Meeting Minutes: 02-12-2019
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM, all board members present. Guests include Jeff Ruiz, Jean Shi, Jene Alan, Pam Kochman.
- Team League status/ news presented by Jeff
- During January 2019 board meeting, $500 was approved for trophies, this sum will be added to prize money instead.
- League currently has 85 players signed up, 8 from Baja
- There are 12 teams in the first division league, 6 teams in second division
- Schedule Request:
- Two matches on Saturdays and Sundays.
- First match at 10AM and second at 1PM.
- Two rows of tables, two tables per row.
- Board approves 7-0 with the exception of Sunday tournament. The league may still hold a 1PM match
- Music
- Trial of music being played before and in between matches as long as complaints aren’t received.
- Social Media
- Facebook and Instagram accounts can be made to promote the club.
- Equipment
- Chairs and towel racks can be used.
- Shirts: new shirts on hold since the board ordered shirts already.
- Sponsorship
- Jeff to inquire about sponsorship offers.
- Possible funding in exchange for banners placed on barriers.
- Jean Shi Coaching
- Jean’s Safe Sport paperwork has been submitted and is pending approval.
- Once proper documentation is acquired, Jean will continue with group coaching sessions aimed to prepare players to participate in the Meiklejohn tournament.
- Training sessions can be held Mondays and Fridays.
- San Diego Open Tournament
- Steve spoke with Atilla about scheduling. Atilla to work with Earl to help streamline events and match times.
- SDTTA membership list to be provided to Atilla to work out the half price for club member entry rate.
- Barriers will be ordered on the 25th of February for cheaper shipping rates.
- Treasury Report
- Dennis is inquiring with the bank to move a portion of the club’s money into a savings account so that it will accrue interest.
- Dennis requests that all board members keep records of the amount of money they give him and that the P&L is reviewed by everyone.
- 2018 taxes have been paid
- Dennis would like to transfer passwords and account info to at least one other board member (Steve and Phil candidates).
- For purchases, it is easier for Dennis to directly make the purchase instead of compensating board members’ expenses.
- Other Business.
- Players must abide by the rec-center’s dress policy which includes wearing shoes.
- Valid medical documents may allow for exceptions.
- The equipment room was cleaned by Jeff, Bob, and Steve.
- The fire fighters tournament will be held at the club on June 25. They have reserved two rows of tables.
- Jaxon, Steve, and Jeff to possibly become Safe Sport certified.
- A member suggestion was made to officially designate “Challenge Tables”, especially during crowded times.
- The board will try to establish tables 1-4 being challenge tables on Thursdays before the round robin
- Tables will be labelled as challenge tables and players on those tables must accept challenges.
- Players must abide by the rec-center’s dress policy which includes wearing shoes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22PM