Meeting Minutes: 03-16-2010

March 26th, 2010

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

March 16, 2010

7:05 PM

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to order by Mark. SDTTA Board Members Present: Bill Cooper, Bill Chang, James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Shelley Hardy, and Scott Roberts SDTTA Members present (not the full meeting):   Daryl Sterling The approval of February 16, 2010 minutes was made by Borko and seconded by Bill Cooper. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. One of our previous members of the SDTTA board, Sungil, addressed our board to give us encouragement and show support for us as board members.  He stated a big stress factor for us as SDTTA board members is our large membership which means that we will always have people disagreeing with our voted on decisions.   He thanked us for our hard work and willingness to represent the SDTTA.  Sungil stated that he would be available to help or give advice to us in our goal to promote our SDTTA. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill Chang passed out the Treasurer’s Report that has reconciled us through February 2010. Bill Chang wanted to know how often the SDTTA was paying for hours to BPAC.  No one knew the answer.  Mark is going to find out for us. Bill Chang wanted to know if the Stellans were paid for their coaching the juniors so far.  If not, then they will be paid tonight. Bill Chang, Bill Cooper and Mark will e-mail one another when to meet and sign the forms for bank signatures. James Kahn wanted to inform the club:
  1. That a Danish National table tennis player will be here the week of April 4-8.  He will talk to Stellan about the possibility of an exhibition for our club on one of these days.
  2. That Stellan offered to have a free clinic for interested members at the end of the month (?) with a limit of 25 people (which means first come, first serve).
  3. James suggested that we call former members and invite back.
We have a member link on the SDTTA website now to see all our members who have and have not paid. Mark brought up the idea of creating a newsletter to keep our members aware of the greater good the club is doing by supporting all that is happening at our club which includes how proud we are of our junior players and that we are privileged to have a World Class table tennis coach.  We want to do our part as a club to help develop future players. Mark stated that he could put all the ideas put forth by SDTTA board and members.  This included: Coming Events Membership Training League tournament coming up National Danish Table Tennis Player coming in April Prorated Dues Action Items:
  1. League Play.  James Kahn will post a sign- up sheet for members to play in the league.
  2. Tournaments:  The tournament scheduled in April was taken off the calendar.  Mark scheduled a San Diego Table Tennis Tournament for a date in August with BPAC.  We will host a one day (Saturday) SDTTA tournament.  The city parks and recreation will help us with this tournament.  The Tournament Committee is Phil and Sungil.
Bill Cooper spoke with NATTA spokesperson Allen Williams who said that they had problems with Michelle Garcia the representative for BPAC which could not be resolved.   Allen felt that they were lied to.   Mark stated that he spoke to Andy from BPAC and was told another side to what went down.   NATTA pulled out and will not host another tournament here. Scott brought a sample copy of an ad to advertise for the SDTTA tournament in August. There is a need for a meeting to determine goal and the cost for this tournament with the tournament committee.
  1. Membership Renewal Report:  Borko stated that we had 156 members.  Any board member can now sign up a new member on the website.  Mark suggested that we as board members introduce ourselves to a player we don’t know and if they’re not a paid member to give them the two options.
Equipment report by Bill Cooper:  There are three new tables still in their boxes.  Two tables for loaned out to a Senior Center under Stellan’s name.  We have a total of 25 tables.  No change in equipment.  Mark brought up the broken knobs on the nets are sharp and can hurt us.  These nets need to be put on the desk in the table tennis storage room for repair.  Daryl stated that we are two nets short.  Bill Cooper said we have them. Executive Director’s Report:  James Kahn gave his report earlier with upcoming happenings. Webmaster’s Report:  Everything going as planned.  Discussed putting newsletter on website with Daryl and for the Secretary to send the minutes to Mark and he’ll forward the newsletter back to Daryl. The next meeting of the SDTTA board will be April 20. Bill Cooper made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by James. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 02-16-2010

February 16th, 2010

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

February 16, 2010

7:00 PM

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to order was made by Mark Adelman and seconded by Shelley Hardy. SDTTA Board Members Present:  Bill Chang, Bill Cooper, Mark Adelman, Scott Roberts, James Caan, Borko Dragojlovic, and Shelley Hardy SDTTA Members present (not the full meeting): Angie Bengtsson and Daryl Sterling The approval of January 19, 2010 minutes was made by Bill Cooper and approved by Scott Roberts. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Treasurer’s Report: A correction from the last minutes stating that the SDTTA account was transferred is incorrect.  As of this meeting the transfer from of the SDTTA account at Union Bank has not been transferred to Wells Fargo yet.  The amount in the SDTTA’s account can be viewed on our website. Action Items:
  1. The winner’s names of our SDTTA tournament have been put on the plaque which can be seen on the SDTTA board at the Balboa Park Activity Center.
  2. Update on Pro Pay Electronic Device to process memberships was reviewed.  To operate, press the button on top of device and the light will turn green.   Then, with a credit card strip facing left pass it through the machine.  When the device blinks twice the card is read.  Inside our cabinet we can find the form to fill the information for Mark to input the data. The cost for pro pay is $110/year, a charge of.035%/gross transaction plus a .35 fee is added.
  3. A discussion followed with Bill Chang suggesting that next year that everyone does it online.  To have a timely sign up by members, it was suggested as an incentive would be a lottery with the winner getting a free membership.
  4. Changes needed for League Play.  Mark discussed with Misha about not charging for League Play.  The all of the board agreed that participants need to commit to the team and come every time or make the time up.  One incentive is to return the $20 fee if a player completes league night 100% which includes the player to make up if ill. James made the motion to return fee and Bill Cooper seconded it.  Due to BPAC being closed, league play has been changed to April 30.  Mark made the motion to have league play starting April 30 and it was seconded.
  5. Tournaments:  The NATTA has moved their tournament to another place.  The BPAC still has the dates April 24 and 25 reserved for a table tennis tournament under SDTTA.  We will be charged for those days so a decision needs to be made quickly if we want to host a tournament.  Bill Cooper is going to look into the matter to see what and who can help with a tournament.
  6. Membership Renewal Report:  Daryl needs to input a few more members to complete the report.  Mark said that he was available to input new member data when necessary.
Discuss Round Robin Options:  There was some discussion on trying a couple of ways to spice up Thursday nights tournaments such as having a handicap night.  The board wants input from Phil who has done an excellent job with the most participated tournament event at our club. Equipment report by Bill Cooper: Our equipment is in good standing.  There is a big list for people who want to buy our available for sale tables.  There is a hold on these tables pending on loaning our tables to satellite places.  Bill is looking into putting the nets in boxes to protect them and not attach them to the folded tables where they get broken. Executive Director’s Report: James Caan wanted to know what his role/report as director entailed.  Bill Cooper read the by- laws explaining his role. When we have a tournament, James will check on company sponsorships. Coaching:  The StellanAngie Agreement. The club has been subsidizing the coaching done by Stellan and Angie in the amount of $350 monthly for coaching our juniors who are paid members.   We also pay for their room at the tournaments for which they submit a receipt to the treasurer.  Bill Cooper made a motion to continue subsidizing Stellan and Angie for coaching the juniors and paying for their hotel room at tournaments.  It was seconded by Scott Roberts.  We owe them for the month of January and February 2010.  The treasurer will be issuing a check to them for those months. Webmaster’s Report:  Daryl reported that there are only 5 or 6 people left to input.  We are able to pull up on website list of members who have and have not paid. Mark made a motion to send a bouquet of flowers to Jerry Harris and his family for the loss of his mother for the amount of $100 or less and it was seconded by Scott. The next meeting of the SDTTA board will be March 21, 2010. James made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Bill at 8:45 Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy

Meeting Minutes: 01-19-2010

January 19th, 2010

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting

January 19, 2010

7:00 PM

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to Order. SDTTA Board Members Present:  Bill Chang, Bill Cooper, Mark Adelman, Scott Roberts, James Caan, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy. SDTTA Members Present (not the full meeting):  Angie Bengtsson, Daryl Sterling, & Branna. Approval of Minutes for November 17, 2009 needs an additional note that Gil Simons received a plaque for founder of our club. The SDTTA account has been transferred to Wells Fargo. The subject was brought up that the winners of our SDTTA tournament names need to be placed on name plates and put on our plaque.  James Caan is now aware of the need. Treasurer’s Report: Report placed on hold until the next board meeting on February 16 due to illness. Action Items:
  1. Pro Pay Electronic Device account is setup and active.  Mark Adelman showed us the device and how to use it.  Mark gave Bill Chang the pro pay credit card to access the acct and to make transactions.
  2. League Play-next league. James Caan invited Brianna and Earl to discuss plan and date for league play.  Tentatively the board voted to have league play on Fridays, with an entry fee of $20, and for it to start the first week of March.   Branna came to the meeting and stated that she would get together with Earl and come up with a plan by our next board meeting.
  3. Rules:  Multi Ball Location.  The board discussed that due to disruption to players when playing games that they are being disrupted by too many multi balls coming in to the space.  Therefore, the board member Bill Cooper made a motion and  it was seconded by James Caan to remind coaches of the guideline is for them to use tall back stops to catch the balls and to use the last two rows of our floor for multi ball coaches.  This guideline is to be put on the website.
  4. Tournaments:  The Recovery Tournament is set for February 6, 9 – 1 pm.  It is sponsored by the San Diego Recreational Center and Connie Hegley will be in charge of registering the participants.  SDDTA has the responsibility of running the tournament.  It is a double elimination tournament for recovery people.  Connie and an assistant will run the woman and beginners.  The SDTTA two members who will be Bill Cooper and his assistant will run the advanced players.
  5. Membership Renewal Report:  The total amount collected as of this meeting is $3,162. 37.  Some people who are experiencing hardship were discussed.  The agreement was reached that a board member was to take the partial payment and give receipt with the date and inform the board by e-mail and the chairman.
  6. Table Assignment for Membership renewals.  Due to a difference of opinion a new schedule was made for the board members to sign up members during the week.  Until the end of the month the following people volunteered to be at the assigned table to renew membership, sign up new members and collect for daily play:  Sunday – Mark, Monday – James, Tuesday – Mark,  Thursday – Bill Cooper, Friday – Borko, Saturday – Bill Chang.
The Chairperson’s report regarding Special Use Permit was submitted and he is waiting for the city’s response. The equipment report was given by Bill Cooper.  He stated that the nets that were purported to be the best ones are not the quality as thought.  Twenty National League Butterfly nets have been ordered at a good savings and will meet our needs for quality and long lasting nets.  We have a total of 18 new tall back stops in boxes.  The discussion to have satellite table tennis sites to loan our tables is placed on hold. Executive Director had no report. The discussion regarding the Stellan/Angie agreement with the SDTTA subsidizing the youth program which the club has been doing in the past was table until the next meeting because the discussion was going to take up too much time. Daryl gave the Webmaster’s report and said the running list of the members is available now.  The email address is and Balboa Park is the password. The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bill Cooper and seconded by James Caan at 8:50 pm.

Meeting Minutes: 12-08-2009

December 8th, 2009

SDTTA Board Meeting

December 8th, 2009 7:00 pm BPAC Board Room This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

SDTTA Board Members Present: Angie Bengtsson, Mark Adelman, Jerry Harris, Bill Cooper, James Cann. (Scot Roberts-ill)

SDTTA Elected Board Members Present: Bill Chang, Borko Dragojlovic, Shelley Hardy.

SDTTA Members: Neil Smythe, Darry Sterling.

Agenda: Past and present board members discussing positions and recommendations for these positions and the Membership drive for 2010. Jerry Harris stated that Scott Roberts would like to stay as Public Relations Director. Daryl stated that all members should be encouraged to register at the SDTTA website. This would enable people to sign up and pay for membership plus give the club the ability to keep more accurate records. Mark gave us a copy of a copy of the end of the year treasurer’s report. Membership drive was led off with Neil Smythe. Neil recommended that 7 board members each take a day/night to register new members, look for new faces to invite to join our club or collect daily play. Membership cards should be attached to player’s bag or on table to be visibly seen. Mark said to station table at each door to sign and give members their new cards. Treasurer is to coordinate with board members. Jan 2 Sat noon wad date set for subcommittee for membership drive. Board meetings were voted on to keep them on the 3rd Tues of the month at 7 pm. The first meeting set for Jan 19. The Secretary reserves the meeting room with BPAC (Michelle or Andy) for the year and any other sub meetings. Discussed membership fee: Annual $100- Adult, $120 – family (2 people of same family) $10 – additional child under 18 & college student at home w $150 max, $30 – under 18 & college student at home. Daily $5 adult, $2 Jr under 18 & Thurs night students from Mexico. Borko recommended moving board minutes to About Us in the website area. Recommended board member positions: Mark Adelman – Chairman Bill Cooper – Vice Chairman Bill Chang- Treasurer Shelley Hardy – Secretary Borko Dragojlovic – Member Relations James Caan – Executive Director Scot Roberts – Public Relations Director Will take vote at Jan 2 meeting. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Shelley Hardy.

Meeting Minutes: 11-17-2009

November 17th, 2009

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

November 17, 2009

7:00 pm

BPAC Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

SDTTA Board Members Present:  Jerry Harris, Bill Cooper, Scott Roberts, Mark Adelman, James Kahn, Angie Bengtsson SDTTA Members Present:  Ron Spencer, Daryl Sterling, Phil Van De Wiele, Borko Dragojlovic, Son Young Kahng Call to Order:  Jerry Harris 7:05 pm Agenda:  Provided by Jerry Harris Approval of Minutes:  No corrections noted.  Motion to approve October 20, 2009 minutes made by Mark Adelman, second by Bill Cooper.  Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report:
  1. Income Statement Report – as of November 17, 2009, YTD total income is $17,911 ($17,164 from memberships, $647 from league, and $100 from table rental).  YTD total expenses is $21,937.  Overall, we are down $4026 so far this year.
  2. Net Worth –SDTTA’s assets are now cash ($24,995) and tables ($17,917), for total assets of $42,912.
Coaching: The certification process for coaching includes getting fingerprinted and signing a contract with the city.  Currently there are 4 certified coaches in the club, Stellan Bengtsson, Angie Bengtsson, Borko Dragojlovic, and Barney Reed. Membership Report: The membership list will be provided to the Elections Committee for voting by paid members. Board Nominations: The Elections Committee members have set up the following schedule for voting:  Saturday 11/28 from 10:30 to 2:30;  Sunday 11/29 from 12:30 to 3:30; Monday 11/30 from 5:30 to 8:00; Tuesday 12/1 from 5:00 to 8:00; and Thursday 12/3 from 5:00 to 6:30.  All voting must be done in person.  No proxy votes are allowed.  A short speech may be made by the candidates before the Round Robin tournament on Thursday 12/3.  There are 4 positions open and 9 candidates so far:  Behnam Kazemi, Borko Dragojlovic, Jock Oubichan, Kami Khatounabadi, Mark Adelman, Ron Spencer, Shelley Hardy, Bill Chang, and Priscilla Umel. Calendar: 1.  The Club Tournament will be November21, 2009.  There will be the usual 5 events (Men’s Open, Women’s Open; Boys under 18, Girls under 18, and Seniors (40 and over).  To make for a more competitive play, the Men’s open will be broken down into two subdivision, over 1500 and under 1500.  Angie Bengtsson made a motion to allow Steve Carr (the tournament director) to let people choose their event as long as they enter only one category.  For example, Brana Vlasic may choose to play in the Men’s Open, and an under 1500 player may choose to play in the over 1500 category.  Second made by Mark Adelman.  Motion carried. 2.  This year’s Board Dinner will be on Wednesday 12/30/2009 at Jerry Harris’ house, with a budget of about $500 to $600 for catering. The present board members, several SDTTA members who actively helped in the running of the club, the new board members, and everyone’s spouse/significant others will be invited to attend. 2010 Fees: There will be an emergency board meeting on 12/8/2009 after the board elections so that the new board can choose the officers for the 2010 board as well as make the decision for membership fees in 2010.  In the meantime, Mark Adelman will coordinate with Neil Smythe to get all the supplies ready so that membership dues may be collected starting in late December.   One thing to consider is that the city may increase its fees again starting in July 2010.  If the Club charges for a league or clinic, the city gets a 10% plus $2.50 per person cut.  If the Club offers these services free of charge, then there is no extra payment to the city. Gala T-shirts: Scott Roberts followed up with the manager (Mark Dice has left with the $50 and sample T-shirt) and sent another sample T-shirt.  The 2010 Board may want to consider a Club shirt, Club towels, a playing shirt, or even a club “store” of sorts. Chairperson’s Report – Special Use Permit: The Club’s special use permit expired in June of 2008.  All paperwork was submitted, but there has been no response from the city in over a year.  The new special use permit will cost $600 for 3 years. Equipment Report:
  1. Nets – The cost of the National League nets are now $60 (last time it was $41).  Bill Cooper negotiated the price of each net for $30 + no freight charge.  20 nets were ordered.
  2. Tall Barriers – Bill has been reshaping the old barriers, especially since no suppliers were available.  Each of the barriers had cost $44.95 plus high shipping and handling costs.  Bill has found a new vendor (TT Pioneers) for the tall barriers at a cost of $29.22 with no tax and no shipping costs.  20 new tall barriers have been ordered.
  3. Additional lights are needed and the floor is getting slippery.
Executive Director’s Report – Coaching: Stellan and Angie have resumed the Junior Coaching program on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  It was agreed that Stellangie might use the back 1 to 2 rows on Tuesday nights for possible Adult Clinics, possibly ongoing  until the U.S. Open. Webmaster’s Report: 2009 Minutes and election information is up on the website. Motion to adjourn made by Bill Cooper, second by James Kahn.  Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Next Meeting:  December 8, 2009 for the new board.

Meeting Minutes: 10-20-2009

October 20th, 2009

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting

October 20, 2009

7:00 pm

BPAC Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

SDTTA Board Members Present:  Jerry Harris, Bill Cooper, Scott Roberts, Mark Adelman, James Kahn, Angie Bengtsson SDTTA Members Present:  Ron Spencer, Daryl Sterling, Phil Van De Wiele, Son Young Kahng Call to Order:  Jerry Harris 7:05 pm Agenda:  Provided by Jerry Harris Approval of Minutes:  No corrections noted.  Motion to approve September 15, 2009 minutes made by Mark Adelman, second by James Kahn.  Motion carried. Communications: The meeting began with a moment of silence to remember Baker Lay.  His memorial service will be Wednesday, October 28 at 8am.  He is survived by 5 children and lots of grandchildren.  An email from his family is posted on the board. Treasurer’s Report:
  1. Income Statement Report – as of September 30, 2009, YTD total income is $16,950 ($16,303 from memberships and $647 from league).  YTD total expenses is $20,487.  Overall, we are down $3537 so far this year.
  2. Net Worth –SDTTA’s assets are now cash ($24,234) and tables ($17,917), for total assets of $42,151.
  3. We will receive a $500 refund from the Spanish Village for the Gala.
  1. Over 150 people attended the Gala.  Thank you to Mark Adelman for putting together the great multi-media presentation.  Thank you to Neil Smythe and Marissa Feliciano for all their hard work, and to the inspiration lead by Stellan and Angie Bengtsson and Patty Martinez.  It was enjoyed by all.
  2. Scott Roberts is working on getting a commemorative 50th year anniversary t-shirt.  The t-shirt person he contacted, Mark Dice, took Scott’s $50 but is not being very responsive.  He will follow up.
Membership Report: We regularly collect $100 to $200 on Thursday nights.  The membership fee is prorated at $30 for the rest of the year.  The membership database is currently up-to-date. Board Nominations: The Elections Committee members are Phil Van De Wiele (chair), John Tentor, and Suresh Kanekar.  To allow time for interested members to participate, the nomination deadline was set for Wednesday, November 25, 2009.  Voting will begin Saturday, November 28, 2009 and end on Thursday, December 3, 2009.  Candidate pictures and statements will be posted on the website and short speeches will be made on Thursday, December 3.  Candidates are encouraged to politic ahead of time.  However, no politicking within 25 feet of the ballot box will be allowed. Calendar:  Club Tournament is in November.  Jerry will look up the exact date if it was already set earlier in the year.  Steve Carr will run the tournament.  A suggestion was made to use handicaps (higher rated player starts with negative points) or more divisions (by ratings) to make the play more competitive.  In previous years, there have been 4 categories (men, women, junior boys, junior girls) and usually the same people win every year. Purchase Hours:
  1. How it works is that we put in money and Badminton Club puts in money and the Park matches our funds.  The cost of one hour is ~$44, so our share becomes $11/hour.  Our initial deposit of $2500 has been spent.  We need to make a deposit of another $1000 to the BP Rec Council.   Mark Adelman made a motion to pay the $1000 deposit, second by Bill Cooper.  Motion approved.
  2. December hours:  Currently, we buy 2 hrs on Fri, 1 hr on Sat, and 5 hrs on Sun.  We recommend closure on the last two Sundays 12/20 and 12/27 due to holidays, post-USATT Nationals, etc., but will need to talk with the Badminton Club to confirm.
  3. Earlier hours:  We have been approved to be open earlier on Tues 11am to 1pm and Thurs 11:30am to 1pm.
Chairperson’s Report – request to purchase table: When we purchased 5 tables earlier in the year, the club purchased one extra for Jerry H.  That extra table was sold to Mustafa U. at cost.  Jerry H. made a request to purchase one of the new tables at cost, $883.33.  The board approved selling the table to the Chair. Equipment Report:
  1. Nets – The Hi-Qual nets are a good price, but the knobs break very easily, especially if they hit the floor.  Also, the adjustment screws keep disappearing (possibly stolen?).  Bill ordered National League nets ($40/net) and put 4 into circulation.  The new nets are in the cabinet. Ten more new nets are needed.
  2. Upkeep – There are some concerns over equipment upkeep; some basic “how-to’s” may be needed on the homepage and ratings page.  Encourage everyone to put tables away when finished playing within 1 to 2 hours of closing time.
  3. New tables – Currently, the possibility of using the Linda Vista Rec Center and Barnes Tennis facility are both stalled.  We can sell the oldest tables for $500 each, but it was decided to hold on to the tables to see if either will go forward in the new year.
  4. Lights – Just request the side lights to be on (light switch).  When enough lights burn out, all are replaced at the same time because they don’t have a high enough lift.
Coaching: Stellan’s hip resurfacing surgery went well.  He is now allowed to go outdoors.  Angie plans to resume coaching starting in November. Currently, we have 4 coaches approved by the City:  Stellan, Angie, Borko, and Barney.  They have independent contractor’s agreements with the BP Rec Council.  In order to teach children, you need to be fingerprinted and go through a background screening.  If you are a volunteer coach, then the fingerprinting is free.  If you charge a fee for coaching, then it costs $66. Website: The profile is there to bring people together and get to know one another.  Encourage everyone to create a profile.  Suggestion not to have a Paddle Palace resource link on every page.  Suggestion to add a link to proper stretches and exercises by Brian Bradley, a movement specialist. Motion to adjourn made by Scott Roberts, second by James Kahn.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Next Meeting:  November 17, 2009.

Meeting Minutes: 09-17-2009

September 19th, 2009

San Diego Table Tennis Association Board Meeting September 15, 2009 7:00 pm BPAC Board Room This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

SDTTA Board Members Present:  Jerry Harris, Bill Cooper, Scott Roberts, Mark Adelman, James Kahn, Angie Bengtsson SDTTA Members Present:  Borko Dragojlovic, Son Young Kahng Call to Order:  Jerry Harris 7:05 pm Agenda:  Provided by Jerry Harris Approval of Minutes:  2 corrections noted on August 17, 2009 minutes regarding Gala.  Motion to approve August 17, 2009 minutes as corrected made by Bill Cooper, second by James Kahn.  Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report:
  1. Income Statement Report – as of August 31, 2009, YTD total income is $15,343 from memberships and $647 from league.  YTD total expenses is $18,136.
  2. Net Worth –SDTTA’s assets are now cash ($25,626) and tables ($17,917), for total assets of $43,543.
  3. With the cost of the gala (anticipated cost of about $10,000, collection of about $2,000, and donation of $5000), estimated total cash at year end to be around $20,000.
  4. Motion to move banking account from Chula Vista to Point Loma (Union Bank on Rosecrans) made by James Kahn, second by Bill Cooper.  Motion carried.
Board Nominations: Board members are still approaching possible candidates to determine who might be interested. Gala:
  1. Neil S. has a head count of 134.  Neil S. was reimbursed for his costs for the Gala of about $5000 so far.
  2. The following awards for 2009 will be presented at the gala:  longest member = Bill Cooper; lifetime achievement = Neil Smyth; most improved player = Daryl Sterling; bright idea award = Scott Roberts (for the taller barriers); most inspirational = Rodel Valdoria; and most dedicated = Mark Adelman (putting together finances, and video presentation for the 50th anniversary gala).  James Kahn will take care of getting the plaques, which will be presented after the gala.
  3. Motion to apply a $5000 donation from Direct Securities toward the gala made by Bill Cooper and second by Mark Adelman.  Motion carried.
  4. A multi-media video presentation has been put together by Mark Adelman.  His friend will bring all necessary equipment on the night of the gala.  Thank you Mark.
  5. Program is being set up for 140 guests.
  6. Publicity:  Neil has sent out information to local newspapers and TV stations.  We are expecting Christian del la Cruz from USATT, Patty Martinez, and Stacy LaMedica head of Balboa Park and Recreation.
  7. Scott Roberts is working on getting a commemorative 50th year anniversary t-shirt, but it will not be ready by the gala on Saturday.
  1. September 19, 2009 (Sat)= 50th Anniversary Gala.
  2. October = NATT Tournament.
  3. November = Club Tournament.
Equipment Report:  Barnes Tennis Center requested to borrow tables this weekend.  We will charge the usual $20 delivery and $100 for each of 5 tables.  The tables need to be tied in and have the brakes on so that they can remain in good shape.  Otherwise, Bill stated that the equipment report is the same as usual. Coaching: Stellan and Angie Bengtsson are back.  However, Stellan needs a hip resurfacing surgery soon, so it is not clear when coaching will resume.  Website: Suggestion to not keep the blog on the front page to be viewed at all times.  Another suggestion was made to place a facilities picture so that it is not too plain. Motion to adjourn made by Mark Adelman, second by Bill Cooper.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m. Next Meeting:  October 20, 2009.