Meeting Minutes: 08-09-2011
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting, 2010
August 9, 2011
Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order by Ron at 7:05 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present: Mark, James, Borko, Ron Spencer, Bill, Jock and Shelley SDTTA Member: Christian Lillieroos SDTTA Board Member minutes for July were passed. The motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Borko. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. The topic of table tennis coaching was brought up to the SDTTA board. It was stated that some members are coaching for a fee. The BPAC rule is that paid coaches need to be registered with the city. These members need to know that no paid coaching should be done until they these required parameters are met. Action Items:
- SDTTA Picnic: The picnic scheduled for 8/13 has been rescheduled to Sept 17th, Sat from 12 – 3 pm. Ron will contact Daryl to make these changes on our website and see about setting up a place where members can sign up and what dish they will bring to share for the potluck. Ron will change the date with BPAC director, Michelle.
- Treasurer’s Report: Bill passed out the treasurer’s report that is reconciled through July 31, 2011 and is posted on our equipment room board. One sold table ($500) is included in the treasurer’s report and two more sold tables ($1,000) will be reported on next month’s report.
- Equipment and membership report: We have around 250 members at this time. Borko has started a free senior coaching class held on Saturday from 12 – 2 pm which promotes table tennis for new players and membership. Thank you Borko. The SDTTA will purchase practice balls for this training. Mark made a motion to change junior membership fees for 2011 effective July 12 from $30 to $15. It was seconded by Jock. The motion was passed 6 to 1. Shelley felt that the fee should have been $20.
- Executive Director’s report: No report.
- Peewee/Jr Report. No report.
- New Business:
- Christian Lillieroos went to the BPAC meeting in August. The next BPAC meeting is October 5th at 6 pm and held in BPAC meeting room. He stated that there were 3 SDTTA members present and around 15 people were present. His observations were as follows:
- The open volley ball league tournament charged an admittance fee and recommended to SDTTA that we could also charge at our SDTTA sponsored tournaments as a source of revenue for our club.
- BPAC was satisfied with the $575 our club paid for profits.
- When asking BPAC about using 1/3 of the center for activities outside of SDTTA’s paid hours, Christian was told that is was a staffing issue which included paying staff for their time and it may included overtime pay.
- The fact that SDTTA splits the activity space 50/50 with Badminton while we only use 1/3 of the space was brought up and that our club needs to investigate and make what changes we can to make it equal and or fair.
- SDTTA has reserved the activity center for a tournament which will be held in October. Mustafa contacted Ron and wants to know what size tournament we should have. The board discussed that a 3 star tournament would be a good place to start. Mustafa will be invited to come back with a subcommittee to keep us informed at our next board meeting.