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7/16/24 board meeting minutes

meeting started at 7:00 p.m. , Presents were Behnam, PJ and Salam, on the phone was Ruben,Ahmad, Patricia .

1: In regards to Aviv, Salam and jackson will determine how rating will increase or decrease. They will get together and formalize a procedure and will report the outcome to the Board in the August meeting!

2: In regards to Javid, we decided to eliminate his name and rating. 

3: Patricia will talk to non paying members and Jeanie in regards to club membership and payment.

4: No food- No drink allowed in the club, Only drink with cabs on is ok. Ruben will creat a flyer in regards to food and drink policy in the club.

5:Barries: Barries has to placed correctly in the rack and in the storage room. Barries can not be left in the floor.  Salam will ask Luis if we could purchase another cart to store Barriers

6: SD open tournament is on 08/31/20204 and 09/01/2024. We discussed that there are many preparations to be made and only one month to do them. Therefore Behnam needs to schedule meetings with Board and members to get things planned and executed.

7: Dennis is in charge for Senior tournament in 09/2024 and in month of 10/2024 will be having members appreciation tournament.

8: financial statement was provided by ruben up to month of 07/2024

9: Behnam will talk to Jeanne Shi in regards to her free group coaching.

10. We discussed that we need to determine when can the coaches coach when the club is busy. Originally we had said that weekend coaching could only be done in early monrings (from 9:00 – 11:00).

Adjourned at 8.01 P.MReplyForward



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