Zaman Table Tennis Club Round Robin

June 5th, 2014
Zaman has invited San Diego players to play in a Giant round robin on Saturday 6/14/14 at 10am against his players.  This tournament is open to all ratings and is non sanctioned. The cost is $10  per player and you get to play against at least 6 people. There is a limit of 12 players. Zaman  himself and a couple of top players will also participate. This would be an excellent opportunity for our top players to find good competition! LOCATION: Zaman Table Tennis Club 6386 Industry Way, Westminster, CA 92683 Please call  or email me if you’d like to go. Behnam Kazemi 619-588-4922 or  

Ibrahim Hamato – Nothing is Impossible

May 31st, 2014

Meeting Minutes: 5-8-2014

May 13th, 2014

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

May  13th, 2014

Balboa Park Activity Center

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order 7:02pm by James.

SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, James Kahn, Behnam Kazemi, John Anderson, Simon Lee, Borko Dragojlovic and Mark Adelman.

SDTTA Board Member(s) absent:

SDTTA Member(s) Present:

Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.

The motion was made to approve the SDTTA Board Member minutes for April 2014 by Borko and seconded by John. The Board carried the motion.

Treasurer’s Report:  John Anderson passed out the Treasurer’s Report which has been reconciled through April 2014.

Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling: No report.

Membership Report: No report.

Equipment Report: The Carmel Valley Rec Center finally picked up the 2 tables they had purchased in March. That puts our current table count at 27.

Action Items:

  1. We recently purchased 5 Joola tables from Andre for a total of $4,000. We need volunteers to pick-up the tables prior to the Neil Smyth Tournament. Simon volunteered the use of his company’s truck to transport the tables in.

  2. We discussed the bad feedback we recently received from a Texas visitor that had been posted on Facebook. We discussed ways to resolve future issues and the main focus is on having any Board member who sees a “new” face at the club to approached that person and welcome them and explain how our club operates.

  3. Borko requested table tennis balls for his Saturday training sessions. The Board approved the purchase of 2 gross (144 balls per gross) of balls.

  4. We need volunteers to help setup tables, mats, etc for the Neil Smyth Tournament on Friday night (til 10pm) and to break down all equipment and put them away on Sunday night (til 7pm).

  5. The Board would like to evaluate Atilla’s performance, after the Neil Smyth Tournament, to see if any improvements can be made or even to look at bringing someone else in to run the tournament. We understand the enormous amount of work and organization required to setup and run a tournament of this caliber and Atilla has proven himself in the past.

  6. Borko talked to Michelle about how we can dispose of some of our non-repairable barriers. She said we could use the dumpster along the side of the building.

  7. The equipment/paddle swap meet has been delayed until after the Neil Smyth Tournament. The date of the event has been tabled until the next Board meeting.

  8. We discussed pro-rating our membership dues, but decided to leave the current policy in place.


The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by Bob at 8:25pm.

The next meeting is June 10th at 7:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bob Koch, SDTTA Secretary

Joseph Bae Open Results

May 11th, 2014
The San Diego team had a great  day at Joseph Bae’s Open Tournament  of  5/10/2014! U2000 Kiet  Tran – 1st place U1850 Carlos Pedro – 1st place U1700 Behnam Kazemi – 2nd place U1600 Santhoshkumar Srinivasan – 2nd place U3700 Doubles RR Sherwin Afshar/BehnamKazemi – 2nd place   Behnam Kazemi SDTTA Board

2014 Neil Smyth Memorial Open Results

May 1st, 2014
Womens RR 1st – Brana Vlasic Under 2050 RR 2nd – Ketthong Pisa Under 1900 RR 1st – Ted Chensheng Li 2nd – Carlos Pedro Under 1800 RR 1st – Daryl Sterling, Jr. 2nd – Philip Van De Wiele Under 1450 RR 1st – Shelley A. Hardy Team Event – Under 6300 3rd place David Flores, Satish Krishnamoorthy, James Therriault Under 3800 Doubles David Flores / Behnam Kazemi Over 60 RR 1st – Behnam Kazemi Over 70 RR 1st – Ragnar E. Fahlstrom 2nd – John A Anderson Draw Doubles 1st – Behnam Kazemi / Maxwell Yao 2nd – Emilian Mihet / Alena Nikolskaya

2014 Learning Tree Open

April 13th, 2014

2014 Learning Tree Open

After School Learning Tree 11525 Sorrento Valley Road, CA 92121 May 3rd & 4th

Sponsored by: After School Learning Tree, Stellangie, & EATT Tournament Director: Earl James A. Alto, John James A. Alto Tournament Referee: Shelley Hardey Entry Deadline: May 1st, 2014. This is a real deadline. Tournament Format:
  1. All matches are best of 5 games except for the Open Singles Semifinals & Finals. The Semis & Finals of the Open will be best of 7 games.
  2. Players may not enter multiple events with identical start times.
  3. Must meet any age requirements by May 3rd.
  4. No prizes will be awarded for splits, dumps, default losses, or no shows.
  5. Tournament committee reserves the right to modify or cancel events if there are insufficient entries.
  6. There is a 2000 rating limit per player in Under 3200 Doubles, and 2300 rating limit per player in under 4200 Doubles.
  7. Players over 2400 have free entries.
Additional Information: Please contact Earl James A. Alto. (858)-231-6255, or email Entry form: 2014 May SVTT Open

Meeting Minutes: 3-8-2014

March 8th, 2014

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

March  8th, 2014

Balboa Park Activity Center


This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order 11:45am at Simon Burgers by James.

SDTTA Board Members Present: Bob Koch, James Kahn, Mark Adelman, Behnam Kazemi, John Anderson and Simon Lee.

SDTTA Board Member(s) absent:  Peter Sanidad

SDTTA Member(s) Present:

Communications not on agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.

The motion was made to approve the SDTTA Board Member minutes for Feb 2014 by James and seconded by John. The board carried the motion.

Treasurer’s Report:  John Anderson passed out the Treasurer’s Report which has been reconciled through February 2014.

Webmaster Report/ Daryl Sterling: No report.

Membership Report: No report.

Equipment Report: There are 3 boxes of broken/discarded nets and accessories that are in the storage room being neglected. Bob has volunteered to takes these nets and try to repair them and make complete sets from all of the various parts. He will report back at the next meeting on his progress.

Action Items:

  1. The new shirts will be advertised on the website at $20 for the plain shirts and $25 for the logo shirts. Shirts for the team players in the upcoming Friendship tournament will be free (donations accepted). James made a motion to give free shirts for board members. John seconded the motion and it was approved by the board.

  2. For the upcoming Neil Smyth Tournament, we will not promoting via NATT, but rather Atilla will promote the tournament through his channels.

  3. Atilla will find top players for the Neil Smyth Tournament and the club will pay for the airfare and hotel for up to 4 players. The club will be flexible as far as the players ratings are concerned.

  4. The idea of setting up committees for equipment setup and advertising was brought up. Bob will head up the equipment committee and Mark will head up the advertising committee.

  5. The Korean Church would like to reserve 2 rows of tables for a gathering on either 4/26 or 5/3. It was approved unanimously by the board.

  6. The board approved the sale of 2 tables to the Carmel Valley Rec Center at $600 apiece.

  7. James will talk to Andre about purchasing 5 new tables.

  8. Simon has volunteered to supply the food for the upcoming Neil Smyth Tournament. James will talk to Michelle, of BPAC, to see what needs to be done to get this approved. Simon also made the generous gesture of donating all the money, from the food sales, back to the club.

  9. James will talk with prospective coaches DJ Alto, Barney Reed and Milosz Przybylik about what their expectations are of coaching for the club.

  10. Behnam has tentatively setup a Friendship tournament for April 12th with the Baja and Zaman clubs.

  11. There will be an equipment exchange/upgrade/swapmeet on April 19th at the club. We hope to get Emilian Mihet involved with this since he has the knowledge and equipment (rubber and blades) to help out the members who have any questions.

  12. It was suggested that we should start doing spot-checks on the members to see if their memberships are current. Another option was suggested we verify membership at the time of sign-up during the Thursday round-robin event.


The motion to adjourn was made by James and seconded by Mark at 1:07pm.

The next meeting is April 8th at 7:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bob Koch, SDTTA Secretary