2024 Election Candidates, Javid Khazaeli

October 12th, 2024

Hello Everyone,This is Coach Javid,

I had pleasure to be a board member once in 2022 as a Secretary and I was making sure to report all the details in Meeting Minutes every single month while I was in the board!

I would like to be volunteer to run for the office once again.

“These are the few Tournaments I Directed and things I did in past when I was in the board which it’s not even half of the ideas I have in my mind to do for the club in future if I become a board member!

1- Mini Olympic Vol #1.

2- Mini Olympic Vol#2.

3- Borko Cup 

4- I became a USATT Certified Coach to be able to start  my volunteer Monday Night Group Training Class  for SDTTA members in any ages or levels for helping them to improve and take their skills to the next level.

6- I proposed online registering for our weekly RR instead of registering every Thursday & Sunday nights before RR Tournaments and off course very special Thanks to Maurizio for making it happened!!

I need your votes and supports to become a board member to make our club even better together!!

Thank you so much for your support.

Kind Regards,

Javid M Khazaeli,

2024 Election Candidates Ruben Guilloty

October 11th, 2024

Born in Maricao, Puerto Rico, I live in Chula Vista with my wife Catherine and my daughter Maia. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Science from the University of PR (Mayaguez) and a Masters Degree from Northwestern University in Evanston Illinois.  
I am retired from the Medical Device Manufacturing Industry. During my tenure, I was responsible for the Manufacture products for three Global Device Manufacturing Companies. I was responsible for the Manufacturing and Quality Assurance Organizations and later was responsible for the Product Engineering Organization at facilities in Puerto Rico, California, Tijuana Mexico and Ascoli Italy. 
I joined the SDTTA Board in 2020 and have been acting as the SDTTA Treasurer since then. During my tenure we have been able to keep strict control over our finances and we have been able manage the difficulties surrounding the Covid 19 situation and its recovery. We actively participated in efforts to support the city with providing shelter space to residents affected by the heavy rains and flooding, and most recently actively participated in our efforts to keep BPAC open as a sports facility for the benefit of the persons using utilizing our facility for healthy exercise and sports. With the help of the Board and the membership, we have been able to maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout this period.

My objectives moving forward to continue to support SDTTA are;

  1. Continue to grow the Table Tennis in San Diego by increasing our communication with all internal/external city agencies.
  2. Promote increased member involvement in SDTTA activities and encourage participation that highlight our presence in San Diego.
  3. Develop ways to measure SDTTA Member satisfaction and identify improvements to increase membership while maintaining member satisfaction. 
    4.Conduct activities that encourage friendship, partnership, cohesiveness and identity within our membership.

8/13/2024 board minutes

August 16th, 2024

Meeting started at 7.06 P.M on Tuesday 08/13/24

 Board Members Present were; Sunil, Salam, Patricia, Behnam and Ruben. PJ was on call and Ahmad was absent. James Kahn was also present.

1: Public Relations: Salam has contacted Fox News, KUSI News, ABC News, and CBS and none responded yet.

2: Barriers – Ruben

    Tall  – we have 53, but 12 need replacement and we need a total of 42 for the SD Open. We                             have new ones in the storage room.

     Short – We need to count the Small Barriers to confirm we have enough. We have many of them on                    the second level of storage to bring down.

3: Set up and clean up on Friday – Patty & James (leaders) Phil, Behnam, Ruben (support)

4. Take down and cleaning on Sunday- Salam (leader), PJ and Sunil will support takedown,

5. Ruben is in charge of assessing/replacing bad nets, the scoreboards and the Table Numbers. Also to purchase Gaffers tape, Transparent and Masking tape. Also confirm we have cleaning rags and spray bottles to wipe tables.

6: Food – Dennis Seisum

    Pizzas – 35 Pizzas (20 Peperoni and 15 Cheese) each day (Sat and Sun. Total of 70. 

    Water – 20 cases of water. Dennis is in charge for negotiating and ordering Pizzas and pickup. Also        Napkins /Plates – enough for 600 total serves. Dennis may need support to carry and deliver food.     Need to assign volunteers to serve out the Pizzas from Noon to 1:00PM

7. Behnam ordered and paid for SDTTA Shirts ($440.00). To make sure we have them on time on Friday August 30th.

8. We will invite Dennis for our next meeting on Tuesday at 6:30PM. 

Adjourned 7.54 P.M.

New Coach Available!

July 27th, 2024

Jean Shi has agreed to offer her free group practice on Tuesdays from 3-5pm. We have 3 coaches now that offer classes: Mondays 5-7pm by Javid, Tuesdays from 3-5pm by Jean, and Fridays 4:30-6:30pm by Pisa. Please take advantage of this opportunity to improve your game!

7/16/24 board meeting minutes

July 25th, 2024

meeting started at 7:00 p.m. , Presents were Behnam, PJ and Salam, on the phone was Ruben,Ahmad, Patricia .

1: In regards to Aviv, Salam and jackson will determine how rating will increase or decrease. They will get together and formalize a procedure and will report the outcome to the Board in the August meeting!

2: In regards to Javid, we decided to eliminate his name and rating. 

3: Patricia will talk to non paying members and Jeanie in regards to club membership and payment.

4: No food- No drink allowed in the club, Only drink with cabs on is ok. Ruben will creat a flyer in regards to food and drink policy in the club.

5:Barries: Barries has to placed correctly in the rack and in the storage room. Barries can not be left in the floor.  Salam will ask Luis if we could purchase another cart to store Barriers

6: SD open tournament is on 08/31/20204 and 09/01/2024. We discussed that there are many preparations to be made and only one month to do them. Therefore Behnam needs to schedule meetings with Board and members to get things planned and executed.

7: Dennis is in charge for Senior tournament in 09/2024 and in month of 10/2024 will be having members appreciation tournament.

8: financial statement was provided by ruben up to month of 07/2024

9: Behnam will talk to Jeanne Shi in regards to her free group coaching.

10. We discussed that we need to determine when can the coaches coach when the club is busy. Originally we had said that weekend coaching could only be done in early monrings (from 9:00 – 11:00).

Adjourned at 8.01 P.MReplyForward



Barriers/food in the Gym

July 9th, 2024

Hi everyone. barriers that were left out last night.  .  Everything has to be put away at the end of the night.  We are getting to the point where everything will have to be put in the table tennis room. 

Another issue that is still ongoing is the food and drinks.  No canned drinks, fountain drinks, coffee drinks, sodas, sports drinks/water that is not in a sealable container are allowed in the gym area.  Also, no food in the gym area and that includes bananas.      

July Gym Closures:  the gym will close at 4pm on July 19th and all day on July 20th and 21st.  Table tennis board

Rules we all need to follow

June 17th, 2024

We are very happy to be open and have everyone come back and enjoy our facilities.  With that being said, there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed. The barriers are becoming a big issue and it is mainly on Sundays.  The barriers are not being put away properly and are often left on the ground in front of the rack.  They do not belong there.  They need to be put back either on the rack that is in the gymnasium or in the table tennis room, not on the floor.  Another issue is food and drinks.  There are people that bring drinks that are not allowed in the facility (coffee, big gulp type drinks, canned drinks and bottled drinks).  .  They either need to finish them before they enter the gym or just not bring them at all.  In the weeks we have been open, Luis has found gum on the floor, coffee stains, canned drinks and food crumbs on the floor.  The floors were refinished again before we reopened.    It is important that we work together to ensure that these floors remain in good condition as long as we can.  Thanks. Table Tennis Board