Meeting Minutes: 06-14-2011

June 14th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

June 14, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order by Ron at 7:05 pm.

SDTTA Board Members Present:   Mark, James, Jock, Borko, Ron Spencer, and Shelley

SDTTA Board Members Absent:   Bill Chang

SDTTA Board Member minutes for April and May were passed by James and seconded by Mark.  It was decided by the Board Members that the minutes should be posted on our website after they have been approved and to let Daryl know.

Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.

Action Items:

  1. Webmaster Report:  Daryl did not have anything to add.  Mark brought up the possibility of having another person offer a design for our website.  The board agreed to have Mark invite this person to our board meeting and show us what he could do.
  2. Peewee / Jr Report/ Angie – Brana – Earl.  No report.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill emailed the treasurer’s report that balanced the SDTTA account through May 31, 2011. A check for $1524 was received from Attila Malek from the SD Power Pong tournament and is to be applied towards equipment. 
  4. Equipment and membership report. Borko stated that four complete net sets are junked.  The board is planning to buy new tables and starting a list to sell old tables.  Borko has been in touch with the Butterfly rep and there are four tables available from a tournament waiting in a warehouse to be purchased.  We need to have Daryl put on our website that the club is selling our old tables for $500 and to contact/see Borko.  We need the new tables before we let the old ones go.  Borko stated that there are two people interested in buying the tables.             
  5. Executive Director’s report:  No report.
  6. Old Business.  The SDTTA picnic will be Saturday, August 13 from 12 – 3 pm.  There will be posted a list for members to sign that they will be attending.  There is to be a free raffle organized by Jock.  Ron will check out some people who will be providing music.  We will provide the drinks and ice.  Board members will be bringing ice chests (Ron, Mark, & Shelley).  Ron is going to contact Michelle to reserve back area for picnic.
  7. New Business.
    1. An official policy to address a pressing concern regarding players putting the table and connecting barriers away unless someone states that they will put them away later.  Ron will type it up.
    2. We need a suggestion box with pad and pen.  Shelley volunteered to bring one in.

Then motion was made to adjourn by Jock and seconded by James.


The next meeting is July 12, 2011.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Andy Murray takes on Tsonga at table tennis after final is rained off

June 13th, 2011
Andy Murray resorted to playing Jo-Wilfried Tsonga at table tennis after their Aegon Championships final was rained off on Sunday Murray Plays Table TennisFrenchman Tsonga won their ping pong showdown two sets to one, while Murray’s chance to win his second Queen’s title was re-scheduled for today at 12.30pm. ‘It’s been very frustrating,’ said tournament boss Chris Kermode. ‘We still have a fantastic day to look forward to on Monday and the weather forecast looks promising.’ It will the third time the tournament has been decided on a Monday. John McEnroe won in 1979 and Boris Becker claimed the second of his four titles in 1987 – neither went on to triumph at Wimbledon in the same year, however. And Murray will hope neither that, nor the table tennis result, will prove a bad omen for his assault on SW19. Read more…

The Development of Timo Boll

May 18th, 2011
Since Timo Boll of Germany is the only European player in the World semi-finals, in Rotterdam, I thought this video of his development would be great to watch again. If you’ve never seen this, watch how he started at 4 years old & improved every single year! Amazing stuff!

Mayor’s Proposed FY12 Budget – City Council Public Hearings

May 3rd, 2011

The City Council will hear the Park and Recreation Department’s Proposed FY12 Budget on Thursday, May 5 9:00a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in City Council Chambers, 202 C Street – 12fl floor. Public Testimony will be heard during this time.

In addition, there will be an evening meeting on Monday, May 9 @ 6pm. It is my understanding that public testimony will be heard during this time as well.

As a reminder for employees wishing to attend the public hearings, you must fill out a leave slip, as approved by your supervisor.   Thank you, Stacey LoMedico City of San Diego Park and Recreation Director

SDTTA Webmaster Featured on!

March 29th, 2011
Hello fellow members,

A few weeks ago, I got invited to a last-minute happy hour session at Cozymel’s down here in San Diego. Somehow, my friend’s co-worker’s friend from outta town just happened to be a sports reporter for Fox 10 News in Mobile, Alabama. As soon as he heard that I play table tennis, he was all about it. He said he was interested in doing a story about me for because people there liked ping pong too, but I thought he was just being nice. As it turns out, he was quite serious!

Check out the interview online:

San Diego Team JUIC Photo

January 15th, 2011

Words to the SDTTA Members

January 14th, 2011