Meeting Minutes: 3-29-2013

March 29th, 2013

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

March 29th 2013

This meeting is open to all members of SDTTA

Call to order by James at 7:05pm

SDTTA Board Members Present:  James Kahn, Mark Adelman, Bill Chang and Shariq Ansari

Communications not on agenda have limit of 3 minutes

Last month’s minutes:  could not be approved because Shelley Harding was absent

Financials: Main expenses:  a) renewing domain name $22, b) filing fee with SOS $20 c) keep the website for SDTTA up and running $178  d)  van rental for Mexico $168

Physical altercations: Discussed incidents of physical altercation and agreed that increased communal and club spirit can be fostered through team events and club social gatherings.

Ensenada Trip: Members present felt Ensenada trips are a wonderful opportunity to promote table tennis and camaraderie, but that we need to improve logistics of borders crossings

Upcoming team challenge: Board member Kiet to organize 3 team challenge scheduled for 9:30 am on the 2nd week of April. The participating clubs are to be 1) O.C. 2) Ensenada 3) SDTTA

Neil Smythe Tournament: We have to reserve a date for the tournament. A motion was passed unanimously approving Attila as the tournaments organizer. His past success in organizing tournaments with high participation and good profitability were cited as reasons

Upcoming Picnic: Will pick date for club picnic during next meeting

Need new member to fill treasure position: Board treasurer Bill Chang will be leaving in 2014 and we need someone to take his place. Anyone with the most basic skills involving quicken would be considered a suitable successor.

Equipment: Blue tables have proven to be a disaster. They do not fold /unfold easily and are frequently lopsided and uneven. We need to replace these with better tables, possibly Joola….Andre Scott our local Joola rep will be contacted.

Challenger Table: Implementing Challenger table concept proved unpractical. No enforcement procedure in place. Members rip off Challenger table placard attached to the side of challenger tables.

Professional Coaching: Talk to Barney and Christian and see if they are willing to offer pro coaching at the club. Currently nobody fills that capacity

Meeting Closed: Meeting Closed at 8:00pm: James motions, Bill 2nds.


San Diego vs. Baja Friendship Matches in Ensenada

March 20th, 2013
A 12-man San Diego team traveled to Ensenada to play Club Baja on March 16, 2013 We were excellently hosted by Baja to a professional match with umpires and a referee for all games.  The “Friendship Games” were arranged to thank Baja for their very close and continued relationship with SDTTA.  They make us a better club and we them.    I hope to continue this special bond with reciprocal team matches here in San Diego very soon.  This, I hope, will be a regular event between our respective clubs. The matches were all superbly fought and compelling.  Pictures will follow.  I thank all the participants for being great Ambassadors and again I thank Baja for their generous hosting of this event. James Kahn, President SDTTA  

Putting Tables Away

March 14th, 2013
Please put tables away, Many players are just leaving their tables at the end of night and expect someone else to remove their table. Please make efforts to return your table to storage. Thursday night has been especially bad with people leaving tables out. Be helpful as a member of this club. Thank you, James Kahn, President SDTTA

Scratching the Floors

February 26th, 2013
The club members must be more careful with barriers and tables so as to not scratch the floors. We are getting complaints from BPAC about people dragging barriers and moving tables improperly. James Kahn, President SDTTA

Club Closures

February 21st, 2013
The club is closed to table tennis this weekend Friday 22 through Sunday 24.  Also, please note that the club will be closed March 2 through March 10 for the rummage sale put on by the Thursday Club.  Later in March, the club will be closed for the Science Fair which begins March 15 and goes through March 24.
Ensenada is having an Open tournament March 2.  If you’re interested in playing, please contact me and I will inform Ensenada.
James Kahn, President SDTTA

Board Meeting Agenda: Feb 15th at 7pm

February 11th, 2013
Agenda Need 1 board member for  Public relations Treasurers report Webmaster – Did we purge old members off list Equipment Report – Repair and purchase needs, volunteers to make repairs, tables and barriers.  New table orders? New Business – Social media advertising, t.v. newspaper ads, public exhibition of t.t.,  high school contact Sponsorships – Qualcomm, others Info – Para table tennis training June 7-14 morning and early afternoon OLD BUSINESS Team matches – inter club? Coaching – What and who (Christian?), informal or regular schedule Pee Wee for now is vacant Picnic – When Board appreciation dinner? Neil Smyth Tournament Chairman? who, when,  what type (sanctioned or not) Volunteers list by function: 1. Technology 2. Social media 3. Tournaments 4. Picnic 5. League play 6. High school contact
Workshop items:
Ensenada exchange trip
Bring a friend night to club
Old member contact?
Money collectors when board member not present?
Color stickers for broken parts of tables
Club is closed for a good part of March,  need alternative site locations

Marketing Our Club

January 26th, 2013
Hi, We must start marketing our club more actively so we can fill all our hours of operations.  I arrived Saturday morning at 9:30 and our entire space was filled with badmitton players practicing.  I want Friday nights, Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons crowded with people before someone suggests they need our space. Let me know what community papers and San Diego papers we should advertise in to inform people of our club.  Are there Chinese community magazines to be in? Anybody have suggestions how to get more teenagers interested in Table Tennis.  Can we put on some exhibitions at some high schools?  Are you watching how great the young kids from Ensenada are doing at our club events? Please provide me your feed back.  By the way, we open at 3:00 on Fridays now. Regards, James Kahn, Board Chairman