Meeting Minutes: 3-13-2012
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting, 2012
March 13th, 2012
Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order 7:12 pm by Ron. SDTTA Board Members Present: Ron Spencer, Bill Chang, James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, Earl Alto and Shariq Ansari SDTTA Members Present: Daryl, Brana, Robert, Frederick, Mark, Phil, Adele, and Andre The approval of February 2012 minutes was made by James and seconded by Shariq. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Action Items:
- Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s Report that has reconciled us through February 29, 2012.
- Webmaster Report – Daryl Sterling: Daryl would like all concerns regarding website to be emailed to him.
- Stell/ Angie Juic Team Report / Angie – Brana – Earl: Earl stated that the coached students have improved greatly in their training under Stell/Angie. Both Stell and Angie have always given player tips to the members.
- Equipment/Executive Director’s report: The topic of broken nets was discussed again. It was voted to not take the nets off the tables and put them in a cabinet. The discussion was raised to make a sign for new people to ask for assistance in setting up tables. Daryl suggested making a photo series posted to show how to set up table and nets. Borko and James were asked to take note of the rate of the nets being broken and report back to the board next month.
- Membership report – Borko: Not available. Shariq is overseeing the membership data base.
- Old Business:
- Tournament update – due to new information that Earl will no longer be in charge this matter will be discussed at the April meeting.
- Membership enforcement discussion tabled.
- New Business:
- League sponsorship by SDTTA is on hold.
- $1 fee for Thursday night RR not possible because there will be city fees involved as stated by Phil. Phil is in charge of the Thursday night RR and SDTTA fully supports his recommendations.
- Sample barriers and table form HiQua TT is still a work in progress. Ron is still waiting to hear from him.
Communications not on Agenda: Mark wants more SDTTA board meeting transparency. This includes that the SDTTA board meetings be put on the calendar along with the agenda and the monthly minutes put on the SDTTA website in a timely manner. This has been agreed to by the board.
Shelley made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by James.
The next meeting is April 17, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary
JUIC Training Group Results at the Northridge Open!
After a tough loss to former US Men’s Singles Champion Jim Butler in the Men’s Open, long time club member Earl Alto stayed focused and became the champion of the U2500 event! Also, Teddy Tran (who consistently drives down from Orange County every weekend specifically to train in Stellan’s group) made it to the semi-finals of the Men’s Open! And guess what? He’s only 14 years old!
Paralympic Hopeful on KSWB Morning Show
2012 Henderson Senior Games
Meeting Minutes: 2-21-2012
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting, 2012
February 21, 2012
7:05 PM
Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order 7:12 pm by Ron. SDTTA Board Members Present: Ron Spencer, Bill Chang, James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, Earl Alto and Shariq Ansari The approval of January 10, 2012 minutes was made by Shelley and seconded by Borko. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Action Items:- Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s Report that has reconciled us through January 31, 2012.
- Webmaster Report – Daryl Sterling: Daryl would like all concerns regarding website to be emailed to him.
- Peewee / Jr Report / Angie – Brana – Earl: Earl is on the board so he has volunteered to be the go between for communications to Stell/Angie coaching group. The discussion regarding Jr team will be tabled until the next board meeting.
- Equipment/Executive Director’s report: Borko stated that players are breaking the nets at a rapid rate. He needs help with care of equipment and James will be working with him. It was suggested to protect the net assembly by keeping the assembly in the metal cabinet and then taken to the tables. This action will be put on the SDTTA website with a sign posted for members to obtain the nets. Ron and Shelley will meet to clean the metal cabinet out making space for the nets.
- Membership report – Borko: Not available. Borko will contact Mark Adelman to get the website to order membership covers.
- Tournament Update: Earl has come up with Columbus Day weekend October 6 – 7th to have the Neal Smythe Memorial Tournament. Earl consulted with Sungil and Angie about having a Giant round robin on Saturday limiting it to 60 people then having a small regular tournament on Sunday. The fee for Saturday’s round robin would be $45.
- Membership Enforcement – Everyone’s Duty – Thursday night is a good night for membership collection. Phil can print a current membership on Thursday night round robin. Board members can go to players that night and get them signed up during play. Borko has been volunteering his time Thursday night to collect daily play fees and taking new membership fees.
New issues:
1 Tournament request from Anthony LaChica who represents San Diego fire fighters who want to have a small table tennis tournament at our facility. The request has been approved by the San Diego Table Tennis Board Members.
2 SDTTA sign up for membership to USTTA. USTTA gives our club a 15% discount when we send our members forms to join and be a member of USTTA. The fee to join is now $49. SDTTA voted to pass this discount to the members who want to join USTTA. The cost to each SDTTA member is $42 and the member will pay to a SDTTA board member with the form that amount.
No sitting on tables enforcement: The SDTTA board members want to enforce that no one should be sitting on the tables for any reason.
Sample barriers and table from HiQua TT. Ron spoke to a sales representative of HiQua who has tables and barriers that our club may want to check for future needs and quality. The rep has not gotten back to Ron. Ron will email the board about getting sample barriers which can have the SDTTA name on them.
James made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Borko.
The next meeting is March 13, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary