Meeting Minutes: 10-08-2019
Meeting called to order at 6:31PM
Dennis not present, George Pisa present.
- September minutes approved.
- Jaxon to post minutes to website.
- Senior Games:
- 2020 senior games to be renames “Senior State Games” instead of Senior Olympics.
- Per August meeting board vote, 1 gross of balls was donated to the Baja club from SDTTA.
- Equipment Status:
- The club currently has 29 assembled tables and 2 new/ boxed tables.
- Elections:
- There are 4 positions up for elections.
- Jaxon to encourage members to run for election on Thursday nights.
- Jaxon to assist Suresh in making ballots.
- November 3rd, the deadline for nominees to enter the election.
- Club Money / Finance
- Need to deliver list of club income sources.
- Need to investigate methods of receiving dues from members; cash vs online payment.
- On the motion to put $50K of club funds into CD account, the board votes 6-0 in favor.
- Microwave oven for the club:
- Bob says members are interested in having a club microwave oven; board members to investigate the possibility/ location.
- Drink boxes
- The boxes put out by each table are not being used.
- Board members need to advocate use.
- Sunday Tournament
- To be held on October 20th.
- May consider offering pack of balls as alternate to trophy prize.
- Review of club survey from 2 years ago.
- Phil to draft a new survey for this year.
- Coaching
- On the motion to offer a free (club subsidized) coaching session for kids, the board votes 6-0 in favor. Pisa to run the coaching session.
- Round Robin:
- Cancelled on Thursday, October 31st (Halloween).
Meeting adjourned at 7:43PM
2019 Cal State Senior Games
We would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in this years California State Senior Games. The competition was fierce and a good time was had by all!
A complete list of winners is HERE.
Successful Picnic

Meeting Minutes: 09-10-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:02PM, Phil not present, George Pisa attending.
August minutes approved.
- Table sales: 2 tables sold to members $500 each.
- Senior Tournament scheduled for September 21.
- Simon donated gift certificates to his restaurants to add to prizes.
- Behnam introduced the idea of the club making a donation to the Baja club in the form of money or equipment.
- The board decided not to donate money but to promote club members to donate their used or unwanted table tennis equipment.
- Perry suggests the club purchase paddles to keep at the rec center front desk as loaner paddles. The board votes 7-0 in favor.
- Financial report:
- Pisa paid for subsidized lessons.
Meeting adjourned at 7:29PM
Meeting Minutes: 08-13-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:02PM, all members present.
- July minutes approved
- Picnic approved for September 7 at 12:00PM
- Fall League to begin on September 22
- On the motion to contribute $1,500 to the league, the board votes 7-0 to approve
- The board recommends the contribution be allocated to prize money.
- Barriers: many barriers are damaged; need to count the number of good barriers still available.
- The gym floor is scheduled for cleaning.
- Gum had been found on the floor.
- Phil will not be able to attend the September board meeting.
- The 2nd Sunday tournament will be held on Aug 18th.
- Benham proposes the club consider offering members ½ off discounts on tournaments beyond the San Diego Open. The board does not agree at this time.
- On the motion to distribute a 3 pack of Nittaku premium balls with membership for members who register in January, the board votes in favor 7-0.
- The board decides not to sell an additional 4 tables at this time.
- San Diego Open sponsorship: Paddle Palace has made an offer to contribute a $1000 gift certificate to the prize for the inclusion of “Paddle Palace” in the tournament name.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
Meeting Minutes: 07-09-2019
Meeting called to order at 6:56PM. All board members present. Jeff Ruiz present.
- June meeting minutes approved 7-0
- Summer League: Jeff has a proposal for another league. The league will include the following changes from the previous league:
- Teams will require 6 players.
- Jeff will receive additional assistance in running the league (Steve and Behnam)
- $25 entry fee
- Participants will receive a guidelines document to better inform them how the league works.
- Matches will start at 11AM on Saturdays and Sundays.
- There will be two divisions with a maximum of 8 teams per division.
- Old Business
- Tables for sale: on the motion to sell two of the green tables for $500 each, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
- There are two unbuilt tables remaining in inventory.
- The board would like to recognize Jeff Ruiz and George Pisa for their efforts and time in organizing and running the team league.
- On the motion to pay Jeff $300 and George $150, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
- Free ball program: no new balls will be purchased at this time. The free ball program to remain on indefinite hold.
- Balls for practice robot: on the motion to purchase three boxes of training balls for the robot, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
- Tables for sale: on the motion to sell two of the green tables for $500 each, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
- New Business
- San Diego Open Tournament:
- For next year’s tournament, the board feels a board member such as Perry, or someone experienced in tournament organization, should work closely with Craig and Attila to organize and execute the tournament.
- This year’s tournament ran more smoothly than in previous years, and the board would like to continue to improve the process.
- Doubles entry fee: should be reduced to reflect the lower prizes.
- For next year’s tournament, the board feels a board member such as Perry, or someone experienced in tournament organization, should work closely with Craig and Attila to organize and execute the tournament.
- Coaching: On the motion to continue subsidized coaching for Pisa, $225 for three sessions, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
- Sunday tournament:
- Scheduled for the 21st of July
- Trophies acquired for the next 3 tournaments (24 trophies)
- San Diego Open Tournament:
Meeting adjourned at 7:44
2019 U.S. Nationals

Congratulations to SDTTA members Bob Koch and Sean House for their great showing at this years U.S. Nationals Table Tennis tournament held in Las Vegas.
U2000 Hardbat _____ 1st Place- Bob _____ 2nd Place- Sean
U1800 Hardbat _____ 1st Place- Sean _____2nd Place- Bob
Over 60+ Hardbat ___2nd Place- Bob