Meeting minutes January 9th
Meeting Called to Order at 6:32 PM By Behnam
1: Attendee: Pejman. Ruben. Ahmad and Behnam. On call: Patricia,salam and sonil.2. Review/Approval of Previous Minutes – Ruben confirmed that board members read and approved previous meeting minutes and these were posted @ the SDTTA website.
3: Reports of Officers: Financial Report – The financial report for 12/2023 was reviewed – Treasurer – Ruben
– Certificate of Deposit Update – The CD was re-newed at a 4.00% for 6 months. New Maturity date is 1/15/2024 – Ruben/Behnam 4: New positions: Patricia is now a vice chairman and ahmad is executive director
5: any membership related activities needs to be done by sunil. Behnam and Ruben will talk to luis for any members who doesn’t pay their dues.
6: Bob koch has opt out for his volunteer activities such as website activities and roster activities. Salam will take over .
7:Phill needs a new administrator for USTTA
8 : Ruben will take pictures of tables at salt creek rec center and salam will contact local high schools and will try to get new members.
9: Also, we discussed the agreement for the SD Open in May 2024 to include Women’sEvents. Also,Salam is going to investigate further to understand how the School Sports Club works. And Ahmed brought a proposal to organize a potential SDTTA OPEN HOUSE inviting the San Diego community and exposing the Club to the general public. An event that esposes what we do in SDTTA including lunch.