Meeting Minutes: 12-12-2017

December 12th, 2017
December 12, 2017
Meeting called to order at 7.05 p.m.

Members present: Behnam Kazemi, Steve McGrew, Dennis Seisun, Perry Schwartzberg plus three new board members: Bob Koch, Jaxon Faris, and Phil Van de Wiele.

New members voted in by board. Approved unanimously.

Discussed positions to be filled and adjusted. Agreed upon:

  • Steve McGrew: Chairperson
  • Jaxon Faris Vice-Chairperson
  • Dennis Suisen Treasurer
  • Phil Van De Wiele Executive Director
  • Perry Schwartzberg Secretary
  • Bob Koch Member Relations
  • Benham Kazemi Public Relations

All voted in 7-0 approved by board.

SDTTA member June Lim brings up ideas to better the club including:

Changing the Thursday Tournament to a different day or perhaps adding another day for a different Tournament. Board agrees that Thursday night Tournament is a staple but also that another day, most likely on the weekend, would be looked into. According to the survey taken during the vote submitted by Phil Van de Wiele, Saturday would be the best day for another Tournament.

Showing up late for the Thursday tournament also is discussed as a problem for Jaxon who runs the event and also as inconsiderate to the participants who have to wait for contestants to play against.

Bob Koch would like the club to purchase balls for the membership. Also something that the board is willing to consider.

Benham inquires to Steve if we have talked to Craig Crum about running the May tournament along with Gao Jun. Steve replies that he has not and that we need to be looking into other options for a tournament director.

Benham inquires about the issue with our storage for the tables which is up in February. Currently have 5 new tables in storage. Soon only 3 and the thought is to use better storage in our room at Balboa and perhaps bring those three tables into this room. Bob thinks it can be done.

Bob suggests selling the tables we currently have that are not in good shape for $300 ea. to make room for the new ones.

Dennis motions to sell tables at $300, Bob seconds the motion. Vote 7-0 in favor.

Board discusses subsidized coaching which was one of the desired programs according to the survey mentioned previously. The board would like to do so on a limited basis, perhaps on a fixed day of the month. More talk of this program in the new year.

Membership fee is approved to stay at $50/mo., free for Juniors under 17 years old.

Bob suggests upping the prize money for the May tournament. Suggestion to be considered at the next meeting.

Perry suggested that the first time free is somewhat problematic. Others agree but no action is taken.

Phil suggests that the Web Calendar needs ‘help’, and that he should be able to handle it.

Bob suggests that the introduction pamphlet needs updated – hours, days, etc. Perhaps put it on a larger legal size paper.

Board discusses:

  1. Renewal of the phone for Jaxon who mentions that he mostly uses his own phone on Thursday night for the Tournament.
  2. Video instruction for new members on club etiquette, equipment usage, etc.
  3. Thoughts on a ‘member spotlight’ interview for the website is discussed.
  4. At the big tournament, we would look more professional if we had the umpire stands and towel stands. Most agreed that this was a good idea.
Last issues included buying a robot and also a white board for the club as the robots currently used are not working properly. The robot would be used for those who are looking to play but can’t as of yet find a game. A robot committee would need to be formed to help with the set up, set down, and general usage.

All agreed and vote was 7-0 for.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Submitted by

Perry Schwartzberg

SDTTA Board Secretary

Balboa Park Closures

October 28th, 2017

Hi all,

This is an FYI: In December, we will be closed from the 18th thru the 26th while the floor is being resurfaced.

Steve McGrew

Successful 2017 San Diego Senior Games!

September 18th, 2017
We had a great turn out at the San Diego Senior Games that lasted most of the day on Sunday. We had 4 categories:
  • Open singles
  • Doubles
  • Mixed doubles
  • Novice
Players were  provided with t-shirts, drinks and snacks courtesy of the Senior Games. Thanks to  Jaxon, Yutaro, the staff and our board members, Steve and Behnam, who helped run a smooth  tournament.

Meeting Minutes: 09-12-2017

September 12th, 2017
September 12 (Switched back to 2nd Tuesday of Month) Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.

Members present: Behnam Kazemi, Jenny Hoang, Mario Lopez, Steve McGrew, Perry Schwartzberg, Dennis Seisun and Jorge Calderon.

Review of minutes from previous meeting was postponed until they were posted again for review of all Board members.

Behnam indicated that the Club’s Financial Statement should not be shared with other clubs.
Dennis indicated that the Financial Statement goes to the Facility Manager Berenice once a year, he also reported that payments were issued for the T-shirts, Borko’s gift and balls for the upcoming Seniors tournament, as agreed last meeting. A check from the facility was received and deposited ($4,500).

Volunteers needed for this coming Sunday, to help with the Senior’s tournament.

Steve indicated that 2 more tables need to be sold (1 green an 1 blue), he also recommended not to purchase any more of the current nets and look for better quality ones.

After discussing the issue at length, a motion was approved to subsidize our coaches $50 per session (1-2 hours) once a week each (3 coaches), for a trial period of 6 weeks. Perry abstained from voting. Coaches will charge $5 per session to all players attending.

A visitor Mr. J. Lawson representing “al racquet sports” spoke about integrating table tennis and our club in a “cross over” model to expand the sport and introduce table tennis to other racquet sports players.

A reminder by Perry about not wearing white shirts at playing.

Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.

Submitted by

Jorge “George” Calderon
SDTTA Board Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 08-14-2017

August 14th, 2017
Monday August 14

Meeting called to order at 7:12 pm.
Members present : Behnam Kazemi, Dennis Seisun, Steve McGrew, Jenny Hoang, Mario Lopez, Perry Schwatrzberg and Jorge Calderon.
Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed and approved. The motion to purchase gift cards for facility employees was not executed because their supervisor did not approve.
Dennis reported that a check payment for the t-shirts was issued.  A $1,000 check was sent to Borko as approved last meeting. New memberships continue to come in and he updates the list accordingly.
Behnam requested to go back to the 2nd TUESDAY of the month at 7 pm, for the Club’s Board monthly meetings, all board members agreed, Perry will have to modify his schedule of lessons.
Behnam reported the request of the Vietnamese TT club to have our club donating a used table. Issue was discussed and donation of one used table was approved.
Steve indicated there is one table for sale, board members agreed to sell one of the blue tables. He also informed that the T-shirts will be available next week. Price of $20 (Twenty dollars) a piece was agreed.
Jenny requested to look into providing a class for women with a female coach.
Regarding the annual picnic, James was invited to this meeting but he did not come, flyers announcing the picnic and discussion of details of the planning were expected by now, Steve will contact the possible sources for catering and purchase needed items from Costco. Dennis and Jenny will take charge of the flyers.
Regarding Coaching, extensive discussion about the club subsidizing classes for member groups (Club would pay Coach a fixed amount for a 2-hour class once a week), participating players would pay a $5 fee per class; trial basis for a couple of months and reevaluation was also considered. Behnam requested coaches to offer their time and expertise (like Borko did at no charge, for several years) to some degree to compensate for the use of facility and equipment, for their business. Perry will discuss this with the other coaches, follow up on this issue needed next meeting.
Perry was concerned about nets, apparently we have plenty according to Steve.
Another item needing follow up: possible informative club video to be posted on our web page.

No further items, meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Submitted by

Jorge “George” Calderon
SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 07-10-2017

July 10th, 2017
Monday July 10, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm; Board members present Behnam Kazemi, Dennis Seisun, Steve McGrew, Perry Schwartzberg and Jorge Calderon. Absent: Borko Dragojlovic and Mario Lopez. Also present Pisa Ketthong, James Khan and Jenny Hoang.

Board Meeting minutes from June’s meeting were approved.

Pisa commented on some members being confused about who are the coaches in the club; at this time since Borko stopped coaching for health reasons, only Perry and Pisa are registered as club coaches and Yang Jang has started the application process.

Borko has resigned to the Board position and Jenny has agreed to step in until the new elections at the end of the year. Motion approved.

A tournament participant’s request for a refund was determined to be forwarded to the organizer, Atilla. Agreed by all members.

Steve and Perry indicated that (105) new  barriers were in, at a cost of $5,250. Some of the old barriers are in need of replacement of the rubber footings. The remaining old barriers will be offered/sold to club members wanting them.

The annual picnic will take place on Saturday Sept 9th at noon. Combination of pot luck and some catering by the club. James will be in charge. Advertising the picnic and providing some prizes was discussed, more to follow next month.

Steve reported he is working on ordering shirts with the Club’s Logo for sale to members, the approximate cost around $20. Agreed to order 50 shirts in different sizes.

Board members encouraged to remind players to fold tables and put barriers away after using them, mostly within last two hours of club’s operation, after 7 – 7:30 depending on the week day, and, when round robin is over on Thursdays.

It was agreed to recognize Borko for all the years he supported the club’s activities and held the Saturday Senior’s class for members, at no charge. A gift basket and a gift card for up to $1,000 was approved; Steve and Dennis will follow up. Also approved to get, two $50  gift cards for Facility members who stayed late both days during the past tournament, this should be ok’d by their supervisor.

Again, it was discussed the possibility of creating an informative video to be posted online linked to the club’s webpage as a way to welcome and provide basic orientation to new members. We will look for individuals to perform this task.

There is a need for three signatures on the Club’s Bank account. Jenny will take Borko;s place for this task.

With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Submitted by
Jorge “George” Calderon
SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 06-12-2017

June 12th, 2017
June 12, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm.
Members present : Behnam Kazemi, Steve McGrew, Dennis Seisun, Borko Dragojlovic,
Perry Schwarzberg, Mario Lopez and Jorge Calderon.
Also present Jenny Hoang

Behnam thanked the Board members who helped with the recent tournament, the event was a success.
Dennis reported a positive balance of $5,000 from thet tournament, close to the $5,200 used to purchase the new barriers for the club.

Behnam informed that the Baja Team had a great performance and took many of the prizes.

Main issue with the tournament related to the delay between games and events taking 12 and 13 hours each day. Consideration given to prevent this as much as possible when making the bid for next year.
A request to have a Women’s only event was discussed. Good idea but no volunteers to run it.

Steve is looking into ordering T-shirt for sale to club members, item mostly requested during the tournament, he also mentioned that new tables in storage will be assembled and older tables will be sold. (two at a time). Also suggested that older barriers be offered to members to pick up for free, and discard old damaged nets and other items piled up “in the corner”, welcome suggestion was agreed.

A motion to gift one of the used tables to the non-profit Mira Mesa club was approved.

A summer tournament was discussed as one of the new activities for the Club, Saturday seems to be the best day of the week, leaving some tables for open play.

Perry related his concern about “new people” coming to the club and not having designated member(s) greeting them, giving the instructions and showing them how to care for the club equipment.

A motion to create a position of “Club Pro” with a stipend of $200 a month was made by Perry,
motion was discussed but NOT approved. The possibility of creating an informational video to be posted online, linked to our web page was briefly discussed, plan to follow next meeting.

Perry informed he will be having coaching sessions for women on Fridays for the next 8 weeks,
With no further items, meeting was adjourned al 8.00pm

Submitted by
Jorge “George” Calderon