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The Mission of SDTTA is to foster a community of table tennis enthusiasts; a place where players of all levels can discover their passion for the sport, develop their skills and health, and compete regularly in a friendly atmosphere.

Meeting Minutes: 10-08-2019

October 8th, 2019


Meeting called to order at 6:31PM

Dennis not present, George Pisa present.

  • September minutes approved.
    • Jaxon to post minutes to website.
  • Senior Games:
    • 2020 senior games to be renames “Senior State Games” instead of Senior Olympics.
  • Per August meeting board vote, 1 gross of balls was donated to the Baja club from SDTTA.
  • Equipment Status:
    • The club currently has 29 assembled tables and 2 new/ boxed tables.
  • Elections:
    • There are 4 positions up for elections.
    • Jaxon to encourage members to run for election on Thursday nights.
    • Jaxon to assist Suresh in making ballots.
    • November 3rd, the deadline for nominees to enter the election.
  • Club Money / Finance
    • Need to deliver list of club income sources.
    • Need to investigate methods of receiving dues from members; cash vs online payment.
    • On the motion to put $50K of club funds into CD account, the board votes 6-0 in favor.
  • Microwave oven for the club:
    • Bob says members are interested in having a club microwave oven; board members to investigate the possibility/ location.
  • Drink boxes
    • The boxes put out by each table are not being used.
    • Board members need to advocate use.
  • Sunday Tournament
    • To be held on October 20th.
    • May consider offering pack of balls as alternate to trophy prize.
  • Review of club survey from 2 years ago.
    • Phil to draft a new survey for this year.
  • Coaching
    • On the motion to offer a free (club subsidized) coaching session for kids, the board votes 6-0 in favor. Pisa to run the coaching session.
  • Round Robin:
    • Cancelled on Thursday, October 31st (Halloween).

Meeting adjourned at 7:43PM

2019 Cal State Senior Games

September 22nd, 2019

We would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in this years California State Senior Games. The competition was fierce and a good time was had by all! 

A complete list of winners is HERE.

Successful Picnic

September 15th, 2019
We had a great picnic on Saturday, Sept 14th! A big thank you to those that joined us with their pot luck contribution. Thanks to Steve and Dennis for coordinating the effort. 

Meeting Minutes: 09-10-2019

September 10th, 2019


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM, Phil not present, George Pisa attending.

August minutes approved.

  • Table sales: 2 tables sold to members $500 each.
  • Senior Tournament scheduled for September 21.
    • Simon donated gift certificates to his restaurants to add to prizes.
  • Behnam introduced the idea of the club making a donation to the Baja club in the form of money or equipment.
    • The board decided not to donate money but to promote club members to donate their used or unwanted table tennis equipment.
  • Perry suggests the club purchase paddles to keep at the rec center front desk as loaner paddles. The board votes 7-0 in favor.
  • Financial report:
    • Pisa paid for subsidized lessons.

Meeting adjourned at 7:29PM

Meeting Minutes: 08-13-2019

August 13th, 2019


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM, all members present.

  • July minutes approved
  • Picnic approved for September 7 at 12:00PM
  • Fall League to begin on September 22
    • On the motion to contribute $1,500 to the league, the board votes 7-0 to approve
    • The board recommends the contribution be allocated to prize money.
  • Barriers: many barriers are damaged; need to count the number of good barriers still available.
  • The gym floor is scheduled for cleaning.
  • Gum had been found on the floor.
  • Phil will not be able to attend the September board meeting.
  • The 2nd Sunday tournament will be held on Aug 18th.
  • Benham proposes the club consider offering members ½ off discounts on tournaments beyond the San Diego Open. The board does not agree at this time.
  • On the motion to distribute a 3 pack of Nittaku premium balls with membership for members who register in January, the board votes in favor 7-0.
  • The board decides not to sell an additional 4 tables at this time.
  • San Diego Open sponsorship: Paddle Palace has made an offer to contribute a $1000 gift certificate to the prize for the inclusion of “Paddle Palace” in the tournament name.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM

Meeting Minutes: 07-09-2019

July 9th, 2019


Meeting called to order at 6:56PM. All board members present. Jeff Ruiz present.

  • June meeting minutes approved 7-0
  • Summer League: Jeff has a proposal for another league. The league will include the following changes from the previous league:
    • Teams will require 6 players.
    • Jeff will receive additional assistance in running the league (Steve and Behnam)
    • $25 entry fee
    • Participants will receive a guidelines document to better inform them how the league works.
    • Matches will start at 11AM on Saturdays and Sundays.
    • There will be two divisions with a maximum of 8 teams per division.
  • Old Business
    • Tables for sale: on the motion to sell two of the green tables for $500 each, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
      • There are two unbuilt tables remaining in inventory.
    • The board would like to recognize Jeff Ruiz and George Pisa for their efforts and time in organizing and running the team league.
      • On the motion to pay Jeff $300 and George $150, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
    • Free ball program: no new balls will be purchased at this time. The free ball program to remain on indefinite hold.
    • Balls for practice robot: on the motion to purchase three boxes of training balls for the robot, the board votes 7-0 in favor.
  • New Business
    • San Diego Open Tournament:
      • For next year’s tournament, the board feels a board member such as Perry, or someone experienced in tournament organization, should work closely with Craig and Attila to organize and execute the tournament.
        • This year’s tournament ran more smoothly than in previous years, and the board would like to continue to improve the process.
      • Doubles entry fee: should be reduced to reflect the lower prizes.
    • Coaching: On the motion to continue subsidized coaching for Pisa, $225 for three sessions, the board votes 7-0  in favor.
    • Sunday tournament: 
      • Scheduled for the 21st of July
      • Trophies acquired for the next 3 tournaments (24 trophies)

Meeting adjourned at 7:44

2019 U.S. Nationals

July 8th, 2019

Congratulations to SDTTA members Bob Koch and Sean House for their great showing at this years U.S. Nationals Table Tennis tournament held in Las Vegas.

U2000 Hardbat _____ 1st Place- Bob _____ 2nd Place- Sean

U1800 Hardbat _____ 1st Place- Sean _____2nd Place- Bob

Over 60+ Hardbat ___2nd Place- Bob