Meeting Minutes: 1/10/2023

January 23rd, 2023

Attendees: Behnam, Salam, Danny, Nancy, Remzi (added), Ruben


1. Meeting was called to Order by Ruben at 7:10PM

2. Past Minutes – Reading and approval of previous meeting Minutes- Behnam

Behnam indicated that those Minutes had been approved by the previous Board and already posted on the website.

3. Officers Reports – Financial Report – Ruben (Treasurer) presented December and End of 2022 Financials with Summary of Income and Expenses for the year. The report was shared with the Board.

4. Unfinished Business

    a. Sunday Tournament – Need to decide if we continue to support the Sunday Tournament and the prizes. We voted unanimously (6 Yes, 1absent) to continue the Sunday Tournaments. Also voted on the Prizes and agreed to continue to offer Nittaku Balls as prizes for the winners (2 Balls for 1st Place and 1 ball for 2nd Place per category). The prpoposal was approved but the vote was divided; 4 votes Yes, 1 voted No (Danny) and 1 absent (PJ). The measure was approved as 4 Yes, 1 No and 1 Absent. Other tournament options will be discussed with the Board in the next meeting.

    b. Barriers – Need to assess quantity of damaged barriers to replace and decide on which Barrier Carts design to purchase. Unanimously agreed to purchase 12 short Barriers and 12 tall barriers. In addition agreed to purchase 12 new nets as we have had to replace damaged nets. Ruben will contact Thu for the information of the supplier and Issue a Purchase Order. Regarding gthe Cart, Danny volunteeres to talk to Amir to confirm the bast path forward to acquire carts for barriers.

5. New Business;

Thu Tran resigned from her post due to personal work related reasons. We thank Thu for her contributions to the Association and to the Board. We will miss her, but we are counting on her support and an active SDTTA Member. In order to replace Thu, the Board unanimously agreed to consider Remzi Kaval as he was in the elections ballot and he meets all the requirements to be a Board member. Vote was 5 Yes and 1 absent, 1 resigned (Thu)

Later on Remzi joined us in the meeting and he agreed to participate in the Board.

6. New 2023 Board Member Selection:

    a. Chair Person – Behnam Kazemi

    b. Vice Chair Person – Danny Williams

    c. Member Relations Director – Nancy Huynh

    d. Executive Director – Remzi Kaval

    e. Public Relations Director – Salam Seamaan

    f. Treasurer – Ruben Guilloty

    g. Secretary – Pedjam Adhami (PJ)

7.  SDTTA OPEN – Initiate discussions regarding the OPEN – A Committe was selected to lead the effort to organize the Open composed by (Behnam, Danny, Salam and Remzi). They will update the Board in every Board meeting to ensure continuity of their efforts.

8. Explain Membership collection process – We are currently accepting memberships although we do not have the 2023 stickers yet. However members can proceed to pay and we will provide them a receipt and we will hand them the sticker once they arriv e next week. We also have members paying through PayPal and they in turn have an electronic receipt and we will either give them cards or stickers once they arrive.

9. Member appreciation Tournament –  Details to be discussed at next meeting – Behnam

10. Monday Coaching – Mr. Javid will be out for a few weeks and Mr. Amir and Mr. Pisa will work together to support during those weeks. Also the Board approved for us to have another Official USATT Certified Coach in the Club. Mr.Pisa has volunteered to be certified as a Coach and the Association will help Pisa with the cost of Certification provided he conducts the Monday Coaching sessions with Javid for 1 year. Nancy will prepare an agreement to document the commitment between the SDTTA and Mr. Pisa

11. Collection of Membership Fees – Members identified the days of the week to support the member dues collections. The following are the days everyone volunteered:

Salam – Tuesday/Sunday

Nancy – Saturday

Remzi – Tuesday/ Thursday

Ruben – Monday/Tuesday

Behnam – Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday

Danny – Monday/Tuesday/Friday

PJ – To be determined

12. There was a proposal to recognize Jaxson for his continued contributions in leading the Thursday Round Robin Tournament and keeping track of Registration and Results. The decision by the Board was to either offer him a gift certificate or cover his membership dues for 2023. We are in the process of finalizing this as we speak with Jaxon.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM

Kind Regards, 

Ruben Guilloty – SDTTA Treasurer

Meeting Minutes: 12/12/2022

December 13th, 2022

Meeting Minutes: 7:15 PM.-8:15 PM; 12-12-2022

Attendees: Danny, Amir, Javid Thu, Behnam, (Ruben not present)


1-December 12th, 2022 was the last board meeting for this year.  

Javid and Amir saluted everyone and Javid submitted the storage keys to Behnam so it may be handed over to the upcoming elected board members after Election Day on 12-17-2022.

2- Regarding Monday night classes:

Javid mentioned how crucially important and necessary to support the Monday night classes, emphasizing that it brings additional members to our Club!

3- Buying new SDTTA shirts at a better and affordable cost for potential new board and Club members.

Proposed by Danny 


4-Consideration about getting a wider dolly, if it can fit in there, or another one similar to the one we have, however, other options may be considered as well. But the current dolly is inadequate, and not fun to deal with!

Proposed by Amir 

Voted  Yes 5      No 0

5-Clark Mitchell is one of our Club members and would like to donate few rackets for the Monday class; the rackets are to be distributed among beginner players  to show appreciation and support for Javid & Amir for Coaching in memory of Borko!

It would be a great acknowledgment if Thu could kindly provide an appreciation letter for him.

Proposed by Javid

Voted Yes 5      No 0

6-Behnam would also like to add another letter of appreciation for Javid as well. Per Behnam, Javid has done a lot of work organizing and implementing three successful tournaments. Also, establishing and volunteering as a coach for the Monday night class. Since Javid will not be able to attend the Christmas dinner,  Behnam proposed a gift  certificate for Javid and his wife for her effort in assisting Javid producing and editing many videos and other numerous tasks as well.

Proposed by Behnam 

Voted Yes 5        No 0

7-Thu proposed showing gratitude to our working staff at SDTTA. Accordingly, all were in agreement that bringing the food (Pizzas)  this one time it would be a great idea.

Voted Yes 5       No 0


Javid Khazaeli

Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes: 11/14/2022

November 22nd, 2022

Meeting Minutes, 11-14-2022, 

7:15 p.m.~8:15p.m.

Attendees; Danny, Amir, Javid and (Thu on phone), (Ruben and Behnam not present)


1-yearly picnic for this year still on discussion to decide which day would be good to take place in December.

2-Beginners Proposal Plan by Danny and Pisa and get back to us and vote how much the Club wants to charge for this, 

Danny, Mentioned still working on the plan and since we have Monday classes for Beginners every week 5-7pm for all ages and levels by Coach Javid & Amir for our members, 

Danny mentioned thinking of picking another day of the week for their plan.

3-Consideration about getting a wider dolly, or even another one if it can fit in there, or any other options you may find suitable. But the current dolly is not fun to deal with!

Proposed by Amir 

Decided to be discussed on next year.

4-Taking advantage of technology and utilize zoom app (or any medium) so we can create a virtual meeting twice a month. This will give us a better way to express our ideas and reach decisions much quicker.

Proposed by Amir 

Decided to be discussed on next board meeting.

5-our club only tournament on one of the Sunday tournaments and as a year end gift allocate $500 prize money.

Proposed by Behnam 

No explanation or details how $500 will be used for one of the Sunday’s RR. Postponed to next board meeting or next year to discuss.


6-We need green & Blue scotch Tape to fixe some of the Barriers which it’s been damaged for very long time.

proposed by Javid

Voted, Yes 4       No 0

7-Board continue giving some prizes (balls) to winners on our Sunday tournaments until end of the year of 2022.

Proposed by Thu

Voted, Yes 4       No 0

8-LIVE stream on Thursday tournaments……

Proposed by Bob

Voted, Yes 4       No 0

Bob did a test “live stream” during one of the Sunday tournaments.hours and it went very well. 

Bob was using his phones “hotspot”, and it now has run out of data for the month, so he was requesting that SDTTA look into purchasinga wireless router (Bob brought examples from Verizon, but any carrier with good reception at BPAC will work).

Thu, mentioned that the club should also be purchasing the equipment for this to happen and also get a 2nd person, besides Bob, to setup and broadcast the Thursdays tournaments, when Bob is not available.

Danny said that we now can use the wi-fi that BPAC has, but Bob mentioned the signal isn’t very strong to our area of the gym. Bob would have to do another LIVE test to see if it would be feasible to use their wi-fi.

Voted, Yes 4       No 0


Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes: 10/10/2022

October 27th, 2022

Meeting Minutes,

September ,October on 10-10.2022, 7:00p.m.~8:00 p.m

Attendees; Ruben, Danny, Amir, Behnam, Thu and Javid not present (Family Emergency)


1-Picnic  – Was postponed and we have not decided on a date. Discussed about October 22nd but was not finalized. Current Priority is the Borko Cup.

2-Borko Cup – who is going to help Javid?

        Amir,Ruben, Behnam, Danny and Javid.

            3-Will help set up the tables scoreboards etc on Friday Afternoon/evening

            4-Will support Javid during the tournament on Saturday and Sunday

            5-Will be participants as scorers, helpers or other duties as needed.

            6-Will participate in the Initiation of the Event and at the Awards Ceremony

            7-Will secure other members in the tear down and putting all equipment away.

           8- Flowers for Borko’s wife (Smiljana) and she will give a short speech. All has been set up for that at the beginning of the event. 

        She will also participate in the Awards Ceremony.

9- Purchase Monday Practice Balls – This Item was completed. Balls were purchased.

10- Harbor Police – Behnam will respond to them that we are willing to send people there for them to practice with the Harbor Police. All Board members agreed to participate and go and play. Benham will update us of progress. Thu will find the original email and forward to Behnam.

11- Board members communicated or texted Patty with their Condolences for the sad passing of her husband. No additional action deemed appropriate at this time


12- We need a Beginners Proposal Plan and that Danny and Pisa will work on a proposal and get back to us with a plan. We will vote on it as soon as the plan is discussed, also how much the Club wants to charge this.

Board should consider and make sure if the plan is regarding Coaching!

13- Additional Item: Board Holiday Dinner

Discussed the potential of holding a Board of Directors Dinner Meeting on Saturday December 10th @ 5:00PM at the Texas Road House.

Voted, Yes, 5      No 0

14- There is recommendation is to extend the invitation to Board Member Spouses or Significant others, but their expense to be paid by each Board Member.

15- New SDTTA Shirts – The item regarding the T Shirts was discussed and we decided  on a not to do this at this time. 

Voted, Yes, 5      No 0


Ruben Guilloty, Treasure of the Board, Revised by Javid

Borko Cup Final Results

October 18th, 2022

Thursday Round Robin new start time

October 11th, 2022

The club is now closing at 8:30pm on Tuesday and Thursdays. This new time change now conflicts with the Thursday Round Robin and doesn’t allow enough time to finish all of the matches. Because of this, the new start time for the Thursday Round Robin will be 6:00pm.

Mini Olympic Vol. 2

August 22nd, 2022