2013 Memberships!

January 2nd, 2013
Memberships for 2013 are being taken starting Thursday. After January 31st, the $5 daily playing fee will be strictly enforced this year with no exceptions. Members will need to be ready to show their membership cards to board members from February until March. We hope that all current members will promptly renew this year and make this an easy transition into 2013. Happy New Year! SDTTA Board

Best Table Tennis Shots of 2012 (XMAS Edition)

December 30th, 2012

Earl Alto Wins U2400!

December 25th, 2012
Congratulations to Earl Alto for winning the Under 2400 event at the 2012 U.S. National Championships!

Meeting Minutes: 12-14-2012

December 14th, 2012

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

December 14, 2012

Balboa Park Activity Center

 This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.
Call to order 7:12 pm by Ron.
SDTTA Board Members Present:  Ron Spencer, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy, James Kahn, Frederick Cheung and Bill Chang.  Congratulations to newly elected board members for the 2013/2014 years, Kiet Tran, Ron Spencer, and James Kahn.
SDTTA Board Member Absent:  Shariq AnsariSDTTA Member Present:  Bob Webb Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. The approval of the SDTTA Board Member minutes for October was made by James and seconded by Frederick. Treasurer’s Report.  Bill Chang presented the Treasurer’s Report, which is reconciled thru November 30, 2012.  Dave Umel donated $50 to club.  $4,200 was deposited this month including membership.  The club spent money on tournament balls, nets and Mike Meiers. 2013 membership stickers were purchased and they are green.  Frederick will meet with Bill to set up the square up system for members to pay by phone. Selected members may register members using square up. Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report. Peewee/Jr Report/Ron and Borko- No report. Membership Report: Borko stated that membership is at 289. Equipment Report- Borko stated that in order to keep dealer price account with Butterfly that we need spend $4,000.  The club cannot guarantee the need for spending that amount this year.  Andre Scott may be a rep for us for Juic supplies. Executive Director’s report – James Kahn wrote up goals for SDTTA to solve:
  1. Mission Statement – priority.  Bob Webb volunteered to send us this week 4 possible Mission Statements for us to choose for SDTTA.  He will email them to Shelley in a few days.  Board members will give their input.
  2. 2013 membership dues will be activated by contacting Daryl to clear the membership list and setting Paypal up.  The board will encourage members to sign up on line, members may also write checks or pay cash.  Starting February 1, 2013 there will be a $5 daily fee for all nonmembers.  Members need to show their 2013 sticker while playing.
  3. New Business to discuss at January meeting:
    1. Recruiting volunteers to help club operate
    2. Public relations reinstated
    3. League playing with Ensenada club/policy on other clubs/Jr program reinstated
  4. Board Positions will be voted on at January meeting.
  5. Getting lessons & training ideas can be brought up at the February meeting.
  6. Suggestions to get members more involved include tournaments, leagues, and double tournaments.
  7. A goal to organize the club room and check status of tables that need to be repaired.
It was brought up to charge existing members who did not sign up before Feb 1st a $10 fee. The motion was made by Shelley and seconded by Frederick.  Ron will contact Daryl about this motion.  *  After thinking through this motion, Ron made a Chairperson decision to not have a $10 late fee for past members.  The $5 daily fee starting February 1st for all nonmembers will be enforced. The motion to adjourn was made by Ron and seconded by Shelley. The next meeting is January 11, 2013. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Marty Reisman, 82, a Wizard of Table Tennis, Dies

December 8th, 2012
Marty's Picture
 Marty Reisman, a wizard at table tennis, the sport in which he captured national championships, won and lost fortunes on wagers and moved crowds to laughter — sometimes using a frying pan as a paddle — as an opening act for the Harlem Globetrotters, died Friday in Manhattan. He was 82.
The death was announced by Table Tennis Nation, an organization he founded two years ago to make his sport even more fun. Cooper Fallek, its chief operating officer, said the cause was complications of heart and lung ailments.
Read the original article by the New York Times by clicking here.

First Doubles Night Results!

November 30th, 2012
Hi All, I think our first effort at doubles night went extremely well..While it might have looked like herding cats, many exciting and competitive matches took place.  We had 14 teams, some left early, some came late.  All in all the teams were fairly well balanced.  Earl and Ron played and we had a lower division of matches.  The excessively lavish prize money has yet to be distributed..  The winners for the night appear to be Team James Neilsen and Abner as well as Team Borko and Bob Wilson.  Runners up were Team Joey Valenzuela and Mark Tupas followed closely by Team James Kahn and Eddie Choe. I thank everyone for participating including those I had to twist arms to enter.  If you enjoyed it, we will continue it. Thanks, James Kahn

Mike Dempsey Memorial International Table Tennis Tournament

November 25th, 2012

This Thursday, there is a very special tournament happening right here in San Diego! The Mike Dempsey Memorial Table Tennis Tournament kicks off it’s opening ceremonies at the Grand Exhibit Hall at the Town and Country Resort Hotel this Wednesday @ 7pm (FREE admission) with competition happening Thursday through Saturday. For more details, visit their website by clicking here.