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Meeting Minutes: 3-29-2013

March 29th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

March 29th 2013

This meeting is open to all members of SDTTA

Call to order by James at 7:05pm

SDTTA Board Members Present:  James Kahn, Mark Adelman, Bill Chang and Shariq Ansari

Communications not on agenda have limit of 3 minutes

Last month’s minutes:  could not be approved because Shelley Harding was absent

Financials: Main expenses:  a) renewing domain name $22, b) filing fee with SOS $20 c) keep the website for SDTTA up and running $178  d)  van rental for Mexico $168

Physical altercations: Discussed incidents of physical altercation and agreed that increased communal and club spirit can be fostered through team events and club social gatherings.

Ensenada Trip: Members present felt Ensenada trips are a wonderful opportunity to promote table tennis and camaraderie, but that we need to improve logistics of borders crossings

Upcoming team challenge: Board member Kiet to organize 3 team challenge scheduled for 9:30 am on the 2nd week of April. The participating clubs are to be 1) O.C. 2) Ensenada 3) SDTTA

Neil Smythe Tournament: We have to reserve a date for the tournament. A motion was passed unanimously approving Attila as the tournaments organizer. His past success in organizing tournaments with high participation and good profitability were cited as reasons

Upcoming Picnic: Will pick date for club picnic during next meeting

Need new member to fill treasure position: Board treasurer Bill Chang will be leaving in 2014 and we need someone to take his place. Anyone with the most basic skills involving quicken would be considered a suitable successor.

Equipment: Blue tables have proven to be a disaster. They do not fold /unfold easily and are frequently lopsided and uneven. We need to replace these with better tables, possibly Joola….Andre Scott our local Joola rep will be contacted.

Challenger Table: Implementing Challenger table concept proved unpractical. No enforcement procedure in place. Members rip off Challenger table placard attached to the side of challenger tables.

Professional Coaching: Talk to Barney and Christian and see if they are willing to offer pro coaching at the club. Currently nobody fills that capacity

Meeting Closed: Meeting Closed at 8:00pm: James motions, Bill 2nds.

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