Meeting Minutes: 7-12-2013

July 12th, 2013

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

July 12, 2013

Balboa Park Activity Center

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order 7:10 pm by James. SDTTA Board Members Present: Shelley Hardy, James Kahn, Mark Adelman, and Bill Chang SDTTA Board Member absent: Kiet Tran and Shariq Ansari Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Secretary’s Report: A motion to approve the June SDTTA minutes was made by Mark and seconded by James. The SDTTA board approved the June minutes. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang presented the Treasurer’s Report, which is reconciled thru June 30, 2013. Mark made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and James seconded it. The SDTTA board approved the Treasurer’s Report. Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report. Membership Report – No report. Equipment Report: James and David Kim repaired two tables. Thank you James and David for valuable service to our club. Old Business:

1. James nominated Ira Framo to the open position on the SDTTA board. Mark seconded the

nomination and the board approved Ira as a member of the board. The Member Relations

Director position is now filled.

2. SDTTA needs to pay USTTA the affiliated dues before getting on their tournament website. It

will be paid ASAP.

3. Ideas to spark club interest and participation:

a. James will talk to Michelle regarding what the rules are for coaching at our club entail.

b. Mark will volunteer to coach 2 hours on Fridays. There will be posted a sheet for

members to sign up. Target goal for coaching is August 2.

c. The club wants to promote a peewee coach and a junior coach.

The motion to adjourn was made by Bill and seconded by Mark. The next meeting is August 9, 2013. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Table Tennis Champ on Top of His Game at 91

July 11th, 2013

From an article by Pam Kragen

Growing up in Detroit during the Depression, Si Wasserman was so poor that the only sporting equipment he owned was an old football stuffed with newspapers.

Then one day the 12-year-old orphan walked into a local recreation center and became transfixed by the sight of two men batting a small plastic ball back and forth across a table with wooden paddles. It was the beginning a lifetime love affair with table tennis.

Last week, the 91-year-old Wasserman, now an Oceanside resident, clinched his first-ever grand slam by winning the last of four major national and international table tennis championships for his age group.

The victory took place July 2-6 at the U.S. Open Table Tennis Championships in Las Vegas, where he was the oldest competitor out of more than 1,000 players from 26 countries. To win his title in the 85-and-older bracket, he beat Berta Speisman of Laguna Woods in three games straight.

“She’s a young 86, and she plays a good game, but I’m a little stronger,” he said of the 11-3, 11-7, 11-8 victory.

“He’s the king,” said player Shelley Hardy of Carlsbad. “He’s the top person we honor and respect, and he’s a consummate gentleman.”

Read the full article on UTSanDiego

SDTTA Has No Maid Service. Help Clean Up!

July 10th, 2013
Some members think we have maid service and someone else will clean up for them.   Everybody can pitch in and  put away  tables and barriers.  And the backroom is not a dumping ground.  Tables need to be stacked tight like sardines so everything  can fit in.  Put broken items off to the side.  Show  first-timers what to do and where things go.  Remind players who walk away from a table to put it away. Thanks, James Kahn, President SDTTA

Jena Doiron

July 1st, 2013
Screenshot 7:7:13 4:18 AM-2I write this email with a heavy heart. We received shocking news on Friday that Recreation Leader I Jena Doiron passed away on Friday at her home in Ocean Beach.  She worked with us at BPAC for over 6 years and recently transferred to Canyonside Recreation Center.  For now, our hearts and prayers go out to her family and to each of you who knew her.
For more pictures of Jena, click here. Jena Doiron’s memorial service will be held on Wednesday, July 3rd at 10:00 am at Sacred Heart Church 4776 Saratoga Avenue, San Diego Ca 92107 (Ocean Beach/Point Loma).

Picnic Success!

June 23rd, 2013
Thank you for those who helped and attended our Saturday picnic.  Efforts to make us a community of people with a common passion for table tennis is important.  Anything, we as individuals can do to enhance our experience at SDTTA, please inform us on how to make things better. I would like to see the club filled on Fridays and Saturdays.  Most of you enjoy our Thursday tournaments.  Can we arrange events that will bring you to the club on the weekends?  What do our better players want that will attract them back  to the club? The SDTTA Board would like to know if there are members that would like to participate in a FREE Coaching Clinic on a regular basis. If you are not currently participating in one of the ongoing Coaching Clinics and feel you would benefit by having some instruction please post your interest in the comments section so we can contact you as to when and where you can come to improve your game. James Kahn, President SDTTA

Club Etiquette

June 16th, 2013
If you see a point is being played by two players in an adjoining table, please wait for that point to be completed before walking by or attempting to claim your table tennis ball from the vicinity. If the players on the adjoining table are merely practicing, it is  expected of those players to stop practicing, retrieve the ball, and return it to you, however some of these players may continue their rally even after they have noticed your ball go into their area. In this event please make allowances for a players belief that their rally is worthy of YouTube highlights, and attempt to gain their attention by shouting the words “thank you” loud enough for them to hear and indicate the presence of your ball in their area. If they still do not respond carefully retrieve the ball from the area yourself, all the while shouting the words “excuse me”, as you do. Board of table tennis

Meeting Minutes: 6-14-2013

June 14th, 2013

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

June 14, 2013

Balboa Park Activity Center

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.


Call to order 7:06 pm by James.

SDTTA Board Members Present: Shelley Hardy, James Kahn, Mark Adelman, Shariq Ansari and Bill Chang

SDTTA Board Member absent:  Kiet Tran


Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.


Treasurer’s Report:  Bill Chang presented the Treasurer’s Report, which is reconciled thru May 31, 2013.

Check # 1148 was written to pay city fees for $603.   Check  # 1301 was written to Kiet Tran to cover costs for the friendship games held here in May to cover cost of food and paper goods for $166.56.  Mark made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and James seconded it.  The SDTTA board approved the Treasurer’s Report.


Approval of minutes:  James made a motion to approve the May SDTTA minutes and Shariq seconded it.  The SDTTA board approved the May minutes.


Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report.


Membership Report – No report.


Equipment Report:  The club will purchase 5 new Joola tables from Andre at $775 each.  Bill will ask Andre how long he will hold the tables.  We need to rent a truck to move them here.

Old Business:

  1. A conference call to Attila Malek was held during the meeting to discuss the upcoming Neil Smyth Memorial Table Tennis Tournament held in October.

    1. The tournament will be a 4 star tournament.

    2. It is listed on the USTTA website.

    3. Mark will search on Google for the nonprofit sponsorship form needed for the tournament.

    4. The entry form needs to be completed by the end of August.  There will be space for paid advertising on this form.

  2. June 22 is the club picnic.  The club will provide the dinnerware, refreshments and ice.  There will be a raffle for a table tennis shirt.  The board approved giving a $50 gift certificate to Phil VanDeWiele and John Tentor for the hard and faithful work running Thursday night Round Robin.

  3. The SDTTA board will vote for the open board member position at the July meeting.


New Business:

  1. Mark will contact Stellan and Angie to invite them to come and participate at the club.

  2. Shelley will invite Earl Alto to our next board meeting.  We need his expertize and help running a team tournament.

  3. Shariq will post on the SDTTA website a notice that members need to observe when players are actively playing and they are not to enter the playing area for safety reasons.


The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by Mark.


The next meeting is July 12, 2013.


Respectfully Submitted,


Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary