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Meeting Minutes: 10-09-2018

October 9th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

Oct. 9, 2018

Meeting called to order by  Chairperson at 7:02 p.m.

Members present: Steve McGrew, Behnam Kazemi,  Perry Schwartzberg, Bob Koch, and Jaxon Farris

Dennis Suisen and Phil Van De Wiele  absent

George Pisa in attendance.

Motion made to approve last minutes, motion carried 5-0.

Old Business

Steve: The sponsorship for up and coming players is going above the budget proposed. Might have to pull in the number of players or limit the amount that can be received from each sponsored player.

Jaxon: Perhaps only 4 tournaments for the year?

Bob: Let the sponsored players decide which 4 tournaments that they want to be sponsored?

Perry: Cap it at $1000 per player per year?

Behnam: At the last meeting, we spoke about putting a note on the website so that the sponsorship could be open to the membership.

Steve: We will take applications for a total of 4 sponsored players for next year.

Steve: It’s important that we get members to bring their card, and be able to show their card when asked. We need to do a mass mailing to the membership so that they know that they need to carry their card.

Steve: Any news from Omnipong?

Jaxon: I’ve contacted them multiple times but have heard nothing back.

Steve: We need to download the rules of Omnipong.

Perry: To run a tournament?

Steve: Yes, to run a small tournament and see if we are able to do it.

Steve: Any report on the broken equipment building up in the storage area?

Bob: Most of it is gone, this is no longer an issue.

New Business

Bob: Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a photo of the week on our website showing some of our members?

All agree this would be a great idea.

Behnam: Joola L.A. Open had two Japanese players attending. These two top ranked players would be interested in coming to our large tournament.

Bob: If we increase the prize money, more of the top ranked players may come.

Steve: We would also need  to obtain sponsorship money to bring players from overseas to our tournaments. This should be something that we can do.

Perry: Maybe we could have 1/2 price entry for SDTTA members to the large tournament? It would certainly help increase participation from our club.

All agree good idea.

Jaxon: Phil and I built one of the tables. We still have many more to go.

George: Looks like we could build 5 or 6 more before we start to run out of room.

Bob: Shirts, we need shirts.

Behnam: LA Open sold nice Joola shirts for $10.

All agree that would be great and needs more investigation.

Meeting closed at 7:38

Meeting adjourned 8:07

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