Meeting Minutes: 05-08-2022

May 14th, 2022

1-Financial Reports
Statement Financials Summary as of May 5, 2022 for the San Diego Table Tennis Association completed and reported by Ruben.
2-Member master list-FY22
3-Purchasing New Barriers ,Score Boards, Nets
Behnam and Ruben going to order those items after the final inventory by board
Yes-4 No-0
4-Javid proposed we need the some of those Barriers with Noticeable colors to divide between practicing court and access road on any tournaments or practicing proposed by Javid.
Yes-4 No-0
5-Overhead LED lighting retro-installation already voted
(5 Yes-1 No)
Associated expenses including parts and installation to be shared with badminton and pickle ball and estimated $2,800 total project /3=$940 to SDTTA as estimated.
Waiting for city decide when and going to install.


6-June announced not interested being part of the Board along with Jean, our Member Relation Director, resigned and for replacement for their positions selections
Amir Hamdy was nominated for the board and will be discussed by next board meeting.
Yes- 4 No-0
7-Borko’s learning school Volunteer Coaching by Javid!
To appreciate memory of Borko and what a wonderful things he did for our club Javid is offering to pick One of the slow nights of the week and starts Volunteering Coaching for 2 hours a week on Mondays, exactly like Borko used to do. Proposed by Javid
Yes-4 No-0
8-Borko Cup
Weekend Team competition sometimes in August,
Dedicated to Borko and suggested his wife give the prizes to the winners,
proposed by Javid
Yes-4 No-0
9-Fire Department Group Tournament on Tuesday June 21st 3:30pm – 8:30pm.
Since Javid is not available anymore on Tuesdays to run the tournament,
board suggested would be great if Danny or Behnam or together running it.
Yes-4 No-0
10-Thu, suggested Mini Olympic San Diego League it’s little too many strong players and could be little more reasonable fee to register for our members.
Javid’s response to this comment was,
We are hoping and looking to find few sponsors so hopefully not even paying to register!
Javid and SDTTA’s goals and wishes for creating this kind of tournament to get every single clubs and players involved with Mini Olympic San Diego League to bring Table Tennis sport to the better level in San Diego county!


Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors

SDTTA Mini Olympic League 5-08-22

May 12th, 2022

Meeting Minutes: 04-12-2022

April 14th, 2022

7:00 – 8:15pm
Attendees Danny, Thu, Behnam, Javid, Ruben ( June and Jean on the phone )

Announcement & Report
1- Donation from Patty Wasserman & Appreciation Letter going to be mailed as soon as we receive the funds.
2- Sponsorship Nittaku Balls from Paddle Palace
June secured 1,440 Nittaku balls sponsored by Paddle. Unclear as to when the balls will be shipped to SDTTA
3- Financial Reports/Statement
Yearly Financial Audit completed and discussed. No outstanding items or deviations identified by the Auditor(Salaam). Explained by Ruben.
Also related to this, the City SUP was revised and approved by the city. Ruben issued a $404.00 check to the City to pay for the Special Use Permit of the facility for 3 years. June Lim, Ruben Guilloty and Victor Johnson II attended the meeting.
Government Filings:
* Filed Federal IRS form 990N
* Filled CA State Form S-100
* Filed State Form 199N

4- Online Pre-Entry’s Registration instead of registering on the same day of tournaments proposed by Javid originally,
Javid suggested there needs to be deadline date of at least day or a couple days before the tournaments to have enough time for seeding the all-registered players.
Doing it in the same day of tournaments is not a good idea. They need email or contact only the tournaments Directors, not everyone on the SDTTA Board.
(Yes-7 No- 0)
5- Nittaku Weekend RR Tournaments suggested to be continued on Sundays!
(Yes-6 No-1)
June is not interested to continue running the Nittaku RR weekend tournaments because it’s not going to be on Saturdays anymore.
6- Mini Olympic 3 Players San Diego league on Sundays.
Grand Opening May 1st.
proposed by Javid
(Yes- 6 No-1)

7- New type with June’s original idea of Barriers at $50 each to replace with old barriers Proposed by June
(Yes-1 No- 6)
8- Second Option
Purchasing New Barriers suggested by Phil Van De Wiele it’s on sale for $20.00 each.
it’s going to be next monthly board meeting’ agenda item and not decided yet.
Stag Barrier: Polyester
230 cm x 70 cm (7.5 ft x 2.3 ft)
It’s still on Discussion & Decision on next month board meeting.
June proposed to Increase the Annual membership fee from $50.00 to $70.00 for new members in 2023 to cover costs of the new barriers and the replacement of old cards by a new magnetic badge cards. Each encoded new card will contain name, membership status and rating.
(Yes-2 No-5)
9- New layout of Mini Olympic San Diego League team tournaments including (Umpires, scoring boards, Safe access road, Pictures or recording some of the games) exactly like Javid did on Weekend Nittaku RR on April,02,2022.
proposed by Javid.
Javid believe this is the best way to find Sponsors for the much bigger Tournaments to come in future for our Club.
(Yes- 7 No- 0)
Behnam proposed whoever runs the tournament has the option to set up the way they see fit. There is no right or wrong way.
(Yes- 7 No- 0)
Javid proposed we need the Barriers with Noticeable colors to divide between practicing court and access road on any tournaments or practicing proposed by Javid.
(Yes-7 No-0) (Yes-7 No- 0)
10- June had proposed to “Did you Know?” article to be posted by the Board members? This article should relate to Table Tennis and board members were assigned for each month.
(Yes-7 No-0)
11- Fire Department Group Tournament on June 19th or 20th Javid is volunteering to run the tournament.
(Yes-7 No-0)
Tuesday 3-8:30pm
10-Adding 100-150 To all members ratings to bring the value of the club up for to get Sponsors & and brings Stronger Players to our club and tournaments?
He suggested please don’t forget 98 Percent of our members don’t even register to any USTTA tournaments? Javid believes our members ratings are not accrued?
Proposed by Javid
(Yes- 2 No-5)
12- Team league status hearing by Jeff Rui was requested and scheduled many times for Jeff to come to the board and explain all the details in person but he rejected.
June Proposed,
His correspondence by the mail is limited to FY19 a 20. This timeline is outside of the provision of the
current FY2022 Board. If anyone is willing to pursue, have previous board involved to resolve. He still needs to pay back the remaining balance of $238.00 to SDTTA.
(Yes-6 No-1)
At the end of the meeting Ruben also mentioned that he had sent a draft of the 2022 Budget and received no response (Black Whole) from any member. This will be reviewed in the May Board Meeting

Javid Khazaeli
Secretary SDTTA Board of Directors

SDTTA Weekend RR – April 02, 2022

April 5th, 2022

Meeting Minutes: 03-08-2022

March 17th, 2022

Meeting Minutes, 3-8-2022, 6:30 p.m.~8:15 p.m.
Attendees; June, Danny, Thu, Behnam, Javid* and (Ruben and Jean on phone)


  1. Storage keys inventory
    Large storage keys with Thu, Behnam, Ruben, Denny, Shi, June
    Small storage keys with June, Jaxon and Behnam
  2. Membership master list-FY22
    148 members are reported as of 3 MAR
  3. Financial report/statement
  4. Barriers
    Had been left out on the floor after used by pickeball players. This recurring issue will be addressed thru BPAC.
  5. SUP ending on 31 MAY, 2022
    Was submitted to BPAC on 17 FEB, 2022 and the permit by renewal shall be effective thru FY25
  6. Weekend RR’s tournament
    Non-weekend RR players complained because there were not open tables due to the event. The board members suggested rescheduling from Saturdays to Sundays.
  7. Meeting room reservation (6 Yes-0 No)
    The board approved to pay rent fee ($6/month) to reserve the monthly board meeting room and Facility Use Application 2017 was filed to BPAC on 8 MAR and pending for approval.
  8. Team league status hearing by Jeff Ruiz at 7:00 p.m.
    Was requested and scheduled in person. However, he emailed current summary and financial transactions which are subject to verification/validation.
  9. Financial Audit month
    Is postponed due to Ruben’s absence
  10. Endorsement
    Simon Lee will contribute and donate as his businesses are advertised on weekend RR tournament announcement.
  11. Secretary position selection* (6 Yes-0 No)
    Javid Khazaeli was selected
  12. Scholarship FY22
    June intends and outlines the concept and overall procedures to award purposely local students after the board selection up to 6 students in maximum of $1,500 or $250/student for this year and. However, some board members had difficulty to comprehend the postulation of scholarship or do not foresee the long-term benefits to SDTTA. June decided to scrap this proposal.
  13. Overhead LED lighting retro-installation (5 Yes-1 No)
    Associated expenses including parts and installation to be shared with badminton and pickle ball and estimated $2,800 total project /3=$940 to SDTTA as estimated.
  14. Two summits competitions on 9 APRIL and 14 MAY
    It consists of 2 players/team, $20 entry fee/team X 20 teams sums up to $400 per event day not including sponsorships out of total $600 prize. Even though the board approved (5 Yes-1 No), however, Ruben stated that he will refuse if any event causes the SDTTA to pay expenses. Thus, June decided not to proceed.
  15. New membership cards (6 Yes-0 No).
    Replacing old cards by a new magnetic badge cards was proposed by June. Each encoded new card will contain name, membership status and rating; activation date by October will begin issuing on January, FY23.

Meeting Minutes: 02-08-2022

March 2nd, 2022

Minutes for February 8, 2022 Board Meeting
Start 7:05 P.M.

All board members present with June Lim, Danny Williams, Behnam Kazemi, Ruben Guilloty, Thu Tran and Perry Schwartzberg in person, Jean Shi coming in remotely.

Also present is Dennis Seisun.

New business:

June: Thanks Danny, Behnam, and Thu for coming to the club on Saturday to help clean out the storage room. All agree that it looks great and has never been this organized and clean. Everyone vows to keep it as similar to the current state as possible for the future.

Danny: Debate about what to do about the shirts that were purchased by the club a few years ago. It is agreed upon that since most of the sizes are not the popular ones, the board should try to get rid of the existing supply of shirts at $10 each and then discuss obtaining new ones. Voted yes 5/1/1 with Ruben voting no, Perry abstaining.

June: Wants to make sure that the membership continues to be updated and would like all of the board members to have access to the master list. This will make it simple to know who is currently paid up and who is not.

Ruben: Gives the financial report.

Dennis: Suggests to the board members that it would be a good idea to purchase an accounting software such as Quicken in order to facilitate a smooth transition for the new treasurer to keep the bookkeeping up to date. All agree that this is a good idea.

June: Discusses finding an auditor to review the boards finances in March. This must be someone not on the current board but would most likely be one of our club members and possibly even a couple.

Ruben: Asks about the prorated fees that are lessened each month. It is pointed out that this is already on the SDTTA website with the first step down occurring in June.

June: Wants to make certain that all board members take seriously the $5 daily pass fee so as to not promote the feeling that some people are paying dues while others are not. All agree that this is an important thing to do but trying to implement it on a daily basis will require effort by all.

June: Reiterates that he will be running a monthly Saturday morning tournament event with prizes (balls) that will help to get everyone comfortable with running a tournament. Hopefully, this will allow the club to run its large four star tournament in the future.

June: Would like to allocate Nittaku 3* Premium Balls currently in possession of the club for his Saturday event. All agree that a two month supply is warranted to see how the event progresses.

Vote 7-0 approved.

Jean: Mentions that our USATT club affiliation expires in March and needs to be updated.

Jean: Brings to the board’s attention that the Team League run by Jeff Ruiz is having difficulty in finishing and also in dispensing funds. Jean is tasked by the board to talk to Jeff and have him meet with the board members for review.

Board votes 5-1-1 to allow previous year’s board members to have the following year free membership in acknowledgement of their service. Ruben no, Behnam abstaining

Perry: Lets the board know that he will be stepping down from his position as Secretary on the board due to his inability to frequent the club regularly. He mentions that his inability to be present at the club makes the work harder for the other board members. All understand and will find a replacement for him as soon as possible.

Meeting closes 8:20 p.m.

Meeting Minutes: 12-06-2021

December 12th, 2021

Minutes for December 6 Board Meeting
Start 6:37 P.M.

All board members present except Dennis Seisun. Jeff Ruiz and Jean Shi show up just a bit late due to traffic.
Also present are new board members Behnam Kazemi, Thu Tran, Danny Williams, and Jun Lim.

Steve: Minutes are approved with a 4-0 vote (Jeff and Jean not yet present).

The current board welcomes the new board members.

Tournament: The new board needs to get going immediately on the yearly Memorial Day tournament planning. Confirmation of a date and tournament director are paramount. It will also be necessary to evaluate barriers, tables, and nets for the event. Committees need to be formed in order to implement all that needs done including set up and set down after the event.

Jeff Ruiz: Jeff informs the board that he will be leaving the board for personal reasons. He still plans to assist the club in many different capacities including the team league and coaching. June Lim will replace him for the one year term. Jun is voted in 6-0 (Dennis absent) to replace Jeff.

General agreement that the website needs to be upgraded as it has outdated information and lacks clarity on the calendar and current events.

Ruben: A rough draft of next year’s budget is offered and will be discussed more thoroughly by the next board in the coming year.

Danny: Would like to build on the current tournament prize structure by obtaining sponsorship from businesses in the community. All agree that this is a great idea and will be further explored early in the year.

Jean: Presents a general plan for 2022 including Chairman’s responsibilities, budget ideas, as well as more acknowledgement for those contributing to the club.

Shirts will be given to players attending the U.S., Open representing our club. 6-0 approved. Behnam will identify those who are playing and desiring of the SDTTA logo shirt.

Steve McGrew, Phil Van De Wiele, and Jeff Ruiz all say their goodbyes and are acknowledged for all of their hard work over the years.

Meeting closes at 8:00