Training Videos by Yangyang Jia

May 9th, 2017

Balboa Park CLOSURES!

February 28th, 2017
The Balboa Park Activity Center will be closed from March 4th – 19th for the Rummage Sale and Science Fair. Check out some alternate locations if you want to keep your skills up! You can use the SDTTA Club Forum to arrange meetups with fellow members by clicking here.

Thursday Tournament Report 2016

January 3rd, 2017
For the year 2016, we had 2,538 tournament participants from 494 players spread over 45 Thursday Round Robin tournaments. See the Yearly Gain/Loss Report in the Ratings section of the website for the report on each participants starting rating, lowest/highest rating, year end rating, and overall rating gain or loss for the year. Happy New Year, Phil Van De Wiele

SDTTA Election Results (Nov. 26)

November 27th, 2016
Congratulations to our three newly elected Board of Director members:  Dennis Seisun, Steve McGrew, and Perry Schwartzberg. They will join our current Board of Directors:  Behnam Kazemi, George Calderon, Mario Lopez, and Borko Dragojlovic.  We look forward to our sport growing and prospering with the leadership and talents of our club’s elected Board of Directors. On behalf of our club I want to thank all the candidates especially those not elected this time for their enthusiasm and willingness to give back to the club.  I encourage you all to stay involved and participate in making our club the best it can be. Respectfully, Philip Van De Wiele Nominating Committee

Thursday Night Tournament

November 16th, 2016
Hi everybody. Phil is stepping down from running our Thursday night tournaments.  We are looking for some one to replace him. Thursday night tournament is very important for our club as it has been going on for so many years.  We get rating updates weekly based on players performance  in the tournament and there is quite a number of people interested to come to the club from all over San Diego every Thursday night .  If you would like to volunteer to run our Thursday night tournaments please contact any of the board members. Thanks, Behnam

Results from the 2016 Senior Olympics

September 29th, 2016
Thank you to all of the athletes who participated and congratulations to all of the medal winners in this year’s Senior Olympics! You can see the full results by clicking on of the formats below:  

[PDF] — [Word Document]


A Special Thank You

September 12th, 2016
I want to thank all who participated in our annual Pot Luck Picnic this past Saturday.  I would especially like to thank Simon Lee and his generous offering of Sushi from his restaurant Boto.  Simon also owns Sushiya  and has been very kind to our club with his gifts.  It is great when our members take special pride in our club. Regards from your Board.

Thanks, James Kahn