Meeting Minutes: 2-11-2014
San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting February 11, 2014 Balboa Park Activity Center
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.
Call to order 7:05 pm by James.
SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, James Kahn, Mark Adelman, Behnam Kazemi, Peter Sanidad and John Anderson.
SDTTA Board Member(s) absent: None
SDTTA Member(s) Present: Simon Lee
Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: John discussed procedures on how he would like to have bank deposits done. Only having one or two members making deposits and having as many cash and Pay Pal transactions is our ultimate goal in order to simplify bookkeeping. John talked about having better cash accountability and getting/giving receipts for all transactions whenever possible.
Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report.
Membership Report – No report.
Equipment Report: The club currently has 30 tables on hand with numerous tables needing wheel and other repairs. Mark received a request from the Carmel Valley Rec Center to purchase 2 tables at $600 each. They have a meeting on March 5th to get the funding approved. James is currently working on getting some new Joola tables at last year’s prices.
Action Items:
James is having 90 shirts imprinted with the new club logo. Pacific Apparel will doing the silk screening at $4.00 a shirt a one-time setup fee of $100. The goal at this time is to sell the shirts at a break-even price of $20..
The Neil Smyth tournament has been approved by the BPAC committee and is scheduled for May 24h and 25th. We had a conference call with Atilla about the tournament structure and there was concern that there were no doubles events but rather “3 Player Team” events. Atilla will research it further.
Friday nights have been lacking in attendance and excitement, so a suggestion was made to have a potluck doubles event and have teams chosen randomly. We’ll see how this plays out over the upcoming weeks.
The club will be closed for about 20 of the 30 days in March, so we will be looking to get some “friendship” tournaments scheduled with local clubs in the general area. Behnam will be in charge of organizing team events and has one scheduled for March 16th at Westminster to play the Zaman Table Tennis Club.
Barney Reed and D.J. Alto expressed interest in coaching at the club. We will put the info up on the website to see if there is any interest by our members. We would also like to have prospective coaches present their ideas and goals on what they would like to accomplish with their clinics.
James made a motion to have Simon Lee on the board. Mark 2nd the motion and it was passed unanimously by the board.
Bob brought up suggestion of having a Hall Of Fame page on our website. There is currently a plaque in the foyer for listing all members of the SDTTA Hall Of Fame, but there is nothing on the website. Bob will research it more and talk with Daryl to see if we can add this to the website.
The motion to adjourn was made by Mark and seconded by Peter at 8:16pm.
The next meeting is March 8th at 12:00pm at Simon Burgers at 4545 La Jolla Village Drive.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Koch, SDTTA Secretary
Meeting Minutes: 1-28-2014
San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting January 28, 2014 Balboa Park Activity Center
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.
Call to order 7:16 pm by James.
SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, James Kahn, Kiet Tran, Behnam Kazemi and John Anderson.
SDTTA Board Member(s) absent: Mark Adelman
SDTTA Member(s) Present: Simon Lee
Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was tabled until the next meeting so that Bill Chang can get with the new treasurer, John Anderson, and update him with the club’s current financial state and turn over the database to him.
Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling – No report.
Membership Report – The 2014 membership drive is in full force and we are requiring all members to fill out the yellow waiver forms, since most of them have been misplaced or lost. The online members database is woefully out-of-date and Bob and John have begun getting the database current and removing old and/or bogus entries. Daryl has setup the online payment process to send a copy of the Pay Pal emails to Bob. These are the equivalent of the yellow waiver forms and will be kept on file and also will be proof when handing out the 2014 membership stickers.
Equipment Report: The club recently sold one of the blue tables to a member for $600. We are looking to sell at least 1 more table. We need to make sure we have a least 28 tables for the Neil Smyth tournament.
Action Items:
Introduction of new board members. John Anderson, Behnam Kazemi and Bob Koch were newly elected.
Vote on new board positions:
Chairman – James Kahn
Vice Chairman – Behnam Kazemi
Executive Director – Kiet Tran
Treasurer – John Anderson
Secretary – Bob Koch
Public Relations Director – Mark Adelman
All board positions were voted on and seconded by the Board.
Discussed putting together a “traveling” tournament team that will play the other local clubs. Members will qualify for positions, which should make for a more competitive and dynamic team.
The new club shirts have arrived and the board voted on which logo will be printed on the shirts. The board voted unanimously for the new logo. The idea was discussed of getting sponsor logos printed on the shirts.
John Anderson thanked Bob Koch for donating a Windows 7 laptop to the club. The laptop will be used by the treasurer in the day-to-day operations of the club.
The Rehab games are scheduled for February 1st, from 9am to 2pm, and the club has offered the first 3 row of tables for the event. As always, volunteers are welcomed.
Club member Simon Lee was on hand and expressed interest in playing a larger role within the club. He also graciously extended the use of his restaurants for our monthly Board meetings.
The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by John at 8:25pm.
The next meeting is February 11, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Koch, SDTTA Secretary
SDTTA Friendship Matches
- Davy Umel jr. 2300+
- Mike Lardon 2100+
- Emilian Mihet 2100+
- Koji Kido 2100+
- Ray Naanos 2100+
- Chip Yang 2000+
- Pisa Ketthong 2000+
- Satish Krisna… 2000+
- Benham Kazemi 1800+
- Bill Chang 1700+
- James Kahn 1600+
Table Tennis Table
Like Watching a Fast Moving Train Coming Up on Us — Teddy Li
Table Tennis Player Preps for Major Tournaments