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Rules we all need to follow

We are very happy to be open and have everyone come back and enjoy our facilities.  With that being said, there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed. The barriers are becoming a big issue and it is mainly on Sundays.  The barriers are not being put away properly and are often left on the ground in front of the rack.  They do not belong there.  They need to be put back either on the rack that is in the gymnasium or in the table tennis room, not on the floor.  Another issue is food and drinks.  There are people that bring drinks that are not allowed in the facility (coffee, big gulp type drinks, canned drinks and bottled drinks).  .  They either need to finish them before they enter the gym or just not bring them at all.  In the weeks we have been open, Luis has found gum on the floor, coffee stains, canned drinks and food crumbs on the floor.  The floors were refinished again before we reopened.    It is important that we work together to ensure that these floors remain in good condition as long as we can.  Thanks. Table Tennis Board

  1. Kamshad Raiszadeh
    June 17th, 2024 at 2:34pm | #1

    Can you please contact me regarding Table Tennis lessons? Thank you!