Meeting Minutes: 06-11-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:11PM, Dennis and Steve not present
Old Business
- Google calendar account- Bob to share account info with Jaxon and Phil
- April minutes approved
- Perry still experimenting with net tensioning.
San Diego Open
- All entry fee reimbursement checks written, not all have been claimed.
- Jaxon to distribute as many as possible during Thursday night round robin.
- Food/ Vendor policy – cannot sell food or anything else at the rec center.
- Tournament ran long
- Matches were time scheduled
- Next year, would potentially like rounds to be time scheduled but not matches.
- League winner need to receive their prizes.
- The board needs to receive the financial statements for the league.
Activity Center Policy
- The wood flooring cannot get wet. Damp towels for shoe grip must be on top of rubber or plastic mat.
- Water bottles should be kept in bins similar to badminton.
Coaching applications are open and available
Sunday Tournament
- Trophies acquired
Ball program
- Currently out of balls, no plan to order more at this time.
- The club may re-evaluate later.
The board may discuss selling 1 or 2 tables.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00
New SDTTA Club Shirts Available
Meeting Minutes: 05-14-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:02PM. Bob and Dennis not present.
- April minutes approved 4-0
- Tournament
- Need to build additional 15 barriers and table before tournament
- Board members to assemble after meeting.
- Perry to print information forms to help direct tournament
- Need waivers present at tournament.
- Club will be open at 11. Tournament setup to begin at 3.
- Floor need to be wet mopped.
- Need to build additional 15 barriers and table before tournament
- The club to match raised donations for wheelchair for Borko.
- Senior Olympics to be held on September 13th.
- Team League is over.
- Jeff to prepare a proposal for another league.
- Barrier sponsorships.
- Need to identify if sponsors want to own the barrier or only the add that goes on the barrier.
- Perry to experiment with net tensioning on the bottom edge of the nets.
- Next Sunday tournament to be held on June 23rd.
- Board members, Jaxon and Phil, would like access to the club Google Calendar to add events.
- The board would like to recognize the efforts of Jeff and George regarding the team league.
- Perry is working on reimbursing the ½ tournament fee
Meeting Adjurned at 7:30
Meeting Minutes: 03-18-2019
2019-03-18_SDTTA_Minutes (Approved: Perry, Bob, Phil)
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM. All board members present except Dennis. No guests.
- February 2019 minutes approved.
- San Diego Open Tournament:
- 50% discount for SDTTA club members:
- Members who pay at the tournament will be able to pay half the tournament fee on the spot.
- Members who paid the full amount online prior to the tournament will be able to collect a 50% refund from Perry.
- If members who paid the full amount online do not collect their refund on the day of the tournament, they will be able to collect their refund from Perry up to 30 days later.
- Juniors tournament entry fee.
- Onmipong states fee entry, should be $15.
- Prizes to remain as stated on flier/ PDF.
- Bob will get new placards for existing trophies to add.
- Perry to talk to Attila regarding juniors fees, possibly expanding juniors’ divisions, and questions concerning players getting dropped out of the tournament for not paying in advance.
- Floor mats required
- Tables to be centered in 40ft aisles with 12ft spacing between tables.
- Sign/poster to explain tournament format.
- Need to make sure players know matches will be played through until completion.
- Players should not leave between matches.
- 50% discount for SDTTA club members:
- New Business
- New barriers have arrived and must be assembled before the tournament.
- The most damaged barriers to be discarded or given away.
- Tables: currently have 26 built, will need to build 3 more.
- Need space for new barriers once assembled.
- Sports wheelchair: Steve proposes a sports wheelchair for the club for Borko and potentially other players.
- Some members may start a kickstarter/ gofundme
- Club could potentially match raised funds.
- Meiklejohn:
- Some of Jean Shi’s coaching group may attend as well as other members from the club.
- The club could potentially rent a van for transporting the group.
- Need a headcount to decide.
- Equipment:
- Score cards. Old ones are damaged/ falling apart. Motion to order 4 new sets.
- Passed 6-0-1
- Ball Program: motion to order another gross.
- Passed 5-1-1
- Timeout clock: will look into options/ pricing
- Score cards. Old ones are damaged/ falling apart. Motion to order 4 new sets.
- Picnic
- Will likely be held in September or October, will decide after SD Open.
- Sponsorships.
- Window for entries still open. In the event that no other applicants submit before March 30, the board votes on the motion to award the sponsorships as follows.
- 3 of the candidates would receive the full sponsorship of $1000 applied to tournament fees. The fourth sponsorship allocation is to be split among the other 3 applicants.
- Jeff Ruiz $1000
- George Pisa $1000
- Keenan Zhou $1000
- Ling Xu $333
- Phong Nguyen $333
- Satish Krishnamoorthy $333
- 3 of the candidates would receive the full sponsorship of $1000 applied to tournament fees. The fourth sponsorship allocation is to be split among the other 3 applicants.
- Motion passes 4-2-1
- Window for entries still open. In the event that no other applicants submit before March 30, the board votes on the motion to award the sponsorships as follows.
- New barriers have arrived and must be assembled before the tournament.
- Meeting adjourned 8:20
Meeting Minutes: 02-12-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM, all board members present. Guests include Jeff Ruiz, Jean Shi, Jene Alan, Pam Kochman.
- Team League status/ news presented by Jeff
- During January 2019 board meeting, $500 was approved for trophies, this sum will be added to prize money instead.
- League currently has 85 players signed up, 8 from Baja
- There are 12 teams in the first division league, 6 teams in second division
- Schedule Request:
- Two matches on Saturdays and Sundays.
- First match at 10AM and second at 1PM.
- Two rows of tables, two tables per row.
- Board approves 7-0 with the exception of Sunday tournament. The league may still hold a 1PM match
- Music
- Trial of music being played before and in between matches as long as complaints aren’t received.
- Social Media
- Facebook and Instagram accounts can be made to promote the club.
- Equipment
- Chairs and towel racks can be used.
- Shirts: new shirts on hold since the board ordered shirts already.
- Sponsorship
- Jeff to inquire about sponsorship offers.
- Possible funding in exchange for banners placed on barriers.
- Jean Shi Coaching
- Jean’s Safe Sport paperwork has been submitted and is pending approval.
- Once proper documentation is acquired, Jean will continue with group coaching sessions aimed to prepare players to participate in the Meiklejohn tournament.
- Training sessions can be held Mondays and Fridays.
- San Diego Open Tournament
- Steve spoke with Atilla about scheduling. Atilla to work with Earl to help streamline events and match times.
- SDTTA membership list to be provided to Atilla to work out the half price for club member entry rate.
- Barriers will be ordered on the 25th of February for cheaper shipping rates.
- Treasury Report
- Dennis is inquiring with the bank to move a portion of the club’s money into a savings account so that it will accrue interest.
- Dennis requests that all board members keep records of the amount of money they give him and that the P&L is reviewed by everyone.
- 2018 taxes have been paid
- Dennis would like to transfer passwords and account info to at least one other board member (Steve and Phil candidates).
- For purchases, it is easier for Dennis to directly make the purchase instead of compensating board members’ expenses.
- Other Business.
- Players must abide by the rec-center’s dress policy which includes wearing shoes.
- Valid medical documents may allow for exceptions.
- The equipment room was cleaned by Jeff, Bob, and Steve.
- The fire fighters tournament will be held at the club on June 25. They have reserved two rows of tables.
- Jaxon, Steve, and Jeff to possibly become Safe Sport certified.
- A member suggestion was made to officially designate “Challenge Tables”, especially during crowded times.
- The board will try to establish tables 1-4 being challenge tables on Thursdays before the round robin
- Tables will be labelled as challenge tables and players on those tables must accept challenges.
- Players must abide by the rec-center’s dress policy which includes wearing shoes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22PM
New Team League Forming Soon!
We’ve put together a 1 page description in case anyone is interested. Ideally January 20th-27th is the time to sign up with a name and rating. January 28th-February 4th will be the time to form teams. February 5th-12th will be the time to schedule the matches for the 3 month season. Special thanks to Vadim Fedin, Morgan Jimenez, David Flores, and Omiros Reas.
More information can be found HERE.