching
    • On the motion to continue the club’s subsidized coaching program the board votes 5-1-1
    • Perry to create coaching proposal.
  • Sponsorships:
    • The board will be collecting applications until March 31st before selecting recipients.
  • Financial Report:
    • In 2018 the club had an income of $24.2k and spent $26.4k which included $12.6k in table purchases.
  • Shirts:
    • Bob acquired two sample shirts and found an even preference for the two among club members.
    • On the motion to order 175 shirts ~half of each color the board votes 7-0 in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:39PM

Membership Drive For 2019

January 2nd, 2019
It is that time of year for the annual SDTTA membership drive. Tables will be setup through-out the month of January to ease the membership process. You can also register during the Thursday Night weekly tournament. Any Board member will be able to help you with membership. This year, we need to have all members read and sign the waiver form which will be supplied. This has always been a standard practice in the past, but the last few years it has been neglected.

“The Sunday” Tournament

December 17th, 2018
The November tournament was a big success with the results listed below. The tournament has now been renamed “The Sunday”, since we can’t seem to nail down any particular weekend in which to have it. Now we have plenty of flexibility. The next tournament will be held on January 13th.
Hope to see you there!!

Meeting Minutes: 12-11-2018

December 11th, 2018

SDTTA December Meeting Minutes: 12/11/2018

All board member present. Guests present: Jean Shi and Dave Kreider

Meeting called to order at 7:11PM

  • November meeting minutes approved.
  • Jean Shi is interested in becoming a coach at SDTTA
    • Credential include: success in tournaments in Guam/ Micronesia. Certification from Oceania as Level 1 Umpire.
    • Dennis has provided Jean with paperwork necessary to apply to the city.
    • Perry will provide assistance as necessary with application submission.
  • San Diego Tournament
    • Behnam spoke with Attila and Craig.
    • The tournament is scheduled for May 18-19 and is listed on Omnipong
    • The rec center has been reserved until 10PM for those days.
    • Barriers need to be counted to confirm sufficient supply.
    • Tournament price
      • Perry proposes we offer 50% discount for club members. Discount will be reimbursed to club members after full dues are paid to avoid complicating Omnipong’s tournament fee collection.
        • Board votes 4-3 in favor of the motion.
      • Behnam proposes inviting 2 Japanese players to the tournament and providing airfare, lodging, and tournament dues.
        • Board votes 2-5 to oppose the motion.
      • Behnam proposes inviting 2 IEC  players (winners from last year) to the tournament and providing airfare, lodging, and tournament dues.
        • Board votes 5-2 in favor of the motion
      • Behnam proposes inviting a Puerto Rican player, Adriana Diaz, to the tournament and providing airfare, lodging, and tournament dues.
        • Board votes 4-3 in favor of the motion
  • New Business
    • 2019 membership card packets distributed to board members
      • 2019 members to be more accurately accounted for, possibly create a google spreadsheet.
      • Hole punch and zip ties to be present during member drive to fasten membership card to gym bags/ paddle cases.
    • Membership waivers need to be printed.
    • Club insurance to be reviewed for inclusion of MedPay
    • Bob requires another gross of balls to continue free ball program into 2019.
      • Perry to acquire with 50% white balls and 50% orange balls.
    • Bob to order sample shirt for 2019 club shirts.
    • Club paddle library needs to find a place in the budget.
    • Subsidized coaching needs a budget for 2019
    • End of January is a hard deadline for leniency on membership renewals. Tournament and open play will cost $5 per day for non-members.
    • Perry and Jaxon to organize tournament possible in February or September 2018.


Meeting Minutes: 11-20-2018

November 20th, 2018

SDTTA Board Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:43PM

Old Business

  • Membership cards – beginning 2019, an effort will be made to require club members to carry their membership cards while at the club.
    • Thursday night tournament entry will require members to show cards.
    • A hole punch and zipties will be provided to adhere cards to gym bags/ racket cases.
  • Emails not going through – Many members are not receiving emails. If members suspect they are not receiving emails, they must submit their email address to confirm it is on the mailing list.
  • Building tables – need to build ~6 more tables depending on how many we can fit in the room.
    • Steve to talk with John about possible extra storage space.
    • Each board member to assemble one table with the assistance of a club member
  • Barrier damage – many damaged barriers in the corner of the storage room need to be repaired or removed.
    • Bob to repair barriers instead of assembling new table
  • Club sponsorships – application form needs to be posted on the website.
  • Membership fees – the $50 annual fee to remain
    • Membership for board members to be limited to the years during board membership, this is stated in the club charter.
  • Board positions – Jaxon and Perry are switch board roles. Jaxon is now the club secretary and Perry is the vice chair.

New Business

  • Board members need to be more responsive to emails. More tasks can be accomplished if we get things done over email instead of waiting until each month’s meeting.
    • Must be sure that email replies are sent to entire board and not just a reply to sender.
  • San Diego Tournament
    • Need to decide on amount of prize money
    • Steve to contact Craig Krum and Attila to check availability and pricing for running tournament.
    • Depending on Craig and Attila’s availability, tournament to be held sometime in May.
    • Omnipong to by checked for other tournament scheduling interference.
  • No Sunday tournament to be held in December.

Meeting closed at 8:42PM