Hi All,
I am going to conduct a doubles tournament on Friday, November 30th for teams based on club ratings for under 3400 doubles. If you have no rating, I will determine your rating and can help people find partners. The tournament will start at 5:30pm.
James Kahn
Check out the detailed results from the tournament:
The tournament referee, Mike Meier, has provided pictures from the Neil Smyth Memorial Table Tennis Tournament last weekend. Enjoy!
Open RR
1st Marko Prce
2nd Vahid Mosaferi
3rd David Umel
3rd Earl Alto
U17 RR
1st Erick Shahnazari
2nd Amanda Malek
O40 RR
1st Robert Shahhnazari
2nd Christian Lillieroos
3rd/4th Stanley Tang
3rd/4th Alireza Hejazi
O60 RR
1st Hiro Moriyasu
2nd Bill Ukaapatayasakul
3rd Mark Adelman
3rd Phil Van De Wiele
U900 RR
1st Royce Stanfill
2nd Fred Pearson
U1100 RR
1st Royce Stanfill
2nd Fred Pearson
3rd Monica Sims
U1500 RR
1st Dylan Chang
2nd Angel Luo
3rd Janusz Supernak
U1900 RR
1st Erick Shahnazari
2nd Hiro Moriyasu
3rd Amanda Malek
3rd Mark Gleicher
U15 RR
1st Patrick Soto
2nd Ted Li
O50 RR
1st Christian Lillieroos
2nd Michael Lardon
3rd Philip Van De Wiele
3rd Naqvi Syed Amjad
U3400 Dbls
1st Peter Sanidad/Emmanuel Ong
2nd James Kahn/Nar Fahlstrom
3rd Danny Campbell/Ray Nanos
3rd Dylan Chang/Bill Chang
U1300 RR
1st Dik Cheung
2nd Kelly Lam
3rd Rich Turek
4th Morton Gorel
U2100 RR
1st Paul Wessel
2nd Thong Nguyen
3rd Vo Quang
3rd Kiet Tran
U1700 RR
1st Kazem Behnam
2nd Dylan Chang
3rd Don Hoang
3rd Angel Luo
Open Doubles
1st Marko Prce/Brana Vlasic
2nd David Umel/Earl Alto
3rd Peter Sanidad/Emmanuel Jong
3rd Veronica Chen/Derrick Cone
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting
November 9, 2012
Balboa Park Activity Center
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.
Call to order 7:10 pm by Ron.
SDTTA Board Members Present: Ron Spencer, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, James Kahn, Shariq Ansari and Bill Chang
SDTTA Board Member Absent: Frederick Cheung
SDTTA Member Present: Mike Meier
Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.
The approval of the SDTTA Board Member minutes for October was postponed and will wait for an email from board members to approve.
Treasurer’s Report. Bill Chang presented the Treasurer’s Report which is reconciled thru October 31, 2012.
Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – The SDTTA website is setup and accepting entries for the Neil Smythe Memorial Tournament.
Peewee/Jr Report/Ron and Borko – Ron has a few students right now.
Membership Report: Bill Chang has the 2013 green membership stickers ready. James brought up the subject of membership increase and the recommended that a committee be established to show the validity of needing an increase.
Equipment Report- The two tables from the San Diego Sr. Center have been returned to our stock for the tournament. The tournament balls have arrived.
Executive Director’s report – James was thinking about putting out SDTTA shirts for sale or donates to volunteers.
Old Business:
- Tournament Update: Mike Meiers will be our official referee/umpire for the tournament. He explained his duties to the board what his job will entail.
- SoCal College Tournament Nov 17 represented by Adam Barbrow – He is asking for SDTTA to pay for half the fee ($450) to rent the activity for their tournament that day. The SDTTA board members decided that we could loan them our tables and we are paying SDTTA hours during their tournament.
New Business: Bill Chang stated that when a financial decision was to be made by the SDTTA Board that all members should be present to vote on it or try to reach an absent member by phone. It was agreed to at this meeting.
The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by Shariq.
The next meeting is December 14, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary
Check out the
results from the Senior Olympics by
clicking here!
In case you missed it, here are some pictures provided by Borko:
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting
October 12, 2012
Balboa Park Activity Center
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.
Call to order 7:05 pm by Ron.
SDTTA Board Members Present: Ron Spencer, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, James Kahn, Shariq Ansari and Frederick Cheung
SDTTA Member Present: Daryl Sterling and Andre Scot
Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.
The approval of the SDTTA Board Member minutes for August and September was made by James and seconded by Fred.
Treasurer’s Report. Bill Chang emailed the Treasurer’s report that is reconciled through Sept 30, 2012 and passed out to the board members.
Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – The SDTTA website is being setup to take the Neil Smyth tournament entries. There are a few adjustments to be made and Ron will give the final information to Daryl.
Juic Team Report- the Juic Team has moved to another location for training.
Peewee/Jr Report/Ron and Borko – Ron and Borko are starting over inviting young kids to the training held on Saturdays at 1 pm. Borko stated that the robots are broken and in the future we need to consider new ones. Shelley volunteered to contact Daryl about putting on the website a need for a donated robot.
Membership Report: No change. Borko stated that the club is low on membership cards. The board will wait as we still have some. Bill will order the 2013 membership stickers which will be green. There are 17 registered senior members attending the training program on Saturdays.
Equipment Report: Shelley will have 2 set of keys made for our equipment cabinets to give to board members.
Total usable tables currently at the club are 28 with 2 damaged and 2 broken. It is requested that the two tables from a San Diego Sr Center be brought back to be used for the Neil Smyth tournament. Ron will contact Stellan and make arrangements.
The club has in stock two Butterfly shirts, a medium and a small available for purchase.
Executive Director’s report: James sees a need to build the club membership back up. James will develop possible doubles tournaments on Fridays. A suggestion was made by a member that experienced members could at times volunteer a few minutes of their time to help new players with their strokes. This has been in practice for a long time at this club,
Old Business:
- SDTTA Logo status – Fred. The final round of 4 designers will be voted on by SDTTA members and Fred will email us know which one has been chosen.
- Tournament Update:
James will talk with Mark Adelman about inviting Neil Smyth’s wife to the tournament and possible have an article on Neil’s contribution to the table tennis community.
Borko will purchase 3-4 dozen Nittaku premium white balls for the tournament.
The flyers will be taken to Kinkos tomorrow to be printed and mailed out. Borko is sending a mass flyer out to people from LA to Nevada.
New Business:
- There are three board positions up for election for the 2013 year. Ron and James will be running again. Fred will not be able to due to his studies. Ron will ask the election committee to start the proceedings and advertise for members to join the 2013 SDTTA board.
- Andre has asked the board to reserve on November 24 and 25 the club tables from 9 to 11:30 so that US/International players may train at our club for the Mike Dempsey Memorial tournament held November 27 through December 2. The board is in favor of their training here. All members are invited to observe their training.
- SoCal College Tournament Nov 17 – Adam Barbrow. Adam has asked to reserve three rows for their tournament. The SDTTA board has agreed.
- In order for all SDTTA board members to attend the meeting, the date has been changed to the 2nd Friday of the month.
The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by Frederick.
The next meeting is November 9, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary