SDTTA Friendship Matches
January 19th, 2014
We had a great day of high level matches between our three clubs — Balboa, Sorrento and Baja. Each team, composed of 5 two-man groups, played their counterparts. The competition was superb. Baja won with a total of 45 match wins, followed by San Diego with 32 and Sorrento with 27. I like to thank board members and volunteers and especially Juan and Roberto who helped make the tournament a great success. We ran over 100 matches (each player played up to 8 matches) on up to 12 tables from 10-3 with no issues. But I think the results are secondary behind promoting the camaraderie among this table tennis fraternity.
Here’s who played for SDTTA:
- Davy Umel jr. 2300+
- Mike Lardon 2100+
- Emilian Mihet 2100+
- Koji Kido 2100+
- Ray Naanos 2100+
- Chip Yang 2000+
- Pisa Ketthong 2000+
- Satish Krisna… 2000+
- Benham Kazemi 1800+
- Bill Chang 1700+
- James Kahn 1600+