Meeting Minutes: 12-10-2019
December 10, 2019 SDTTA Board Meeting
Called to order at 7:06PM
All board members present. Newly elected board members present: Jeff Ruiz, Jean Shi, Ruben Guilloty.
- November minutes: approved pending amendments.
- Amendment to By-Laws
- Proposal to clarify By-Law concerning candidate eligibility to run for the board.
- By-Laws state “The Board will confirm that each candidate has been a member in good standing for at least one year preceding the election”
- Proposed change/ clarification to state: “The Board will confirm that each candidate has been a member in good standing for at least twelve months preceding the start of the term of office. A membership obtained during the month qualifies as a membership for the entire month.”
- Change to the by-laws proposed to allow members who join in January to be allowed to run for a board position the following year.
- Coaching: the city is not allowing additional coaches / coaching applications.
- San Diego Open Tournament
- Tentatively scheduled for May, dates still undetermined.
- Need to check other tournaments scheduled to avoid conflicts.
- Phil and Jaxon now have access to Omnipong.
- The club would like to hold a smaller tournament in February to test the Omnipong software.
- Smaller tournament may be sanctioned.
- Club member Maurizio Bassi also developing tournament software. The club may evaluate his software along with Omnipong.
- Phil to propose February tournament in January board meeting.
- Board may consider running SD Open tournament in house pending results of smaller tournament.
- A large obstacle to running the tournament in house is collecting entry fees and distributing prize money.
- Tentatively scheduled for May, dates still undetermined.
- Election volunteers: the board would like to gift a 3-pack of Nittaku balls to members who volunteered to collect election ballots.
- Treasury Report
- In 2019, the club collected $21k and spent $19.6k
- May need to distribute 1099 forms to all persons who received $600 or more from the club.
- May or may not include reimbursement money
- Consult with treasurer from badminton club and or Jerry Harris
- In the future, it may be better for board members to make purchases exclusively using the Club Card to avoid reimbursement checks.
- Website: On the motion for Bob to continue to update and maintain the website the board voted 7-0 in favor.
- Club Survey: Phil shares the results of his club survey. Results to be shared on the website.
- The club’s USATT membership needs to be renewed. Dennis is working on the renewal process.
- Club Closures in January: the 11th, 12th, and 19th
- International Relations Committee: On the motion for Behnam to organize an international relations committee to serve as a liaison with foreign players such as those from the Baja Club, the board voted 7-0 in favor.
- Behnam / the committee will post dates when the Baja club or other clubs may be visiting to encourage a high turnout from San Diego club members.
- Coaches on the board:
- Since 3 out of the 7 new board members are also currently coaching at the club, the board suggests they collectively offer weekend seminars or free coaching sessions for club members.
- Jeff has completed Safe Sport requirements and is awaiting confirmation of completion.
- On the motion that for future board votes relating to coaching at the club, Perry, Jean, and Jeff get a combined vote counting as only a single vote, the board voted 7-0 in favor.
- Membership drive in January: 3 packs of Nittaku balls need to be ordered.
- Member Richard Kinsler and Phil to run next Thursday night Round Robin
- Behnman suggests that since Phil received the most votes in the election, he should be nominated to be the board president.
Meeting closed at 8:18PM
Thanks Bob for your speedy posting!