Meeting Minutes: 09-13-2011

September 13th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

September 13, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.Call to order by Ron at 7:20 pm.SDTTA Board Members Present:     Mark, James, Borko, Ron Spencer, Jock and Shelley SDTTA Board Member Absent:  Bill Chang SDTTA Member Present:  Mustafa SDTTA Board Member minutes for August were passed.  The motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Jock. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Action Items:
  1. Webmaster Report:  Daryl playing in tournaments internationally.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Bill sent treasurer’s report by email to all board members and it was reconciled through August 31, 2011.
  3. Equipment and membership report:  The discussion regarding Butterfly tables donated for the team tournament in November is no longer valid since the tournament was cancelled.
  4. Executive Director’s report:  No report.  James brought up his concern about our status with the city and the future budget cuts.  We still don’t know how it will financially affect our association financially and we need to wait for major purchase decisions until the city decides what cuts will be made.
  5. Peewee/Jr Report.  No report.  The SDTTA board would like Angie or Stellan to give us a short report regarding progress of the peewee and Jr program periodically (recognize most improved and future tournament playing).
  6. Old Business:
  1. SDTTA Picnic date was changed to October 15.
  2. Check to BPAC and city:  A check was to the city for the amount of $3,733.50.
  3. Membership supplies:  Mark stated that the supplies came.  Borko was reimbursed for the $79.90 practice balls used in the senior training sessions on Saturdays.
  1. New Business:
    1. Borko will check by-laws to see when to start the board elections for 20012.  Four board member positions will be open for the 2012 year.
    2. The board discussed the need for a printed statement posted at the club stating that tables need to be put  away when players  are finished playing and no one wants their table especially 30 minutes prior to closing time.  Shelley volunteered to print the statement.
  The motion was made to adjourn by Shelley and seconded by James. The next meeting is October 11, 2011. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 08-09-2011

August 9th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

August 9, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA. Call to order by Ron at 7:05 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present:     Mark, James, Borko, Ron Spencer, Bill, Jock and Shelley SDTTA Member: Christian Lillieroos SDTTA Board Member minutes for July were passed.  The motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Borko. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. The topic of table tennis coaching was brought up to the SDTTA board.  It was stated that some members are coaching for a fee.  The BPAC rule is that paid coaches need to be registered with the city.  These members need to know that no paid coaching should be done until they these required parameters are met. Action Items:
  1. SDTTA Picnic:  The picnic scheduled for 8/13 has been rescheduled to Sept 17th, Sat from 12 – 3 pm.  Ron will contact Daryl to make these changes on our website and see about setting up a place where members can sign up and what dish they will bring to share for the potluck.   Ron will change the date with BPAC director, Michelle.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill passed out the treasurer’s report that is reconciled through July 31, 2011 and is posted on our equipment room board.  One sold table ($500) is included in the treasurer’s report and two more sold tables ($1,000) will be reported on next month’s report.
  3. Equipment and membership report:  We have around 250 members at this time.    Borko has started a free senior coaching class held on Saturday from 12 – 2 pm which promotes table tennis for new players and membership.   Thank you Borko.  The SDTTA will purchase practice balls for this training.   Mark made a motion to change junior membership fees for 2011 effective July 12 from $30 to $15.  It was seconded by Jock.  The motion was passed 6 to 1.  Shelley felt that the fee should have been $20.
  4. Executive Director’s report:  No report.
  5. Peewee/Jr Report.  No report.
  6. New Business:
    1. Christian Lillieroos went to the BPAC meeting in August.  The next BPAC meeting is October 5th at 6 pm and held in BPAC meeting room.  He stated that there were 3 SDTTA members present and around 15 people were present.  His observations were as follows:
  1. The open volley ball league tournament charged an admittance fee and recommended to SDTTA that we could also charge at our SDTTA sponsored tournaments as a source of revenue for our club.
  2. BPAC was satisfied with the $575 our club paid for profits.
  3. When asking BPAC about using 1/3 of the center for activities outside of SDTTA’s paid hours, Christian was told that is was a staffing issue which included paying staff for their time and it may included overtime pay.
  4. The fact that SDTTA splits the activity space 50/50 with Badminton while we only use 1/3 of the space was brought up and that our club needs to investigate and make what changes we can to make it equal and or fair.
    1. SDTTA has reserved the activity center for a tournament which will be held in October.  Mustafa contacted Ron and wants to know what size tournament we should have.  The board discussed that a 3 star tournament would be a good place to start.  Mustafa will be invited to come back with a subcommittee to keep us informed at our next board meeting.
The motion was made to adjourn by Mark and seconded by James. The next meeting is September 13, 2011. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 06-14-2011

June 14th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

June 14, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order by Ron at 7:05 pm.

SDTTA Board Members Present:   Mark, James, Jock, Borko, Ron Spencer, and Shelley

SDTTA Board Members Absent:   Bill Chang

SDTTA Board Member minutes for April and May were passed by James and seconded by Mark.  It was decided by the Board Members that the minutes should be posted on our website after they have been approved and to let Daryl know.

Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes.

Action Items:

  1. Webmaster Report:  Daryl did not have anything to add.  Mark brought up the possibility of having another person offer a design for our website.  The board agreed to have Mark invite this person to our board meeting and show us what he could do.
  2. Peewee / Jr Report/ Angie – Brana – Earl.  No report.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill emailed the treasurer’s report that balanced the SDTTA account through May 31, 2011. A check for $1524 was received from Attila Malek from the SD Power Pong tournament and is to be applied towards equipment. 
  4. Equipment and membership report. Borko stated that four complete net sets are junked.  The board is planning to buy new tables and starting a list to sell old tables.  Borko has been in touch with the Butterfly rep and there are four tables available from a tournament waiting in a warehouse to be purchased.  We need to have Daryl put on our website that the club is selling our old tables for $500 and to contact/see Borko.  We need the new tables before we let the old ones go.  Borko stated that there are two people interested in buying the tables.             
  5. Executive Director’s report:  No report.
  6. Old Business.  The SDTTA picnic will be Saturday, August 13 from 12 – 3 pm.  There will be posted a list for members to sign that they will be attending.  There is to be a free raffle organized by Jock.  Ron will check out some people who will be providing music.  We will provide the drinks and ice.  Board members will be bringing ice chests (Ron, Mark, & Shelley).  Ron is going to contact Michelle to reserve back area for picnic.
  7. New Business.
    1. An official policy to address a pressing concern regarding players putting the table and connecting barriers away unless someone states that they will put them away later.  Ron will type it up.
    2. We need a suggestion box with pad and pen.  Shelley volunteered to bring one in.

Then motion was made to adjourn by Jock and seconded by James.


The next meeting is July 12, 2011.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 05-10-2011

May 10th, 2011
San Diego Table Tennis Association
Board Meeting, 2010 May 10, 2011 Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room
This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.  Call to order by Ron at 7:05 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present:   Mark, James, Jock, Bill Chang, Borko, Ron Spencer, and Shelley The approval of April SDTTA’s minutes will be postponed until the next meeting in June. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. It was noted that Ron will report to Daryl to take down old information and Ron will give to Daryl the results of the San Diego Power Pong Tournament to be posted on our website. Action Items: Treasurer’s Report:  Bill Chang passed out copy of Treasurer’s report to all members present and it was reconciled through to April 30, 2011 Action Items:
  1. Webmaster Report:  Daryl did not have anything to add.
  2. Peewee / Jr Report/ Angie – Brana – Earl.  No report.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Bill passed out the treasurer’s report that balanced the SDTTA account through April 30, 2011.
  4. Equipment and membership report.  Borko state that there are 22 assembled, 2 unassembled and 2 tables at a Sr  Center near here.  Discussion was opened to start a list to sell current tables with the possibility of buying quality tables at a savings.  Borko has been dealing with the Butterfly rep Martin Rowe who is waiting for us to order these tables.
    Ron presented to the Board that Phil Davila will present us a new style barriers that will be quality and affordable to replace our old and broken ones.
Present membership is 181.
  1. Executive Director’s report:  James will contact Jerry to see what happened at the City Meeting on Monday.  At the next Board Meeting we  will plan the SDTTA picnic.
  2. Old Business – Committee results:  Ron received from SDTTA members that their concerns were about needing quality/competitive tables, unhappy about the activity center  flooring (we have no control), and the desire to have more tournaments.   Ron stated that these are going to be addressed.
The committee to address welcoming new members did not come into fruition.  It was decided that each board member was to do their best in welcoming new members and inviting them to play or find someone they could play with.
  1. New Issues:
    1. Esteban is making a list of the results and will give them to Borko.
    2. The USTTA membership fee went up.  The board made a motion and it was seconded to raise SDTTA’s fee from $20 to $27 to send in the form and pay for members to register with USTTA.
    3. Profits from Attila – How to receive.  The board needs to decide how the club is to receive the check from Attila from the SD Power Pong tournament or whether it goes to BPAC.
    4. Private coaching location issue.  It has been decided that private coached need to be reminded that multiballs need to be hit away from playing area.
    5. Equipment responsibility of members – warnings.  Due to potential damage to tables and nets that a written notice is necessary and will be posted.  Ron will write the notice warning players to respect property (tables, barriers, & nets).
    6. Equipment inventory of all locations.  Mark will approach Jerry about SDTTA tables at the Sr Center and ask if it is open to all and can we post hours?
Then motion was made to adjourn by Mark and seconded by Jock. The next meeting is June 14, 2011. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 04-19-2011

April 19th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis

Association Board Meeting

April 19, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to order by Ron at 7:12 pm. SDTTA Board Members Present: James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Ron Spencer, Bill Chang. SDTTA Board Members Absent: Jock Oubichon, and Shelley A Hardy. Communications limited to items not on the agenda. Limit 3 minutes. The approval of February 8, 2011 board meeting minutes was made by James and seconded by Borko. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out treasurer’s report to members present and it was reconciled through to March 31, 2011. Membership: Borko reported that membership is about 200. Action Items: Equipment report: Borko stated the following: There are 11 unopened nets 22 tables assembled (handicapped table included) 2 unassembled in boxes 2 tables at a local Sr Center Borko spoke with the Butterfly representative to buy quality tables that are available and use an expense the money from the SD Power Pong Tournament. These good as new tables are available at a discount. The shipping would cost $600 from Oakland and the tables would sell for $875. Future SDTTA Tournaments: Mustapha presented a tournament idea for a 3-4 star event. His ideas include: 2 players advancing out of a group, an outside food stand, doubles for every class event, double elimination winners bracket, losers bracket, media attention such at channel 8, KUSI, etc. Mustapha will set up a sub-committee to set up and run tournament. A motion was made to nominate Mustapha as tournament director. It was seconded and passed. Recreational Council Meetings. These meeting are held the 1st Wed of every other month. There is a need for SDTTA members to actively participate at these meetings and present table tennis positively. Jerry, Jocko, Andrew Kahng are all close to the Recreational Council yet more of the SDTTA members should participate. The city of San Diego facing cutbacks. The city is facing cutbacks and the club needs to set up our strategy to deal with the city council. Mark said the he and Jerry will draft a letter to the city and have members sign on to it. Mark made a motion to adjourn the meeting and James seconded it at 8:35 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley A Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 02-08-2011

February 8th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis

Association Board Meeting

February 8, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA

Call to order by Ron at 7:12 pm.

SDTTA Members Present: James Kahn, Borko Dragojlovic, Mark Adelman, Ron Spencer, Bill Chang, Jock Oubichon, and Shelley A Hardy. Communications limited to items not on the agenda. Limit 3 minutes. The approvalof January 11, 2011 board meeting minutes was made by James and seconded by Borko. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out treasurer’s report to members present and it was sreonciled through to January 31, 2011. Membership discussion: Mark recommended that each renewing member need to fill out all spaces on the membership form. It was noted that all new members can sign up at It was noted that there are many blank areas and that it will take time to get the database with all the correct info on members. There needs to be a drop down for members to do family memberships online. Mark wanted to go over with Daryl the need to post the TT shirts on our website. There are 23 left and add a dropdown with sizes. The board would like Daryl to attend board meetings to give webmaster report, give advice or answer questions at the beginning or end of board meeetings. Action Items: Equipment report: Borko stated the following: There are 13 unopened nets 22 tables assembled (handicapped table included) 2 unassembled in boxes 2 tables at a local Sr Center It was suggested by Phil to buy an all-metal piece w/threads to make the part of the net stronger and less likely to break. Borko stated that their were 86 members signed and the total membership donation if $560. Welcoming suggestions for new members. Reserve a table for beginners/new members A volunteer committee person introduce visitor to people to challenge for the evening Recommend all new people to come Thurs. night to play in the round robing Volunteer new committee will bring recommendations to the next board meeting (Shelley, Esteban & need one more person to discuss welcoming new people to the club) 4.. Guidelines for partial memberships: a. $50 until Sep30th b. $25 from Oct 1st to Dec 31st c. Keep jrs. As they are The motion for SDTTA to use these guidelines was proposed by Shelley and seconded by Bill. All approved the motion. Monitoring: SDTTA wants to ask players to put their membership /receipt by net on table or on their bags so that they can be visibly seen. 6. Jock will be editing/updating the membership form. It was agreed to print 500 copies and stay with the yellow paper. 7. Discuss running tournaments in house. Ron wants SDTTA to sponsor our own league tournament for later on this year. USTTA sanctioned tournaments is where a fee if paid to USTTA and they give us a list of players.. Nonsanctioned means no fee but the club is responsible to get the word out. The best tournament is to have the right prize money. Next month Ron has invited a person to be present at our board meeting. 8. New technology to consider is blue tables. Ron brought up that there are new state of the art blue tables that would bring this club up to the level of having quality tournaments. We will bring this one action to the SDTTA members to vote on. 9. Committee for Initiatives. Ron would like to put together a committee of 4 SDTTA members who the board agrees to and come up with initiatives that the club members chose as priorities for the club to support . Mark made a motion to adjourn the meeting and James seconded it at 9:05. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley A Hardy, SDTTA Secretary

Meeting Minutes: 01-11-2011

January 11th, 2011

San Diego Table Tennis Association

Board Meeting, 2010

January 11, 2011

Balboa Park Activity Center Board Room

This meeting is open to all members of the SDTTA.

Call to order by Mark at 7:05 pm.

SDTTA Board Members Present: Mark, James, Jock, Bill Chang, Borko, Ron Spencer, and Shelley SDTTA Members Present: Esteban Sandoval and Rashid Kazerooni. The approval of December 14 and28, 2010minutes was made by James and seconded by Jock. Communications not on the agenda have a limit of 3 minutes. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Chang passed out copy of Treasurer’s report to all members present and it was reconciled through to December 31, 2010. Bill also passed out a report comparing our expenses and collections for last year. He stated that we would have enough money in our savings to get us through for the next year as a worst case scenario. SDTTA members wanted to share their concerns about the club as a whole not making new people feel welcome. Rashid stated that some new people do not want to come back. Esteban wanted the board to know that there are concerns and possible ways to welcome new people. It was recommended that the board be proactive in welcoming new members. An action item will be added to the board agenda for February. Action Items: Introduction of new board members. Ron Spencer and Jock Oubichon were newly elected and James Kahn was reelected and all were welcomed to the SDTTA Board Meeting. Vote on new board positions: Chairman – Ron Spencer (will share equipment management with Borko) Vice Chairman – James Kahn Executive Director – Mark Adelman Treasurer – Bill Chang Secretary – Shelley Hardy Public Relations Director – Jock Oubichon Borko Dragojlovic – Member Relations (will share equipment management with Ron) All board positions were voted on and seconded by the Board. Only one abstention was duly noted for the Chairman position. Discuss Membership dues. Jock gave input about serving on the board in the past and the club was ready to branch out and start satellite facilities because we had the membership to support this move. Borko reemphasized that we need more members and then offer lessons periodically. Our membership is down and lowering fees will bring in past and new members so we can generate more money for the club. Ron Spencer stated that he believed that more people will join with lower fees and that the club will appeal to more people. Ron Spencer made a motion to reduce membership fees: $50 Adult $100 family (2 members and $10 additional up to total of $130) $30 Junior $ 5 Daily play $ 2 Daily play for Jr’s up to 17 $ 2 Guests from neighboring Mexico The motion was seconded by Jock and passed with one opposing vote by Mark. A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Shelley to revisit the new membership fee structure and donations at the July Board meeting. It was passed unanimously by the board. Discuss Jerry Harris’s email regarding rising city fees for BPAC rental space. There will be a BPAC board meeting February 1 at 6 pm and all SDTTA members are encouraged to attend. Mark and Jerry will draft a note to the city council encouraging them to keep BPAC open and financially low enough that we can afford to pay and play there at our current hours. Mark is proposing a possible joint letter with badminton and volleyball before the SD city council meets. Hardship membership. Suresh who is our representative that members can go to in case of a hardship came to the board about a member claiming hardship. The board passed and the membership was given free for this year to Richard (last name withheld out of respect to member). Discuss 501c Tax Deductable contributions through the Rec. Council. Mark and Jerry Harris will make this proposal to BPAC at the next meeting which is February 1. Rehab Tournament Sat, Feb 5th. Registration 9-9:30 am. Play 10 – 1pm. Connie Hegley is park official for this tournament. Borko, Shelley, and Esteban Sandoval are volunteering to help with this tournament. California State Games. Andre Scot volunteered to attend the meetings receive the materials and take notes. Earl will run the tournament. The board needs to know when the tournament is being held. Executive Director’s report. No report. Webmasters report. No report. The next meeting is February 8, 2011. Motion to adjourn was made by Jock and seconded by James. Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Hardy, SDTTA Secretary